Thursday, August 27, 2020
Abigal Adams essays
Abigal Adams papers Abigail Adams Witness To a Revolution Abigail Adams was conceived on November 11, 1744 at Weymouth, Massachusetts. Abigail was frequently alluded as the spouse of one president and the mother of another. Her Family was of extraordinary distinction in the state. Her dad was a Congregational pastor, a pioneer in a general public that held its pastorate in high regard. Smith was one of Weymouth's generally prosperous and best-instructed residents. In the novel, she discovered that it was the obligation of the blessed to help the individuals who were less lucky by her dad. During her childhood, she was little, delicate youngster with light complexion and dull hair. Abigail was not taught yet her mother needed her to be a woman and thought instruction was for men. Her and her two sisters, Mary and Betsy, were fluctuate near one another. They delighted in inclining to individuals talk about French and Indian war around then. They adored individuals like George Washington who were daring and youthful and when the legislative leader of Virginia put him officer of a gathering of minute men. In 1761 Richard Cranch acquainted John Adams with the Smiths. He thought Abby and her sister Mary were brains. Before long Abigail began to balance d something appealing to John Adams. Sooner or later John Adams discovered business in Weymouth. He and Abigail started to begin to look all starry eyed at one another. John began to educate Abby concerning his childhood. He disclosed to her how he cherished swimming and spending time with companions like John Hancock. He disclosed to her how he needed to be a rancher and how his dad tried him on the off chance that he could deal with it. He said him and his dad went to chip away at the ranch. They stirred the entire day up to their knees in the mud. At that point his dad asked him do you like cultivating John answered yes. In any case, his dad didnt like it and constrained John in going to class. ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Psychology - Aggression Notes Essay Example for Free
Brain research Aggression Notes Essay Assess clarifications of institutional hostility (16 imprints) Strengths In Irwin and Cressey (1962) study they don’t see detainees having one worth. They take a gander at the subcultures inside jail. This shows the idea of the prisoners just as how they were raised and acknowledge different qualities. This is likewise upheld by Blomberg Lucken (2000) concentrate on prisoners. Anyway you could counter this point by saying its reductionist since it decreases down conduct to quantifiable units. Shortcomings Clemmer (1940) or McKorkle and Korn (1954) will in general propose than prisoners brought one all encompassing criminal subculture into the establishment. By adopting this comprehensive strategy they are disregarding the organic methodology. The importation model neglects to give recommendations to how to oversee forceful detainees. Recommending that you can oversee detainees and conflict with their freewill. Despite the fact that they might be forceful it may be a result of how they were sustained. Delisi (2004), it is unscrupulous to part with conceivable private records. This could be viewed as a penetrate of information assurance. This can be connected to Issue and Debates. Particularly the morals and the secrecy. AO3 †4 imprints †how science works: Methodological issues (inner legitimacy, environmental legitimacy, populace legitimacy, dependability) Bias (social predisposition, sex inclination) Discussions (nature/sustain, through and through freedom/determinism, reductionism/comprehensive quality) Approaches (psychodynamic, subjective, transformative, organic, social) morals A decent brain research exposition Be Selective In the test you will just have 30 minutes for each exposition so you wont have the option to compose a similar sum you do at home, in this way it is critical to make a couple of focuses and assess them well (potentially by utilizing contradicting focuses) instead of make heaps of focuses and surge the assessment. You don't need to make reference to everything in the book so as to get a decent imprint, its everything about quality, so simply ensure that on the off chance that you state something, and it is applicable and very much said. Use Evidence If you come to a meaningful conclusion, it is valuable to have proof from examines/investigations to back it up. You dont need to go insane with the technique of these investigations (yet a little wont hurt) however the most significant thing is to state how the examination underpins/doesn't bolster the hypothesis being referred to. It might feel like youre expressing the self-evident, yet this is the thing that additions marks. Use Issues and Debates Determinism, Reductionism, Gender Bias (Alpha and Beta), Culture Bias, Socially Sensitive Research/Theory, Reliability and Validity, just to give some examples! They arent too hard to even consider working into your paper, yet it is significant you clarify what every one methods and how it identifies with the hypothesis being referred to. You wont increase numerous imprints in the event that you show them without clarifying them altogether. Be Synoptic This is extremely significant. Could a thought be better clarified by another methodology? Has examine around there lead to any down to earth applications? (For example, medicines for mental scatters) This will show your comprehension of brain science in more noteworthy detail, and how it is significant, all things considered. Take a gander at the Bigger Picture Does this hypothesis/look into raise or lower the notoriety of brain research as a science? E.g.: does it depend on logical testing or is it theoretical? Have different investigations created comparable discoveries or do different examinations will in general negate its discoveries? Dont be totally negative! Make some positive assessments as well, and when you censure examines, you can generally propose manners by which they could be improved. You are relied upon to show an all encompassing perspective on brain science, and that implies valuing that there are the two qualities and shortcomings to studies and hypotheses. Check the time Remember; you dont have a lot of time to compose your articles in the genuine test, so attempt to adhere to 30 minutes for every exposition. Youll lose more stamps by spending too much time on one paper and insufficient on another, than by composing all expositions, however forgetting about a couple of focuses. When Revising I discover composing point by point paper plans helps, remembering notes for how I would assess. These would be far simpler to remember than entire articles, despite the fact that composing practice papers might be valuable too as it gets you used to time conditions. In the event that you feel yourself getting focused, or you are having an inability to think straight, enjoy a reprieve it is a sign youre buckling down! The best thing for this is to get a beverage (unquestionably keep liquid step up!) get a smidgen of outside air, and set aside some effort to clear your psyche. Regardless of whether it feels like your amendment isnt getting you anyplace, it will be, so dont alarm excessively! The truth is an agonizing thing Its more than likely that you wont have the option to recollect each moment detail, or recall all that you need to state in the test, yet dont let this concern you a lot of simply ensure the focuses you do make are truly all around clarified.
Growth of the World's Cities - Seattle, Washington, United States Assignment
Development of the World's Cities - Seattle, Washington, United States - Assignment Example The Seattle metropolitan zone has more than 3.6 million occupants making the metropolitan region. The noteworthy development of the city’s populace has adversely influenced how the city settles its occupants. In 2006, after the city developed by in excess of 4000 occupants for each year, the Seattle territorial organizers thought of extending the city to suit the expanding populace (Singh, 28). The City of Seattle, which is a Historical Core Municipality, developed 8.0 percent from 564,000 out of 2000 to 609,000 by 2010. This implies the region encountered a solid increment. The cutting edge Seattle is totally not the same as the chronicled Seattle. The extension of the city and the populace in the metropolitan territory has been serious (Singh, 45). As of now, Seattle city presently comprises to under 15% with regards to the metropolitan district populace. In 1950, Seattle city had just about 66% of King County populace and by 2010, the city was not exactly 33% of the populace in King County. While the city has kept on decreasing regarding the region’s populace, the midtown district is losing its noteworthy strength. By 2009, the territory had tumbled to 8% regarding the region’s work (Diers, 32). The inward rural areas in this way the regions that are outside the Seattle city represent right around 90 percent as far as development. Internal rural areas in the metropolitan locale incorporate the Eastern, southern and the northern piece of the King County. These areas experienced half of development hence 1,170,000 to just about 1,320,000. In any event 150,000 new occupants dwelled in the zone. Then again, the external rural areas zones, which incorporate the Snohomish and the Pierce County, developed 15.4 percent along these lines almost twofold Seattle development. On the other hand, the exurban territories development rates nearly took after the external rural areas development whereby the number of inhabitants in these zones developed by just about 15 percent (Singh, 76). A large portion of the urban and populace development in the Seattle district is related with the requirement for individuals to have occupations and a superior life.â â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cadbury India
