Friday, December 27, 2019
Marie Antoinette Essay - 2066 Words
Through the history of the world, the people of Earth have seen every kind of leader. We’ve seen good leaders, average leaders, and terrible leaders. Many cases in France’s history they have had many leaders go through all of these ranks. For example, Napoleon Bonaparte started out great and slowly went down hill. But never in France’s history have they seen such a terrible leader as King Louie the XVI. Louie was not exactly king material. Louie was fat, shy, gluttonous, gentle, weak minded, not particularly smart and unambitious . He was everything a king shouldn’t be. As the French king Louie made just about every mistake a king could possibly make. These mistakes lead to the French Revolution and even the beheading of King Louie.†¦show more content†¦Another way that Marie loved to give away the French money was when some radicals from America came. These radicals asked Louie for some aid in the American Revolution. The money borrowed by these radicals was promised to be paid back. Marie thought this idea was a great investment and urged Louie to fund these radicals. Well the radicals won and France saw no money for their help. France was in a great depression. France was bankrupt. On top of this was a drought in France making the cost of living skyrocket but the wages of the people stayed the same. This is a cause of the people of France to get increasingly mad at the leaders. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For these reason tells what a terrible lady this was. To me Marie is a perfect example of the woman stereotype. She was the materialistic queen that demanded everything from the king. The queen would even threaten the king with divorce if the king did not give her exactly what he wanted. So this weak minded king knowing the country was running low on money gave the queen everything she asked for without question. This is just one of the reasons that Marie was a plague on France. The French people were outraged. Here they are, thousands of peasants that work as hard as they can and struggle to live, then a drought comes, the living wages rise and now their kids are starving. While all of these is going on, the queen is picking outShow MoreRelatedMarie Antoinette Essay632 Words  | 3 PagesMarie Antoinette Marie Antoinette is possibly one of the most famous French Monarchs. Born an Austrian princess, she because one of the last monarchs to rule the French, Marie Antoinette has had a major impact on French History but, most importantly, the French Revolution. Unfortunately, she isn’t remembered as a great queen or ruler, but because of the way her and her husband died on the guillotine. Marie Antoinette was born on November 2, 1755. Her mother was the Empress Maria Theresa and herRead MoreThe Portrait Of Marie Antoinette863 Words  | 4 Pagesartwork I decided to do my research and write about is the portrait of Marie Antoinette with her Children. 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August 15th, 1774 Marie was given the Gift of Petit Trianon by Louis XVI which was a small chà ¢teau on the grounds of Versailles that she was given to renovate. The chà ¢teau was originally supposed to be for Louis the XV’s mistress, MadameRead More Marie Antoinette Essay513 Words  | 3 Pages Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI of France. She was born in 1755 in France and was the daughter of the Great Emperor Francis I and Maria Theresa of Austria. Because here parents came from two countries at war with each other, their marriage formed a peace treaty. Marie was very spoiled and grew up with an extravagant lifestyle. She herself became the wife of the next heir to the French throne to further keep the peace. 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Marie Antoinette was brought up believing her destiny was to become queen of France. Marie Antoinettes first child was Marie Therese Charlotte(Madame Royale). Unpopular Queen Marie AntoinetteRead MoreThe Truth About Marie Antoinette1305 Words  | 6 Pages Sombillo 1 Alysia Sombillo World History Mrs. Ray World History Research Paper Draft 3-3-16 The Truth about Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette was born on November 2, 1755, in Vienna, Austria. Marie Antoinette was a queen that ruled with a powerful, wealthy, fist. She was a foreign wife and queen once she married King Louis XVI of France. Throughout her rule over France, Marie Antoinette was kept under a light of ignorance by the people, and therefore, should not be blamed for their suffering, theRead MoreEssay about Marie Antoinette658 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Marie Antoinette FMM 1200 Marie Antoinette Maria Theresa of Austria thought she was sealing â€Å"a favorable alliance between France and Austria†(New World Encyclopedia) by having her daughter, Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna, marry Louis XVI, but she was actually unknowingly giving her a chance to make fashion history. Life History When Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna wed Louis XVI, she was told to leave everything behind; her Austrian clothes, possessions, servants, her animal and even her name
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Economic, Geographic, And Social Factors - 1352 Words