CADBURY(the promoting systems of Cadbury India Ltd. ) Acknowledgment The fulfillment and happiness that go with the effective finishing of any assignment is deficient without the notice of individuals who made it conceivable. So I accept this as an incredible chance to pen down a couple of lines about the individuals to whom my affirmation is expected. It is with the most profound feeling of appreciation that I wish to put on record my genuine thanks †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. , my venture control for giving me motivation, consolation, direction, help and significant recommendations all through the undertaking. I might likewise want to thank all my respondent for giving me their important time and data. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Chapter by chapter guide Acknowledgment Page No. 1 Part I Chapter 1 Abstract Page No. 2 Chapter 2 Introduction Page No. 6 Chapter 3 Agency Profile Page No. 19 Part II Chapter 4 Research Design Page No. 29 Chapter 5 Servicing Analysis Interpretation Page No. 34 Chapter 6 Data Analysis Page No. 68 Chapter 7 Finding, Conclusion Suggestion Page No. 81 Part III Chapter 8 Appendices Annexure Page No. 6 Chapter 9 Bibliography Page No. 89 PREFACE The accomplishment of any business substance exclusively relies upon how viably does it uses its ideal assets and how before long does it make courses of action for the evacuation of the customer’s complaints. Additionally, the organization ought to consistently be prepared to roll out fundamental improvements as indicated by the necessities so as to draw in more clients in order to keep up a generous development in the market. The theme given to me was: â€Å"JOURNEY TO ZENITH OF CADBURY†I have attempted to invest my best amounts of energy to finish this undertaking based on ability that I have accomplished during my investigations in the organization. I have attempted to invest my most extreme energy to get the exact factual information. On the off chance that there is any blunder or any slip-up in gathering the information, if you don't mind right it in the most ideal manner as I am as yet learning. Section 1 Introduction The Cadbury’s Inc has accepted the open door to offer us a more extensive perspective on chocolate class. The Cadbury India’s no. 1 Chocolate can impart to their market bits of knowledge dependent on unmatched breath of chocolate experience. Cadbury has developed from solidarity to quality with new advances being acquainted with make the Cadbury confectionary business, one of the most proficient on the planet. The converge in 1969 with Schweppes and the resulting advancement of the business have prompted Cadbury Schweppes taking the drove in both, the confectionary and soda pop market intech UK and turning into a significant power in the universal market. Cadbury Schweppes today fabricates item in 60 nations and an exchange amazing 120. The Cadbury story is a captivating story of a privately-run company that developed in one of the greatest, most cherished chocolate brand on the planet. A story that you will recall as the tale of â€Å"The taste of life†. Part 2 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT My principle goal of the investigation on this undertaking is to show the advertising methodologies of Cadbury India Ltd. What's more, to show up at my discoveries, I have completed hardly any investigations:- (a) SWOT Analysis (b) PEST Analysis And likewise 5 P’s of Marketing:- †¢ Product †¢ Price †¢ Physical Distribution †¢ Promotion †¢ Positioning CHAPTER-3 RESERCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Achieving precision in any examination requires inside and out investigation with respect to the subject. As the prime goal of the venture is to contrast Cadbury and the current rivals in the market and the effect of Nestle on Cadbury, the examination technique embraced is fundamentally founded on essential information by means of which the latest and precise bit of direct data could be gathered. Auxiliary information has been utilized to help essential information any place required. Essential information was gathered utilizing the accompanying procedures Questionnaire Method Observation Method The fundamental instrument utilized was, the survey technique, perception strategy has been persistent with the poll strategy, as one constantly watches the general condition he works in. Strategy of research system # Target geographic territory was Delhi. NCR and Aligarh. # To these topographical territory survey was given. # Finally the gathered information and data was investigated and aggregated to come to information the end result and proposals given. Wellsprings of auxiliary Used to acquire data on , Cadbury and its rival history, current issues, arrangements, strategies and so forth, any place required. # Internet # Magazines Newspapers CHAPTER-4 ABOUT CADBURY THE LEGEND CALLED CADBURY 1824 †A business was opened in 1824 by a youthful Quaker, John Cadbury, in Bull road Birmingham was to be the establishment of Cadbury Limited, presently one of the world’s biggest maker of chocolate. 1831 †By this year the business had transformed from a basic food item shop a nd John Cadbury had become a producer of drinking chocolate and cocoa. This was the beginning of Cadbury producing business as today is known. A bigger production line in Bridge Street Birmingham was leased in 1847, John Cadbury was joined by his sibling Birmingham and the business became Cadbury Brother of Birmingham. 861 †John Cadbury surrendered his business and gave over to his children, Richard, 25 and George, 21 who following 5 troublesome years nearly shut down the business to take up other occupation. Luckily for age of chocolate sweethearts, they didn’t. 1866 †Saw a defining moment for the organization with the presentation of a procedure for squeezing the cocoa spread from the coca beans. This not just empowered Cadbury Brothers to deliver unadulterated coca quintessence, yet the ample flexibly of coca spread remaining was additionally used to make new sort of eating chocolate. The embodiment was publicized as ‘Absolutely unadulterated, in this way best’. 1879 †Business thrived from this time and Cadbury Brother grew out of the Bridge Street plant, moving in 1879 to a ‘Greenfield’ site a few miles from the focal point of Birmingham which came to call Bourneville. The opening of the Cadbury production line in a nursery additionally proclaimed another time in mechanical relations and worker government assistance with joint conference being only one of the presented by the spearheading Cadbury Brothers. 1899 †In this year the business private restricted organization †Cadbury Brothers Limited advancement since the beginning of the century. Chocolate has moved being a â€Å"luxury†thing to well inside the budgetary reach of everybody. 1905 †Cadbury has numerous well known brands with one of significant example of overcoming adversity being Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate propelled in 1905, today Britain’s most loved moduled chocolate bar. Cadbury today is the market chief in the U. K chocolate confectionary advertise, utilizing the most developed handling innovation and the board data and control strategies. The organization is the confectionary division of Cadbury Schweppes plc which is significant power in the confectionary and soda pops global market. Overall Cadbury is one of the pre †prominent names in confectionary with amazing scope of renowned brands. Quality has been the focal point of the Cadbury business from the earliest starting point as ages have attempted to create chocolate with that exceptionally unique taste, perfection and snap, so attributes of Cadbury’s chocolate. Hierarchical STRUCTURE Design Development Milk chocolate for eating was first made by Cadbury in 1897 by adding milk powder glue to the dim chocolate formula of cocoa mass, cocoa spread and sugar. By today’s norms this chocolate was not especially acceptable as it was extremely coarse and dry and was not sweet or smooth enough for open tastes. Around then there was a lot of rivalry in the U. K from mainland fabricates, the French with their extravagant chocolates as well as from the Swiss, who were eminent for their milk chocolate. Driven by George Cadbury junior, the Bourneville specialists set out to address the difficulty. A lot of time and cash was spent on investigate and new plant configuration to create the new chocolate in much huge amounts. Another formula was planned new milk and new creation forms were created to deliver milk †chocolate not only on a par with Swiss chocolate however superior to the imported milk chocolate. Four years of difficult work were put resources into the undertaking and in 1905 what was to be Cadbury’s top selling brand was propelled. Three names were viewed as Jersey, Highland Milk and Dairy Maid. Dairy Maid became Dairy Milk and Cadbury’s Dairy Milk with its interesting flavor and smooth rich surface was prepared to challenge the Swiss mastery of the milk chocolate showcase. By 1913 it had become the company’s smash hit line and in the mid twenties Cadbury’s Dairy Milk picked up its status as the brand chief, a place that it has held from that point forward. Today in excess of 250 million bars of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk are made each year and deals reach more than 100 million Pound in esteem. While publicizing and name configuration have changed with style and extensive steps have been made in assembling advances, the formula for Cadbury’s Dairy Milk its ‘glass and a portion of full cream milk in each half pound produced’ is still essentially equivalent to when it was propelled. Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Story Chocolate has been delighted in by progressive age since the assembling procedure was created in the Victorian Times. Great chocolatiers is a work of art relying upon formula conventions, which have become throughout the years. Chocolatiers have utilize their aptitudes to make adjusted formula where all the fixings join to delivered chocolate with all the attributes that empower full delightful taste to be appreciated
Cambridge Essay Samples - Know When to Use Them
Cambridge Essay Samples - Know When to Use ThemMost students do not take the time to find out the good Cambridge essay samples and decide which one is best for them. Why do you think that is so?When you go through life, you find out that people are not always what they seem. That is because people only have two options. One is to deny and the other is to admit and that is why most people tend to forget the first option.As a matter of fact, a lot of people are faced with these two choices and it is in that moment that they will give their best shot for a job interview. Many would admit that they are not very good at it or even worse that they are not ready for it. The result is that they land themselves in a situation where they will be turned down.In this situation, it is easy to understand why some people do not consider going to college and opting to go to academic courses in order to be a better person. These people are more than ready to get a job even if they have to work from h ome. It is only when they realize that going to school is the way to improve their skills that they make the decision to do so.When you find yourself at a point like this, it is best to take your time and see what works best for you because you never know what your real world is going to throw at you. In the same way, the same applies to Cambridge essay samples.If you want to know if you are wasting your time going to school when there are plenty of better options available, then you can start by checking out some online forums. By doing so, you will be able to find out about the various types of samples that are available and the ways you can use them.Once you have checked those out, it is time to start looking at the pros and cons of those learning strategies. You can then decide for yourself if this is something that you want to take on full time.That is the good thing about online forums, they help you take your time. You can then decide how long it is going to take for you to b uild up your resume and look for a job.
Monday, June 29, 2020
2019 Best Brightest Emma Wernecke, Notre Dame (Mendoza)
Emma Wernecke 2019 Best Brightest: Emma Wernecke, Notre Dame (Mendoza) by: Jeff Schmitt on March 21, 2019 | 0 Comments Comments 1,138 Views March 21, 2019Emma WerneckeUniversity of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Businessâ€Å"Energetic leader, creative thinker, travel-enthusiast, and Georgia peach learning to thrive in Midwest winters.†Fun fact about yourself: I lived alone in New York City when I was 15 and 16 years old to train with professional ballet company summer programs.Hometown: Peachtree City, GeorgiaHigh School: Starr’s Mill High SchoolMajor: Information Technology ManagementMinor: Concentration in Business AnalyticsFavorite Business Course: Business Problem Solving, Systems Analysis and DesignExtracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:Honors:Eugene D. Fanning Award for Business Communication Finalist 2018Beta Gamma Sigma Honor SocietyDean’s List (4 years)Leadership:Mendoza College of Business Peer MentorUndergraduate Women in Business MentorConsulting Case Interview Workshop LeaderTeaching Assistant; Application DevelopmentTeaching Assistant; Statistical Inference for BusinessTutor; Accounting IActivities:PR Manager, Choreographer, Dancer; Notre Dame Dance CompanyTour Guide; Office of Undergraduate AdmissionsMedia Relations Intern; Athletics Communications OfficeLondon Study Abroad programWelcome Weekend CaptainCommunity Work: Keychains 4 CURE, founder and ownerChildhood Cancer Awareness speaker at various eventsWhere have you interned during your college career?CURE Childhood Cancer (Atlanta, Georgia) Patient and Family Services InternStryker Corporation (Kalamazoo, Michigan) Emergency Medical Services Marketing InternErnst Young (Chicago, Illinois) Risk Advisory InternWhere will you be working after graduation? McKinsey Company – Business AnalystWho is your favorite professor? Sharif Nijim – In addition to making me fall in love with the IT major, Sharif constantly shared his b ig heart with our class through dropping tidbits of wisdom. Despite being insanely busy as the Senior Director for IT Delivery at Notre Dame – not to mention a professor, a graduate student, and a father – he always makes time for his students. He is someone I can rely on for honest insight and advice, and I look forward to staying in touch after graduation. Thank you for being you, Sharif!What did you enjoy most about your business school? I could say countless wonderful things about my experience at Mendoza, but what I have appreciated most is the school’s mission to â€Å"Ask More of Business.†The professors design classes to include hands-on project experiences to make us think as business leaders and develop our abilities to use business as a force for good in the world. This mission encourages students to stay grounded and responsible as we pursue careers after graduation. It’s one thing to teach students how to become successful businesspeo ple, but it’s another thing to transform them into quality business leaders.What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? More than anything else, studying business has taught me to believe in myself and set high goals. Through my classes and with the support of my professors and peers, I have gained confidence in my public speaking, ability to connect with others, ability to lead and motivate a team, my organization and time management. When I first started recruiting and interviewing, despite having faith in my abilities, I was often intimidated and overwhelmed by the intensity of the entire process. However, I have proved to myself throughout my time in Mendoza that I can achieve what I set my mind to, and I should always aim high. One of my favorite motivational quotes is â€Å"She thought she could and so she did,†and I believe it has really described my development as a result of studying business.What advice would you give to a student looking t o major in a business-related field? I believe that studying business can give you a very well-rounded and comprehensive education in which you gain technical, leadership, and presentation skillsets that are potentially difficult to cultivate in other fields. Use the many opportunities to build your confidence and refine your skills. Be creative, find your passions, and commit yourself to become a transformative and motivating leader.What has surprised you most about majoring in business? Business is the foundation of innovation and progress for our world! I have been surprised by the vast number of paths and different opportunities there are to pursue†¦ and if something doesn’t already exist, then it can be created! Before my time at Mendoza, I didn’t realize that there are so many doors that open when you stay connected with a strong network and have enriching conversations. â€Å"If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying†¦Forensics/Criminal Justice. I know the field is far more in-depth than my favorite TV show Criminal Minds leads us to believe, but I used to fantasize about becoming an FBI or CIA agent, using technology, psychology, and analytics to solve problems and protect our country.Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? My dad, who manages the Charter Department for Delta Air Lines, most influenced my decision to pursue business. He essentially created his niche department, in which the airline charters professional and college teams to all of their games, and he overcame many challenges to grow it from a $15 million business to a $360 million business for Delta. From childhood, I was always curious about his job: it became habit to ask what he did each day at work and to truly understand it (as well as insert my own perspective). He has always encouraged me to stay inquisitive, to connect with others, and to reach for the stars. I look up to him as a business role model and admire his perseverance, steadiness, and positivity.What academic or professional achievement are you most proud? I am proud of my drive to make a difference, especially for those who need it most. During my junior year of high school, I started a small business, Keychains 4 CURE, to raise money to support childhood cancer research. What started as an idea and a set of homemade keychains to sell at small community events turned into online national sales, participation in national childhood cancer events, and thousands of dollars donated to CURE Childhood Cancer. Since that time, my whole family has become involved with the cause, with my dad now sitting on the Board of Directors for CURE. I take any opportunity I have to speak about childhood cancer to raise awareness, and I enjoy spending time with children in our local pediatric oncology unit when I get the chance. My parents instilled in me the importance of giving back from a young age, and I am grateful to attend a b usiness school where this social responsibility is so emphasized!Which classmate do you most admire? I truly admire my dear friend, Kirsten Snook. She is an extremely smart, talented, and dedicated individual with a huge heart, and from our first ever Notre Dame Dance Company auditions to now, her support of me has been constant. However, not only does she support me†¦ I admire how much of a role model she is for my younger sister who is pursuing the same field of medicine. When I cannot provide the best advice for my sister, I know Kirsten can help. Although I typically don’t enjoy going to the doctor, I can’t wait to visit the future Dr. Snook!Who would you most want to thank for your success? There are too many people that have been instrumental in my personal, academic, and professional growth to thank just one. So, a HUGE thank you to every single family member, friend, professor, classmate, co-worker, peer, and mentor who has supported me and challenged me t o grow and succeed. I am beyond grateful, and I would not be who I am today without their unwavering support.What are the top two items on your bucket list? Complete the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage across northern Spain!Publish a children’s book. When I was younger, I had a very vivid dream that inspired me to write a picture book called If My Closet Were a Mall. I hope that one day I will fulfill 2nd grade Emma’s dream and actually write it!What are your hobbies? Dancing, traveling, running, yoga, making to-do lists, crossing things off the aforementioned lists, belting out musical theatre songs in the carWhat made Emma such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2019?â€Å"Emma was a student in my fall 2018 undergraduate Business Problem Solving course. This course is a fast-paced and intensive course where students are required to solve complex business problems in a compressed timeframe. Students receive problems from top consulting firms, and over the c ourse of the week, structure the problem, define the important considerations and present back a well-supported recommendation to the panel of consultants. Students are evaluated based on their recommendation, and their ability to present back a convincing recommendation.Throughout the class, Emma demonstrated a strong ability to work on client problems in a team environment and to deliver back solutions in a clear and concise way. Emma consistently received excellent marks from the panel of consultants throughout the semester. And beyond the firms, Emma was ranked as a top presenter by her peers in every presentation.Beyond the client projects, Emma has impressed me with her professionalism, work ethic, and positive attitude. Emma was a consistent and excellent contributor to classroom discussions. She always came prepared and frequently built off the comments of others.Her work ethic was consistently demonstrated in individual assignments. She cared about her work, and it show ed. The final semester project she decided to tackle a larger problem than was required, focused around addressing the strategic growth needs of a non-profit in her hometown, specifically around raising more awareness and funding. Emma spent time getting to understand the needs of the stakeholders and delivered a thoughtful and professional recommendation to the board of directors. I will be using Emma’s approach and work product as an example for years to come.Emma’s positive attitude is contagious. She always has a smile on her face and a warm and kind welcome for everyone. I saw this first-hand in her interactions with her team and classmates, but this was further instilled as I read the peer evaluations she completed. She took the time to provide thoughtful feedback for every member of her team on their strengths and opportunities for improvement.†Wendy Angst Associate Teaching Professor Asst. Dept. Chair, Management Page 1 of 11
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Analysis Of Frederick Douglass s Working Class...
Frederick Douglass’s speech on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Emancipation in the District of Columbia on April 16, 1888 revealed the rage that Douglass had felt upon witnessing the conditions of his fellow black men in the South, particularly in Georgia and South Carolina. In his address he defined the liberation of African Americans from slavery as a fraud as white supremacy in the South has enabled white men to continuously hold dominance over black people. This dominance was not only prevalent in the ubiquitous presence of whites in the Congress, but also in the laws that put black working class under the control over their white employers. Tara Hunter’s â€Å"Working Class Neighborhoods and Everyday Life†similarly discusses the†¦show more content†¦The power that white men possess, particularly in the South, has become so great that black people’s liberty is not guaranteed despite Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Tara Hunter offers the mass incarceration of black men and women as an example of the different methods the South had utilized in order to enslave black people. In the 1860s, public demands to end police brutality towards African-Americans arose as police officers arrested and imprisoned black folks on the basis of getting higher salaries and promotions. According to Hunter, 60% of individuals arrested in Atlanta in the 1880s were black men, despite black men only constituting 44% of the population. 80% of black women were also apprehended, 90% of them were actually sent to jail, but yet again black women only made up half of the female population. This mass incarceration of black people benefitted the state as they were sent to work in chain gangs to perform physical labour as form of â€Å"punishment†, which in reality was an alternative to slavery. Therefore, although in legal terms slavery was abolished, to believe that this was the reality being practiced is nonsensical. Furthermore, Douglass uses the condition of the black plantation workers to strengthen his claim. These plantation workers are systematically and comprehensively swindled of his earnings through the trucking system. This device allowsShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPerspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Blood Donation Persuasive Speaking - 1497 Words
Persuasive Speech: Donate Blood Summary: Objective essay to persuade people to give blood. Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience to go out and give blood Introduction: I. Imagine your father has just suffered a heart attack and must undergo open-heart surgery in order to repair the damage. II. Imagine your little nephew or niece baby was born with a heart defect and required daily transfusions of blood in order to have a chance at survival. III. Imagine your best friend has just been diagnosed with leukemia, a disease requiring regular transfusions of platelets. IV. Not very nice images are they, but these things happen and unfortunately some of you may even have experienced them already. A. Naturally youd†¦show more content†¦But one needle Ill gladly put up with when stuck in my arm is the one that is offered up by the American Red Cross ( during their bi-monthly blood drives. What do they say about donating blood? Its the gift that keeps on giving? Well, research has added another feather into its cap when it comes to donating blood: not only is it good for your local community blood supply, but its good for your own as well. Thats according to a new study published by the American Medical Association (, that found that giving blood every six months led to fewer heart attacks and strokes in test participants ages 43 to 61. According to, excessive iron is thought to contribute to heart disease, especially at its early stages. Donating blood on a regular basis reduces the iron stores in the body and this study supports the theory that reducing iron appears to preserve heart and vascular health.What a win/win situation, huh? Give blood to someone who needs it and do your own body good at the same time. Whats more, regular blood donations may help keep the bodys circulatory system healthy by reducing stores of iron, but the effect may not work for older people. The site points out that over a period of six years, researchers examined more than 1,200 men and women, aged 43 to 87, who had peripheral arterial disease, a condition in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow toShow MoreRelatedPublic Speaking Reflection898 Words  | 4 Pages Like some people, public speaking is not my forte. When I enrolled in speech communication class, I believed that this class will be a great opportunity for me to improve on one of my biggest weaknesses, and at the end, which I believe has successfully improved on. From delivering the speeches in class and also being a listener to speeches of other members of the class has been an interesting experience. When I initially began this class, I had little knowledge on what is in store aside from thatRead MoreEssay on Outline for Organ Donation Speech1009 Words  | 5 PagesStudent Name: ashley singer Speech Type: Persuasive Organ Donation Organization Type: Comparative Advantages Pattern Attention Getter Type: Story, Quotation, or Poem Conclusion Type: Summary Goal/Purpose persuade my audience to give the gift of life and become organ donors. Introduction I. I have always decided i wanted to dedicate my organs to others once i have oassed but it was not until January of this year i learned the true value behind organ donation. II. Last January my brother was pronouncedRead MorePersuasive Speech Essay1278 Words  | 6 PagesJoseph Froehle Public Speaking Class Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Organ Donation Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention material/Credibility Material: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it wasRead MorePersuasive Speech1777 Words  | 8 PagesPersuasive speech outline purpose: To persuade my audience to donate blood through the American Red Cross. Introduction: 1. Did you know that blood donated to the American Red Cross saves XXX lives per year? 2. People should give blood because it is easy and though there might be a little pain involved it is worth it because it saves so many lives and you get great snacks. Body: I. Giving blood is easy a. It only takes about an hour b. You just lay back and let the nurses do the work c. ItRead MoreCbse Class 12 English Functional Sample Paper-01 (for 2013)5281 Words  | 22 Pages300-500 words in length (4 marks for word attack skills) 08 12 The passages or poems could be of any one of the following types Factual passages e.g. illustrations, description, reports Discursive passages involving opinion e.g. argumentative, persuasive Literary passages e.g. poems, extracts from fiction, biography, autobiography, travelogue etc. In the case of a poem, the text may be shorter than the prescribed word limit. SECTION B EFFECTIVE WRITING SKILLS 3. One out of two short writing tasksRead MorePersuasive Communication Theory9998 Words  | 40 PagesPersuasive Communication Theory in Social Psychology: A Historical Perspective Icek Ajzen University of Massachusetts – Amherst From M. J. Manfredo (Ed) (1992). Influencing Human Behavior: Theory and Applications in Recreation and Tourism (pp 1– 27). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing. Persuasive Communication Theory Page 1 Few subjects in social psychology have attracted as much interest and attention as persuasive communication. One of the first topics to be systematically investigated, persuasionRead MoreThe Role of Advertising in Marketing Communications9872 Words  | 40 PagesMailings Brochures and booklets Premiums and gifts Arts Seminars Samples Telemarketing Posters and leaflets Fairs and trade shows Causes Annual reports Fairs and trade shows Electronic shopping Directories Demonstration Factory tours Charitable donations TV shopping Billboards Coupons Company museums Publications Fax mail Display signs Rebates Street activities Community relations E – mail Point – of – purchase displays Low – interest financing Lobbying Voice mail Audio visual materialRead MoreLanguage of Advertising20371 Words  | 82 Pageswithout trying to sell a specific product. This type of advertising is designed solely to build prestige and public respect. For nonprofit institutions, such advertising helps support the institution`s activities – for example, by encouraging blood donations or cash contributions for the work of an organization like the Red Cross. A for-profit business has other reasons for improving its reputation rather than trying to sell a particular product. In some cases a large company may sell a diversityRead MoreWorking in a Health and Social Care Setting8694 Words  | 35 Pagesclients more than the full cost of their treatment/service. Voluntary- the voluntary section include housing associations. They receive help from unpaid volunteers but they also have some paid employees. Funding comes from charity events, fees, donations and grants from the local authorities. Factors influencing the availability of jobs Factors affecting the availability of jobs include such things as; Demographics – fertility rate (how many children are born each year), aging population (amountRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagesa book that can help transform dry and rather remote concepts into practical reality, and lead to lively class discussions, and even debates. In the gentle environment of the classroom, students can hone their analytical skills and also their persuasive skillsâ€â€not selling products but selling their ideasâ€â€and defend them against critical scrutiny. This is great practice for the arena of business to come. NEW TO THIS EDITION In contrast to the early editions, which examined only notable mistakes
Friday, May 15, 2020
Using Miscue Analysis to Diagnose Reading Difficulties
Miscue analysis is a means to use a running record for diagnosis to identify students specific difficulties. Not only is the running record a way to identify reading rate and reading accuracy, but it also is a way to assess reading behaviors and identify reading behaviors that need support. A miscue analysis is a great way to get some authentic information about a students reading skills, and a means to identify specific weaknesses. Many screening tools will give you a down and dirty estimate of a childs reading proficiency but provide little useful information for designing appropriate interventions. The Miscues to Look for During a Miscue Analysis CorrectionA common sign of a competent reader, a correction is a miscue that the student corrects in order to make sense of the word in the sentence. InsertionAn insertion is a word(s) added by the child that is not in the text. OmissionDuring oral reading, the student omits a word that changes the meaning of the sentence. RepetitionThe student repeats a word or portion of the text. ReversalA child will reverse the order of the print or the word. (from instead of form, etc.) SubstitutionInstead of reading the word in the text, a child substitutes a word that may or may not make sense in the passage. What Do the Miscues Tell You? CorrectionThis is good! We want readers to self-correct. However, is the reader reading too fast? Is the reader miscorrecting accurate reading? If so, the reader often doesnt see himself as a good reader. InsertionDoes the inserted word detract from meaning? If not, it may just mean the reader is making sense but also inserts. The reader may also be reading too fast. If the insertion is something like using finished for finish, this should be addressed. OmissionWhen words are omitted, it may mean weaker visual tracking. Determine if the meaning of the passage is affected or not. If not, omissions can also be the result of not focusing or reading too fast. It may also mean the sight vocabulary is weaker. RepetitionLots of repetition may indicate that the text is too difficult. Sometimes readers repeat when theyre uncertain and will repeat the word(s) to keep the words coming as they regroup. ReversalWatch for altered meaning. Many reversals happen with young readers with high-frequency words. It may also indicate that the student has difficulty with scanning the text, left to right. SubstitutionsSometimes a child will use a substitution because they dont understand the word being read. Does the substitution make sense in the passage, is it a logical substitution? If the substitution does not change the meaning, it is often enough to help the child focus on accuracy, because he/she is reading from meaning, the most important skill. Creating the Miscue Instrument It is often helpful to have the text copied so you can make notes directly on the text. A double-spaced copy can be helpful. Create a key for each miscue, and be sure to write the substitution or pre-correction above the word that was miscued so you can identify the pattern later. Reading A-Z provides assessments with the first books at each reading level that provide both the text (for notes) and columns of each of the miscue types. Performing a Miscue Analysis Miscue analysis is an important diagnostic tool that should be done every 6 to 8 weeks to give a sense if reading interventions are addressing the students needs. Making sense of the miscues will help you with the next steps to improve the childs reading. It is worthwhile to have a few questions prepared that let you know about the childs comprehension of the passage read as miscue analysis tends to rely on advising you of the strategies used. Miscue analysis may seem time-consuming initially, however, the more you do, the easier the process gets. Use unfamiliar text, not something the child knows from memory.A miscue analysis will be inaccurate when administered to an emerging reader, but the information may still be of value.Give the student some choice in the reading selection.You will need a quiet place without interruptions, it can be very handy to record the child which provides you with an opportunity to listen to the passage more than once.Photocopy the selection the student will read, use this to record the miscues.Record each miscue. (Use hyphens for skipped words, record each substitution (ie, went for when), use for insertion and record the word(s), circle omitted words, underline repeated words, you may also want to use // for repeated words.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How the Media Influences the Public Perception of Science...
Sometimes careless science publishing can weaken the public’s confidence in science and the government. The Media is enormously powerful and leading and will influence people’s opinions on everything. There are plenty of stories in the media that will change the public’s perception of science or even make them see a new perception. Sometimes these stories are just written to scare the public into believing a certain thing just so they can sell their stories. Stories sometimes are true and sometimes they are false but it is up to the public to believe in what is right and what is wrong. In this day and age, where information is available at the touch of a mouse, it’s not surprising that the media is a particularly dominant and powerful†¦show more content†¦The tabloid newspaper is the Sun and the broadsheet newspaper is the Times. Firstly I will analyse the story written by the Sun, this tabloid covered the same story as the Times and therefore we can find out their intentions. The Sun had the following bold headline â€Å"Deadly strain confirmed†, I can clearly see from the start that they are trying to create a scare in the public and capture the reader’s attention very fast, this is because they don’t tell you what deadly strain they are talking about, if I were to see this in a newspaper lying around I would pick it up because it already got me worried and caught my attention. This has made me think, are they trying to inform the reader or just trying to sell their story? You only learn what the deadly strain is after you read paragraph 1 so this proves my point. On the 3rd paragraph the Sun states the following â€Å"the swan had the strain which can be fatal to humans.†Instead of just using â€Å"the swan had the H5N1 strain†the Sun chooses to create more of an impact by using the word â€Å"fatal†and implying it to humans. This makes the beginning of the article to cause fear, evoke an element of alarm and perhaps imply that the readers should be fearful for their own health. The article also mentions experts rushing to the scene toShow MoreRelatedMedia and Politics: Agenda Setting and Framing Essay examples863 Words  | 4 PagesHow has media influenced public perception of political figures, issues, and institutions? Through agenda setting and framing, media has the power to set the agenda for political discussion by providing public attention to political figures, issues, and institutions. In addition, the media can frame political agendas by influencing public perception and interpretation. (Ginsberg, Lowi Weir, 1999) Agenda Setting and Framing Political Figures and Candidates In campaigning, media coverage playsRead More Media And Politics: Agenda Setting And Framing Essay871 Words  | 4 Pages How has media influenced public perception of political figures, issues, and institutions? 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The Philosophical Works Of Descartes Essay - 1690 Words
Renà © Descartes 1641 Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1996. This file is of the 1911 edition of The Philosophical Works of Descartes (Cambridge University Press), translated by Elizabeth S. Haldane. Prefatory Note To The Meditations. The first edition of the Meditations was published in Latin by Michael Soly of Paris â€Å"at the Sign of the Phoenix†in 1641 cum Privilegio et Approbatione Doctorum. The Royal â€Å"privilege†was indeed given, but the â€Å"approbation†seems to have been of a most indefinite kind. The reason of the book being published in France and not in Holland, where Descartes was living in a charming country house at Endegeest near Leiden, was apparently his fear that the Dutch ministers might in some way lay hold of it. His friend, Pere Mersenne, took charge of its publication in Paris and wrote to him about any difficulties that occurred in the course of its progress through the press. The second edition was however published at Amsterdam in 1642 by Louis Elzevir, and this edition was accompanied by the now completed â€Å"Objections and Replies.†1 The edition from which the present translation is made is the second just mentioned, and is that adopted by MM. Adam and Tannery as the more correct, for reasons that they state in detail in the preface to their edition. The work was translated into French by the Duc de Luynes in 1642 and Descartes considered the translation so excellent that he had it published some years later. Clerselier, to complete matters, had theShow MoreRelated Descartes Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pages In the early 17th century a philosopher named Descartes, questioned his existence. His life was dedicated to the founding of a philosophical and mathematical system in which all sciences were logical. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Descartes was born in 1596 in Touraine, France. His education consisted of attendance to a Jesuit school of La Fleche. He studied a liberal arts program that emphasized philosophy, the humanities, science, and math. He then went on to the University of Poitiers whereRead MoreThe Philosophical View Of Empiricism1382 Words  | 6 Pages Today in society, many people are free to follow which ever philosophical view that they feel is right for them. Each philosophical view has a different set of beliefs, and many philosophers went through great lengths to prove that the philosophical view of their choice was the best one. In this paper I will be talking about two philosophical theories. The first one is called Empiricism, and it was made famous by a philosopher named David Hume. Empiricism states that our knowledge should comeRead MoreRationalism Vs Empiricism : Rationalism Versus Empiricism1385 Words  | 6 PagesDodely Dolce â€Å"Rationalism vs Empiricism†Today in society, many people are free to follow whichever philosophical view that they feel is right for them. Each philosophical view has a different set of beliefs, and many philosophers went through great lengths to prove that the philosophical view of their choice was the best one. In this paper I will be talking about two philosophical theories. The first one is called Empiricism, and it was made famous by a philosopher named David Hume. EmpiricismRead MoreDescartes Belief in God Essay1503 Words  | 7 PagesDescartes and God In his groundbreaking work, Meditations on First Philosophy, the French philosopher Rene Descartes lays the groundwork for many philosophical principles by attempting to â€Å"establish a bold and lasting knowledge†(171)1. The foundations for knowledge Descartes established would go on to influence a plethora of other philosophers and philosophical works. Descartes argues in his meditations first from the point of view of complete skepticism, using skepticism as a tool in order toRead MoreThe Philosophical Issue Of Knowledge1237 Words  | 5 Pagesthis project, the philosophical issue is how do we acquire knowledge? Acquisition of knowledge is a culture that is very important in the day to day life of each individual. The world itself revolves around knowledge, it is through knowledge that we can get to grow as human beings either in or academics, careers and in life at general. Epistemology has been well explained by the well re-known philosophers such as David Hume and R ene Descartes. This paper focuses on a philosophical issue: how we acquireRead More Weaknesses of Descartes Arguments Essays1641 Words  | 7 PagesDescartes was incorrect and made mistakes in his philosophical analysis concerning understanding the Soul and the foundation of knowledge. Yes, he coined the famous phrase, â€Å"I think therefore I am,†but the rest of his philosophical conclusions fail to be as solid (Meditation 4; 32). Descartes knew that if he has a mind and is thinking thoughts then he must be something that has the ability to think. While he did prove that he is a thinking thing that thinks (Meditation 3; 28), he was unable toRead MoreDescartes: Proofs of God/Deception and Error Essay1093 Words  | 5 PagesDescartes: Proofs of God/Deception and Error Instructions: First: Analyze and evaluate the two proofs of Gods existence. How are they different? Is one more convincing than the other? Why did Descartes think he needed two proofs? Do they do different work for him? And secondly: Does Descartes give a satisfactory account of human error, given a perfect and divine creator? Are Descartes arguments convincing, or does it still seem unnecessary and less than perfect that God created us withRead MoreDescartes Notion Of Why We Exist935 Words  | 4 Pagescoincide this with Rene Descartes’ notion of why we exist. It is fascinating to examine the process by which Descartes took to completely dismantle everything he knows in his pursuit towards explaining different truths throughout the world. I think Descartes came to the realization that he was perceiving things incorrectly in his life which disappointed him. Descartes understands this because he is basing all of his incoming information about the world through his senses. Descartes is puzzled by hisRead MoreMontaigne and Descartes on Doubting1571 Words  | 7 PagesMontaigne and Descartes Montaigne and Descartes both made use of a philosophical method that focused on the use of doubt to make discoveries about themselves and the world around them. However, they doubted different things. Descartes doubted all his previous knowledge from his senses, while Montaigne doubted that there were any absolute certainties in knowledge. Although they both began their philosophical processes by doubting, Montaigne doubting a constant static self, and Descartes doubted thatRead MoreMeditations on First Philosophy Essay examples1290 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Cogito ergo sum;†I think therefore I am. This philosophical statement stimulated a renaissance in the field of philosophy, creating modern Western philosophy as is known today. This important notion was dictated by Rene Descartes in his 1641 metaphysics work, Mediations on First Philosophy, and influenced all modern philosophical works written after Descartes revolutionary achievement. This work was written at a tim e when modern physics was being developed as a mathematization of nature. The principles
Great Expectations- Miss Havisham free essay sample
Great Expectations (Prompt 2) Miss Havisham is a wealthy, but odd old lady who lives secluded with her daughter Estella Havisham. Miss Havisham was left at the altar by her fiance and lives her life dwelling in the past, hung up on losing the love of her life. She wears her wedding dress (that is now yellowing from age) and has every clock in her estate stopped at the exact minute that she found out that the man she loved, left her. The reader will quickly notice that Miss Havisham is a bit of a â€Å"fruit cake†as she is often hostile towards men and seeks her vengence on them for the loss of her fiance. She also wears only one shoe, b/c she found out about her husband-to-be leaving before she was able to put the other on. Miss Havisham adopts Estella as her own (unable to move on from the break up, her only other option was to adopt) and raises her to hate men and uses her as a tool for her own revenge on the men of the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Expectations- Miss Havisham or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This however hurts the relationship between Pip and her daughter Estella because she is unable to see that she is causing the same kind of pain that was inflicted upon her as Estella decides against being with Pip and leaves him for another man. In seeing this, Miss Havisham decides that she must beg for Pip’s forgiveness for causing more pain to another’s life in such a manner that she is able to relate to. Miss Havisham is a dynamic character in this book that changes her ways and realizes that other people are being hurt by her actions. After she is left at the altar, she becomes an insane, revenge driven woman on a mission to in a way hurt all men because of what was done to her (obviously why she decided to adopt a female). With this in mind, one can say that Miss Havisham is wrongfully stereotyping all men because of the actions of one. As the story progresses she realizes this and changes her actions. That is what makes Miss Havisham a dynamic character in â€Å"Great Expectations. â€
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
My Autobiography Hoping to Change the World Essay Example For Students
My Autobiography Hoping to Change the World Essay Ive always been told that I was going to be a failure and nothing but a big disappointment. However, I didnt let the negative comments keep me from succeeding. Graduation night was one of the happiest moment of my life. At that moment, I proved myself to everyone who was against me. I see myself as an overcomer and a determined young lady, whose plans are to succeed. All worldly things put aside, Im not religious, but I believe that there is a God. I think that not only has my relationship with Christ has become better, but my mind, heart, and soul is stronger. I am an outgoing, outspoken, and a curious person. If I have a question I will not hesitate to ask. Around my friends, Im the sarcastic, yet serious person that cheers everybody up. I just try to take all the hostile situations and turn them into laughable moments. Maintaining my physical, mental, and emotional well-being, are key parts to how I see myself. So I make time for them equally throughout my day. I work out everyday, twice a day, with my friend, Char, so my physical well-being is improving. I go to God for my mental and emotional well-being, because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Im very opened minded, so the things Im interested in have no limits. Some of the basic things I enjoy doing are singing, laughing, reading, and I love outdoors activities. My talents vary Im a great listener, observer, and very comprehensive. How I present myself and act around people is very important to me. I exercise my manners by being respectful and considerate. I trust everyone until you give me a reason to do otherwise. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I learned a long time ago that no matter what you do, people are going to always have something negative to say about you. I think other people see me as a hilarious, friendly, and very blunt person who has goals set to achieve. My ideal self consists of God completely taking over my life, and showing me my purpose for living. I want him to install in me patience and understanding. I want this person to be in a position to spark a fire in people hearts. She will stand firm in what she believes in, and let no temptation subdue her. She will not lead people into damnation, but help in their deliverance from evil. I was born in San Diego, California. I have 14 brothers and sisters. My family moved around a lot because my dad was in the Marines. I didnt have the best childhood growing up; I experience physical and mental abuse after my dad died. My dad was my source of security. I knew when he was around I was untouchable, but when he died my life seemed to make a turn for the wrong. My mother affection towards my seem to decrease over the years. She kicked me out when I was 12, and no way to support myself, I was tossed from place to place. As I previously mentioned, I was tossed from house to house. At age fifteenth, my grandparents took me in. They worked to ensure I had all the necessities a young teenager needed. I became who I am now from them teaching me lessons, from the Bible. Life appeared to be getting better until, my grandmother died from stage four cancer. My grandpa, suffering from alzheimer, was forced to reside in a nursing home. Afterwards, I had no choice, but to move in with my mom. My mom stayed in a tiny community, named Shiloh. It was woods on top of more woods. Everyone within five-thousand feet of each other were related. I had no friends and sat in my room all day reading. .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 , .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .postImageUrl , .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 , .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15:hover , .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15:visited , .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15:active { border:0!important; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15:active , .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15 .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6d645bce89c6143ab25ba5fbcad15e15:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Wuthering Heights6 EssayMy education plays a vast role in my life. I was always active in extracurricular activities like, volunteer, debate, and tutoring clubs. I enjoyed school, and work came easy to me. I competed in many academic contest and I won numerous awards. I worked very hard to get accepted into the college of my dream, University of Pine Bluff. All my hard work paid off in the end when I was accepted into UAPB. I am now a freshman at the University, working to get my degree in Criminal Justice. Im planning on getting an internship while Im in school and graduating with a 4. . After graduating, I want to go back to school to further my degree, and become a crim inologist. I want to get a job working with the BAU, traveling all over the world, solving crimes. I know that the future is not promised to me, but Im always thinking positive things about it. In five years, I want all my student loans to be paid back, because you really cant save money until you out of debt. In ten years,I see myself married and with children. My future consists of me learning my purpose and putting it to use. I want to change the world.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
How a Sample Pharmcos Essay is Written
How a Sample Pharmcos Essay is WrittenHave you ever wondered how a sample pharmcos essay is put together? What information are you supposed to include in it?The first thing you need to do before you attempt any pharmaceutical writing is finding a topic for your sample. Often the best topics are those that you may already be familiar with, or that involve products that you have seen in use. You can then narrow down the topic to three or four companies that you know will suit you and choose one of them.One important thing to consider in your sample pharmcos essay is to ensure that the company will work with you. You want to be able to discuss the potential of using their products, and explain what benefits you can expect to get from using them. This is an important part of a pharmaceutical essay, as the topic must make it clear to the reader what benefits the article is written about.Usually, the most common use of drugs is for treatment of a medical condition. Another good use is to t reat someone for some other condition (including your own), although there are often many other benefits. You should explain how the drug is used in this context.If you are taking the pill as a treatment for a problem with one of your eyes, or you simply need medicines to cope with common daily tasks such as remembering where you left your keys, you will usually find the general description to be sufficient. However, if you are in need of more specific advice, you should tailor your essay to fit the need you have.In addition to the reasons stated above, it is important to look at the basic packaging of the pills that you will be reviewing in your research papers. A good example is the EpiPen. All this product contains is a disposable syringe, and it is designed to be used by anybody who has been exposed to a life-threatening allergic reaction.Even though the price of EpiPens is far higher than the cost of a gym membership, it is worth paying a small extra fee for the added protectio n. Any other medication will be based on these guidelines, so you can include this in your writing too.Before you begin writing your sample pharmcos essay, take the time to read a couple of research papers for further insight into your subject. Your writing will improve if you take the time to do so.
Monday, April 13, 2020
An Overview of American Symbolism essays
An Overview of American Symbolism essays A symbol is something that stands for or suggests something else because of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance. (Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary 1194). These emblematic masterpieces have been both created and destroyed by war. These wars have resulted in creating these numerous symbols of freedom. As America has evolved over time, the American flag, Star-Spangled Banner, Statue of Liberty, Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Liberty Bell has become the core of American symbols. The American flag was first designed by Francis Hopkinson and sewn by Betsy Ross, a seamstress of Philadelphia. The flag consisted of thirteen stripes and stars representing the thirteen colonies. The thirteen stars of the American flag were arranged in a circle to signify the unity and equality of the colonies. The red on the American flag is in representation of bravery, the blue is justice, and the white is liberty making this signify what our country will always stand for (Ryan 29-30). The flag epitomizes the rights, liberty, and democracy of the United States (The Pledge of Allegiance 11). The flag was first flown over schools in Colrain, Massachusetts, as early as 1812. Today, the flag was then the inspiration to the creation of the Star-Spangled Banner. The flag is flown in national and state parks, public buildings, sporting events, and ports of entry (The Pledge of Allegiance 7-9). When the flag is flow upside down, the sign of distress is known. Explorers place a flag where they land to show that someone from their country has been there. For example, on every Apollo mission to the moon the flag was placed at the landing site representing America. The flag is placed at half-staff when the need to honor someones death is arises (Ryan 2-5). Flags are on pins, shirts, parades, and homes for the symbolism of the patriotism of the United States (The Pledge of Allegiance 12)....
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Chinese Three Mafia essays
Chinese Three Mafia essays I. The Chinese mafia began in order to overthrow the Han dynasty. A. The group started by helping the people fight against mistreatments sone by the government. B. The group operates on a simple hierarchy system that has been used for hundreds of years. C. After the end of the Qing Dynasty, the groups became split on what to do. I. Triads came to America during the late 1800s A. Tom Lee was the founder of one of Americas first Triad groups. B. Mock Duck created a second group which started war between the two factions. C. Technology has helped the Triads become more efficient criminals. I. In modern times, the triads have broadened their business to include prostitution, imigration, money laundering, opium A. Illegal immigrants are often shipped here under poor conditions B. Woman are forced to either work prostitution or even become a slave house wife. IV. The Chinese mafia is currently a powerful force that holds dire consequences for those who cross them. A. Businesses that have the words tong or society can be suspect of having triad ties. B. Triads often hide as corporations to conceal their identities. C. Agencies from all over the world are trying to stop triads illegal actions. V. Overall the group preys on the weak and should be avoided. The Chinese Mafia or Triads as they are commonly referred as, is one of the oldest and most powerful organizations in the world. Since 200 years before Christ, it has been controlling everything from business to the individual, yet it masquerades as an organization for the people. For the past few decade's agencies have been trying to battle the organized crime syndicate, but little ground has been made. The Triads have gone through many changes as time has progressed. First starting as a rebellion, a crime ring, and now a powerful force that has many agencies trying to track its every move. In the beginning...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Marks & Spencers Dividend Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Marks & Spencers Dividend Policy - Essay Example This paper evaluates the different ways a firm pay out cash to its shareholders such as dividend payout, stock repurchase and new stock dividends as practiced by Marks & Spencer. The first step toward understanding dividend policy is to recognize that the phrase means different things to different people. A firm's decisions about dividends are often mixed up with other financing and investment decisions. Some firms pay low dividends because management is optimistic about the firm's future and wishes to retain earnings for expansion. In this case the dividend is a by-product of the firm's capital budgeting decision. Another firm might finance capital expenditures largely by borrowing. This releases cash for dividends. In this case the firm's dividend is a by-product of the borrowing decision. There is one possible source of the firm's investment outlays and borrowing which is an issue of stock. Thus dividend policy is defined as the trade-off between retaining earnings on the one hand and paying out cash and issuing new shares on the other. (Brealey & Myers, 2003) There are many firms that pay dividends and also issue stock from time to time. They could avoid the stock issues by paying lower dividends. Many other firms restrict dividends so that they do not have to issue shares. They could issue stock occasionally and increase the dividend. Both groups of firms are facing the dividend policy trade-off. In short, companies can hand back cash to their shareholders either by paying a dividend or by buying back their stock. (Carlson, 2001) Most companies pay a regular cash dividend each quarter, but occasionally this regular dividend is supplemented by a one-off extra or special dividend. Dividends are not always in the form of cash. Frequently companies also declare stock dividends. Both stock dividends and splits increase the number of shares, but the company's assets, profits, and total value are unaffected. The distinction between the two is technical. A stock dividend is shown in the accounts as a transfer from retained earnings to equity capital, whereas a split is shown as a reduction in the par value of each share. (DeAngelo, DeAngelo, & Skinner, Special Dividends and the Evolution of Dividend Signaling, 2000) Many companies have automatic dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs). Often the new shares are issued at a 5 percent discount from the market price; the firm offers this sweetener because it saves the underwriting costs of a regular share issue. Sometimes 10 percent or more of total dividends will be reinvested under such plans. Sometimes companies not only allow shareholders to reinvest dividends but also allow them to buy additional shares at a discount. In some cases substantial amounts of money have been invested. (Scholes & Wolfson, 1989) There is an important difference in the taxation of dividends and stock repurchases. Dividends are taxed as ordinary income, but stockholders who sell shares back to the firm pay tax only on capital gains realized in the sale. However, the Internal Revenue Service is on the lookout for companies that disguise dividends as repurchases, and it may decide that regular or proportional repurchases should be taxed as dividend payments. (Jagannathan, Stephens, & Weisbach, 2000) Stock Repurchase There are three main ways to repurchase stock.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Finals Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Finals - Assignment Example Malthus identified the substance wage, with foodstuff the workers’ wages is what workers eat. Rapid increase of food crops is not possible because supply of fertile land is limited and technical improvements do not come fast enough. To Ricardo, economic rent is paid to the owner of the land for the use original and indestructible power of the soil. This rent is not the same as returns derived from improvements made on the land that result to rise of the profit rather than rents. Malthus considered higher rents for landowners as salutary thing. Ricardo believed rent to be unearned income. Landowners who have to work longer hours for the bushel of wheat, sell it at same price as farmers who own the richest delta land. Rent does not determine the prices of grain rather than grain decides the amount of the rent. Answer to question 5. Both contemporary and modern critics have very often regarded Malthus, as an eminently inconsistent writer. Not only was he accused of not reasoning well (Ricardo himself wrote for instance, His arguments are not very cogent; indeed, I am often puzzled to find any connection between the premises and conclusions of his propositions’ Ricardo’s was highly influenced by sparked spare abstraction of English economy of parliamentary debate than proposed corn laws which prohibited importation of grain until the price of domestic grain increased to a specific amount. The central conflict arose from industrialist against landowners who had expanded cultivated acreage. Corns laws had favored only a few at expense of their own capital accumulation thus higher prices meant industrialists had to pay for higher wages. Since most of landowners were parliamentary, thus Corn Law passed easily, debate on these law defined interest of various economic units (groups).Malthus lavished praise on land lords and Ricardo attached the consequences, thus legislative issues become context in economic analysis and revelation of class conflict- how national income to be distributed among landlords manufacturer and workers. Malthus argued that taxation reduces disposable income thus are left worse off. Thus, Corns laws are unfavorable. Answer to question 6. Mill turns economics into a viable philosophical area of inquiry by exploring what people really want and what economics can measure and assess. Mill’s approach to economics is based on his belief in the superiority of socialism, in which economic production would be driven by cooperatives owned by the workers. To this end, Mill argues that the laws of production may be natural laws, but the laws of distribution are created and enacted by human beings. In other words, wealth is the natural product of labor, but the distribution of wealth is determined by the decisions and the will of actual people (the elite) and is not simply part of the order of nature. Mill carries this view quite far, maintaining that human laws and institutions can and should determine how w ealth is distributed. Thus, for Mill, economics is closely tied to social philosophy and politics. Private property being assumed as a fact, we have next to enumerate the different classes of persons to whom it gives rise; whose concurrence, or at least whose permission, is necessary to production, and who are therefore able to stipulate for a share of the produce. We have to inquire, according to what laws the produce distributes itself among these classes, by the spontaneous
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Social Networking Essay Example for Free
Social Networking Essay Social Networking A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Technological Institute of the Philippines College of Engineering In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements in Bachelor of Science Industrial Engineering By: Jessica P. Tumambing Approved By: Ms. Federa Acknowledgements The author would like to express his sincere appreciation to all those that have assisted in the completion of this Thesis. Ms. Federa Ms. Federa has been an excellent professor. The author could not have completed the research without her guidance and ongoing support. Respondents Author would like to thank all the people that took the time to respond to the questionnaire and assisted in gathering the primary data. Friends and Family Finally the author would like to thank his friends especially to my very best friend for their great help and for enduring me. Their assistance has been very motivating. I would also like to thank my family for their support, with special mention to my Mom and Dad, for always covering my back and providing me with encouraging words DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my parents who have always been my nearest and reverse nearest neighbors and have been so close to me that I found them whenever I needed. It is their unconditional love that motivates me to set higher targets. I also dedicate this to my best friend (Jhae Jimenez) who is my nearest surrounder and have provided me a strong love shield that always surrounds me and never lets any sadness enter inside. ABSTRACT Social Networking Sites are experiencing a rapid growth; there seems to be no limit to their size. Many Social Networking Sites boast with millions of members using their networks on regular basis to communicate, share, create, and collaborate with others. Popular examples of these Social Networking Sites are Facebook, LinkedIn and Bebo. Although most of these sites lack decent business models, they are valued at millions of pounds. Google paid 1.5 billion dollar for YouTube when it wasn’t even earning a single penny. The reason successful Social Networking Sites have become so valuable is due to the amount of people that are using it; and people are exactly what organizations are after. This report aims to find out whether Social Networking Sites have the same value in the context of recruitment. Academic literature extensively discusses online recruitment, however not much is said about recruitment on Social Networking Sites: ‘Sociocruitment’ Research revealed that professionals are quite optimistic about Sociocruitment. Although users of Social Networking Sites had a disperse opinion on organizations contacting them on these websites; not many were negative. The contemporary research furthermore harvested information from a range of sources to create understanding of key issues allowing readers to familiarize themselves with the concept. Finally the report makes suggestions on how organizations can engage in this new media. TABLE OF CONTENTS Approval Sheet I Acknowledgement II Dedication III Abstract IV Table of Contents - V CHAPTER 1 Background of study - 1-2 Statement of the Problem 3-4 Significance of the Study 5 Assumption of the study 6-7 Scope and Limitations - BACKGROUND OF STUDY This thesis explores Social Networking sites as a medium of expression for sexual identity construction; more specifically the research question aimed to explore how gay and lesbian individuals use social networking websites as a means to construct and explore their sexual identities through self presentation on conventional social networking sites (SNS) available and used by everybody versus LGB SNS which are primarily used by Lesbian/Gay and Bisexual individuals and groups. Through the conduction of eight semi- structured interviews with an even number of four males and females and a content analysis of each participant’s social networking profiles, the research explored how sexual identities were presented and played out on these sites by the variation and degree of information that was disclosed by the sample study. Overall the aim was to explore the advantages and disadvantages social networking entails for the gay community through a comparison of both types of SNS, exploring how self presentation and sexual identities are negotiated and managed through the two while determining if these sites were in fact a safe location to play out sexual identities if they are a site of identity restrictions. From research up to this point it has struck me that there is limited research concerned with the disadvantages of social networking and identity experimentation for gays and lesbians. Thus this present study aims to acquire if gay individuals feel they can perform their sexual identities more comfortably and honest in one ahead of the other or if they feel the need to ‘conceal’ their sexual identities on certain social network sites which are accessible to all e.g. Facebook and reasons why. The basis of this study is to get both sides of the story, addressing the positives but also taking into account the negatives and weighting up which SNS is less restrictive on sexual Page 2 of 39 identity construction. Self presentation will be a dominant theme in drawing research, extending on the existing research exploring the differences of presentation between the two sites. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace allow you to find and connect with just about anyone, from a coworker in a neighboring cube to the girl who played Emily in your high school production of â€Å"Our Town†thirty years ago. Browsing these sites can make you feel connected to a larger community, but such easy, casual connection in an electronic environment can also have its downside. A False Sense of Connection According to Cornell University’s Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears, will weaken. Cyber-bullying The immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as friends. Kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in which the perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize individuals in front of their peers. The devastation of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. In several well-publicized cases, victims have even been driven to suicide. The anonymity afforded online can bring out dark impulses that might otherwise be suppressed. Cyber-bullying has spread widely among youth, with 42% reporting that they have been victims, according to a 2010 CBS News report. Decreased Productivity While many businesses use social networking sites to find and communicate with clients, the sites can also prove a great distraction to employees who may show more interest in what their friends are posting than in their work tasks. posted two studies which demonstrated damage to productivity caused by social networking: Nucleus Research reported that Facebook shaves 1.5% off office productivity while Morse claimed that British companies lost 2.2 billion a year to the social phenomenon. New technology products have become available that allow social networks to be blocked, but their effectiveness remains spotty. Privacy Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives. What’s more, the things they post remain available indefinitely. While at one moment a photo of friends doing shots at a party may seem harmless, the image may appear less attractive in the context of an employer doing a background check. While most sites allow their users to control who sees the things they’ve posted, such limitations are often forgotten, can be difficult to control or don’t work as well as advertised. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1. Informatics Manila Students – The main target of the study, for the students to be aware of the impact of social media to them 2. Parents – This study will be beneficiary to parents of the students, for them to be aware of the impacts of social media usage. 3. Informatics College Manila – The study will also be beneficial to the educational institution for the awareness on the impact of social media usage. 4. Future Researchers – They will benefit from the study through the information they could gather.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Essay -- Harrison Bergeron Essays
"Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut In "Harrison Bergeron" Kurt Vonnegut depicts a society in which everyone is mentally, physically, and socially equal. Throughout the history of our country, Americans have sought racial, gender, and socio-economic equality. On paper such a society seems ideal. Through the story one might infer that Vonnegut views the concept of total equality as ludicrous. Equality can be interpreted many ways. One point of view is the American belief that everybody should be treated equally and another view is the one represented in the story that everybody is equal. I completely agree with Mr. Vonnegut's view of the perfect society as being absurd. Having everybody equal looks fantastic in planning but it would never work out that way. If the government was allowed to impose handicaps on the naturally gifted, how could civilization ever make advancements? The great thinkers would not be able to envision new ideas because of the mental handicap radios they had to wear in their ears. Technology would come to a stand still with the gifted not being able to finish a complete thought because of the sharp sounds produced by the mental handicaps. With the handicaps imposed there would not the breakthroughs that are needed to improve the population's way of life. Suppose someone did not have the ability to invent the automobile. It would be difficult to commute to school or work. Imagine if you had to walk to work every day no matter ho...
Monday, January 13, 2020
American History Coursework
Andrew Jackson’s coming to power, his election in 1828 and the inauguration that followed was a critical moment when a democratic spirit took possession of American culture and public life. But the democratic movement was too large and wide to be reflected perfectly in the rise of a single leader, however influential he might be. But before looking at Jackson’s role and in the national arena where he played this out, I think we need to understand the wider scope of opinion that turned America in a more democratic direction and made Jackson’s rise possible.During the 1820’s and 30’s the term democracy first became in use as a way of describing how American institutions were supposed to work. The Founders had defined democracy as direct rule by the masses of the people; most of them rejected this approach to government because it was against their conception of a well balanced republic led by a natural aristocracy. For winners of popular government in the Jacksonian period the people were truly sovereign and could do no wrong. â€Å"The voice of the people is the voice of God†was the clearest expression in this principle.Conservatives were less certain of the knowledge of the common folk. But even they were coming to see that public opinion had to be won over before major policy decisions could be made. Besides giving a feeling of popular sovereignty the democratic movement seemed to stimulate a process of kind of like a social equality. Earlier Americans had usually assumed that the rich and wellborn should be treated with special respect and recognized as natural leaders of the community and guardians of its culture and values.By the 1830’s there was a disappearance of inherited social ranks and clearly defined aristocracies or privileged groups was a radical feature of democracy in America. The election of 1828 saw the birth of a new era of mass democracy. Jackson’s presidency started with his endorsemen t of rotation of officeholders or the spoils system. He was the first president to defend this practice as a legitimate application of democratic doctrine. Jackson also established a new kind of relationship with the cabinet.Under other administrations, cabinet officers had acted on their own responsibility, making major policy decisions and advising Congress on legislation without presidential direction. They would serve for the full term of the president who selected them. Key questions affecting the government as a whole had often been decided by a majority vote of cabinet. All of that changed when Jackson came into power and when he came into office he reorganized the cabinet. The Whigs were a new national party that got its name because of its associations with both English and American Revolutionary opposition to royal power and standards.But the main force of their creation was because of the critical support from southern proponents of states rights who had been upset by the political nationalism of Jackson’s stand on nullification and his unconstitutional abuses of power in his withdrawal of federal deposits from the Bank of the U. S. Jackson’s presidency was marred with many scandals and impassioned ideals. But in my opinion how he handled the western expansion gave him an â€Å"F†on being a president. The example I want to use is the â€Å"Trail of Tears†and the ruthless land grabbing his administration was known for. Reference: Latner, Richard B.The Presidency of Andrew Jackson: White House Politics, 1829- 1837. Athens: University of Georgia Press, (1979). #2) Discuss industrialization of the North during the antebellum period†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ There are few developments in all of human history as important as the Industrial Revolution. This great movement created wealth, material goods, and services on a scale unimaginable to the people of any earlier society. It created the resources to provide a reasonable standa rd of living for virtually the entire society, and stands of education, medical care, and nutrition unknown anywhere in the world before.Just as important was the contribution of the millions of men and women who made up the labor force in the new factory system. Industrialization had some unfortunate social consequences as well as beneficial economic ones, and the history of labor was not necessarily characterized by steady improvement in either wages or conditions. A number of factors determined the condition of workers in a particular period. Among them were the available supply of labor, the skills necessary to a particular job, the type of industry in which one was employed, and the attitudes of courts and together governmental agencies toward labor and business.During much of our industrial history, the economic theory that considered labor a commodity whose value would fluctuate with supply and demand, just as the cost of raw materials or manufactured products might, dominate d American thinking. The first half of the nineteenth century is an especially interesting period in American labor history. During those years, industrialization with its substantial technological innovations and the introduction of the factory system of labor happened quickly. Yet there was a wide spread fear or distrust for the new machinery and the new spirit of industrial growth.There was also a well established social philosophy as to the position of classes, the responsibilities of the employer and the roles of men and women in the labor force and in the home. Such deep social beliefs are not easily removed and only slowly were they modified to meet the demands of the new industrialism. One interesting face of labor history during this period is the way in which some of the new capitalists attempted to reconcile the old social philosophy of the paternalistic employer and his responsibility for the worker with the factory system of labor and the introduction of women workers.S ome of the women of the period extended their concerns to areas such as the antislavery crusade after they had become inflamed by the discrimination they experienced as women. Many other first began working in abolition and humanitarian reform movements and turned their attention to the women’s rights crusade only after discovering that their meddling in these area evoked taunts and threats of women in public affairs. Their reforms ranged from dress styles that afforded more freedom to equality in marriage, law, and employment. Women entered industry, journalism, medicine, teaching and in many other areas.But throughout the nineteenth century the majority of American women still saw their roles as those of wives and mothers. Females were still expected to devote all of their time and strength to providing a home for their husband and children. To write or lecture in political causes was unfeminine. Despite the reforms of the Jacksonian period, there is little evidence of subs tantial changes in either male or female attitudes towards women. Reference: Ware, Norman. The Industrial Worker: 1840-1860. Peter Smith: 1959, (1924). #3) Discuss the agrarian economics of the South during the antebellum period†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Southerners became increasingly alarmed by their region’s lack of economic self-sufficiency. Dependence on the North for capital, marketing facilities, and manufactured goods were seen as evidence of a dangerous subservience to external economic interests. Southern nationalists called for the South to develop its own industries, commerce, and shipping. Southerners did not believe that such diversification would require a massive shift to free wage labor. They saw no reason why slaves could not be used as the main work force in an industrial revolution.Men with capital were doing too well in plantation agriculture to ask their money in other ventures. I think it would be difficult to determine whether it was some inherent characteristic of slavery as a labor system or simply the strong market demand for cotton and the South’s capacity to meet it that kept most slaves working on plantations and farms. A minority of about 5 percent during the 1850’s were successfully employed in industrial tasks. Besides providing most of the labor for mining, lumbering, and constructing roads, canals and railways slaves also worked in cotton mills and tobacco factories.In the 1840’s and 50’s a debate raged among white capitalists over whether the South should use free whites or enslaved blacks as the labor supply for industry. Some wanted to defend a white labor policy arguing that factory work would provide new economic opportunities for a degraded class of poor whites. But others that were for industrialization feared that the growth of a free working class would lead to social conflict among whites and preferred using slaves for all supervised manual labor. Some factories employed slaves, others white wo rkers and a few even experimented with integrated work forces.As nearly as con be determined, mills that hired or purchased slave labor were just as profitable and efficient as those paying wages to whites. By 1800 slavery had been eliminated in the North and in 1808 Congress banned the further importation of slaves from Africa. Although some illegal importations continued, other factors primarily accounted for the extraordinary need and expansion of slavery in the nineteenth century. One factor was the invention of the cotton gin which allowed the quick cleaning of as much cotton as the slaves could pick.A second contribution was the acquisition of vast new territories beyond the Mississippi River, which created a market for slaves and gave rise to the domestic slave trade within the United States. Between 1820 and 1860 the slave population increased by more than 400,000, Southern planters found slavery to be economically profitable. There was also the high birth rate among African Americans and before the Civil War there were four million black people lived as permanent, hereditary slaves.This formed the chief labor force from tobacco fields of Virginia to the cotton fields of Alabama, blacks were very important to southern agriculture and to sever other parts of the southern economy. As chattels, bought and sold like livestock, they were an easily marketable property that could bring ready cash to the slave owner. Slaves brought with them their own culture and beliefs that when considering the size of the population did influence, and one could say, Africanized the South. Reference: Owens, Leslie H. This Species of Property: Slave Life and Culture in the Old South.New York: Oxford University Press, (1976). #4) Discuss some of the major events which intensified the conflict between the North and South†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Many have looked for the reason in the crisis that worked up to the disruption of the Union, but have failed to agree on exactly what they were . Some have said it was the clash of economic interests between agrarian and industrializing regions. But this does not reflect the way people at the time expressed their concerns. The main issues in the sectional debates of the 1850’s were whether slavery was right or wrong and whether it should be extended or contained.Many disagreements over protective tariffs and other economic measures allegedly benefiting one section or the other were only secondary. It has never really been clear why the interests of northern industry and those of the South’s commercial agriculture were irreconcilable. There was really no reason for producers of raw materials to go to war with those who marketed or processed them. Some have blamed the crisis on irresponsible politicians and agitators on both sides as being the problem. But the modern view has the roots lying in the ideological differences over the morality and use of slavery as an institution.Increased tension during the Mexican War began because the Constitution had not predetermined the status of slavery in future states and led to the Missouri crisis that resulted in compromise that was designed to decide future cases and remain a rough division between slave and free states by drawing a line between them and extending it westward through the unsettled portions of what was them American soil. When Texas was admitted as a slave state, northern expansionists could still look to Oregon to counter balance, but the Mexican war raised the prospect that California and New Mexico would be acquired and then what.Then with the free-soil crusade and the proposed amendment to the military appropriation bill that would ban slavery in any territory that would be acquired from Mexico trouble began to brew. A chain of events in late 1859 and early 1860 turned southern anxiety about northern attitudes and policies into a crisis of fear. These events alarmed slaveholders because they appeared to threaten their safety and dominance in a new and direct way. The first was the incident of John Brown’s raid on Harper Ferry.Brown was a fervent abolitionist who had shown in Kansas the he was prepared to use violence against the enemies of black freedom. Brown’s aim was to arm the local slave population to commence a guerrilla war from havens in the Appalachians that would eventually extend to the plantation regions of the lower south. After Brown was sentenced to be hung Southerners were stunned and outraged by the outpouring of sympathy and admiration that Brown got from the North before his execution.Southerners interpreted the wave of northern sympathy as an expression of the majority of opinion and the real attitude of the North. Then there was Lincoln’s election that provoked the secession of seven states of the Deep South even though it did not lead immediately to an armed conflict. After Lincoln’s election there were doubts as to if he could do the job because of his lac k of experience and with the collapse of compromise efforts only increased the tensions that brought this country closer to the Civil War.But probably the most important reason for the south to be so upset was because of Lincoln’s belief in ending slavery, a very important factor in Southern life. Reference: Donald, David H. Liberty and Union. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. , (1978). #5) Why was the Confederacy unsuccessful in establishing its Independence†¦ By early 1863 the Confederate economy was in shambles and its diplomacy with England had collapsed. The social order of the South was also showing signs of severe strain.Masters were losing control of their slaves, and non slaveholding whites were becoming disillusioned with the hardships of a war that some of them described as â€Å"a rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight. †As slaves fled from the plantations, increasing numbers of lower-class whites deserted the army or refused to be drafted i n the first place. Whole counties in the southern backcountry became deserter havens. Appalachian mountaineers, who had remained loyal to the Union, resisted the confederacy more directly by mounting a small scale war behind southern lines.Yet the North was slow to capitalize on the South’s internal weaknesses because of its own serious morale problems. The long series of defeats on the eastern front had engendered war weariness and the new policies that military necessity forced the government to adopt encountered fierce opposition. The last two and a half year of the struggle saw the implementation of more radical war measure. The most important of them was the North’s attempt to follow through with Lincoln’s passion to free the slaves and bring the black population into the fight on the Union side.The battle turned in the summer of 1863, but the south continued to resist for 2 more years until it was overtaken by the weight of the North’s advantages in manpower and resources. The limits of the Jeffersonian vision were very apparent even to contemporaries. The people who spoke of equality often owned slaves. It was not surprising that leaders of the Federalist Party accused the Republicans, especially those who lived in the South of hypocrisy and in Massachusetts Federalists defined Jeffersonian democracy as a plantation owner with many slaves.The race issue simply would not go away. Jeffersonian did not fulfill even their own expectations. As members of an opposition party during the presidency of John Adams, they insisted upon a strict interpretation of the Constitution. Large navies were vital in the scramble for colonies, and in the 1870’s the United States had almost no navy. One of the most powerful fleets in the world during the Civil War, the American navy fell into rapid decline.With the military effort to seize control of the Mississippi Valley halted at Shiloh, the Union navy soon contributed dramatically to the pursuit. On April 26th a fleet under flag officer David Farragut, coming up from the Gulf, captured the port of New Orleans after boldly running past the forts below the city. The occupation of New Orleans, besides securing the moth of the Mississippi climaxed a series of naval and amphibious operations around the edges of the Confederacy that had already succeeded in Capturing South Carolina’s Sea Islands and North Carolina’s Roanoke Island.Strategically located bases were provided to enforce the blockade of the southern coast. The last serious challenge to the North’s naval supremacy was when the Confederate ironclad vessel the Merrimack had demolished wooden hulled northern ships was repulsed by the Monitor an armored Union gunship. It was later both ships were lost, the Merrimack at Norfolk and the Monitor in a gale in December. Reference: McPherson, James M. Ordeal by Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction. New York: Knopf, (1982).
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