Topic: How did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775? The introduction of Africans to America in 1619 set off an irreversible chain of events that effected the economy of the southern colonies. With a switch from the expensive system of indentured servitude, slavery emerged and grew rapidly for various reasons, consisting of economic, geographic, and social factors. The expansion of slavery in the southern colonies, from the founding of Jamestown in 1607 to just before America gained its independence in 1775, had a lasting impact on the development of our nation’s economy, due to the fact that slaves were easy to obtain, provided a life-long workforce, and were a different race than the colonists, making it easier to justify the immoral act. Economically, slavery allowed for an increased source of income that indentured servitude could not compete with. Shortl y following the founding of Jamestown, indentured servants paid their way to the colonies with the promise of a designated time of labor upon arrival. Soon this need for cheap labor was replaced with a need for even cheaper labor. Slavery filled this need, but when Africans arrived to America in 1619, the colonists initially treated them as indentured servants. It was not until 1641 that the first slave codes were passed in the colony of Massachusetts and 20 years later in Virginia, marking theShow MoreRelatedProblems Associated With Geography And Economic Development Across Countries1431 Words  | 6 PagesDo you agree that twentieth century divergence in economic development across countries was largely the result of geographic factors? The traditional view associated with geography and economic development across countries is that distance has played a huge role in creating disparities in terms of location . 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Modern Poetry Discussion
Question: Discuss about the Modern Poetry Discussion. Answer: Eliots Statement And The Bloodaxe Book Of 20th Century Poetry Introduction Eliots words can have a variety of interpretation in poetry. He is a critic, a philosopher and also a poet. He attested to observe what makes a poem aesthetic unlike the other literary pieces like the prose. He also makes an attempt to explain the relationship that exists between the poet and the poem they write. His comment, that is, Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality, is a reflection of his thought towards idealism in poetry. Further Discussion on Eliots Statement When Eliot says that, poetry is not a turning loose of emotions but an escape from the emotions, we can understand it to mean that, when the author writes a poem, the art is not in the sense that he wants to relieve emotions that he has but it would be a way to shed the emotions artistically to the readers of ones poems (Grayzel, 2014, p. 44). Therefore, the phrase attests to that, the effect of the poem are not necessarily to be felt by the poet but rather, by the reader of the poem (Smidt, 2015, p.133). On the issue of personality, Eliot means that the writers personality is a key element portrayed in his/her writings. Different writers can be understood and be categorised on the personality they portray. This personality, for example, feminist, idealist personalities that different poets are known with can be important. In conjunction to this, Poetry can be regarded as the literature that would make a link between the reader to the true personality of the poet (Singh, 2015, p.96). Therefore, personality is derived from the emotions reflected by the poet to the reader and the general perception that the reader identifies from the poem. However, Eliot's essay shows that without these things, that is, personality and emotions, the writer would not be able to know how to escape them. Considering the Blood Axe book of the 20th Century poets like Thomas Hardy, Ted Hughes and Wilfred Owen, we can be in a position to settle the claims of the two statement of this discussion. (Lin, Kerstett er, Nawijn Mitas, 2014, p.416). Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen In this poem, the case is significantly evident. Owen writes this poem in an emotional period. When he had failed to qualify to join the university and joined the military during the war. He is later shot and his health deteriorates. This places the poem in the traumatic period where he was overwhelmed by worries. However, these emotions seem to be portrayed in the poem. He says that, people are dying like cattle and the voices of the guns are everywhere and uses personification and says, monstrous anger of the guns. In Eliots essay, he says, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things. Owen felt if first, and then what he felt himself is what he had to write in this poem. The poem seems to create its own scene as poetry do not act to report the incidents and emotions but however, it serves to make an event lived through it, in a form that can speak about itself while remaining wholly itself. For instance, the lines, bugles calling for them from sad shires, but in their eyes, shall shine... have a relationship of what the poet feels and what he prospects after the settlement of the emotions. In the poem, the poet does not seem to escape away from the emotions. The poet is showing some relief from the tension got from the war. In fact, when he uses the future tense marker, shall, he provides an evidence that he does not report the case but his poem is actively a participant to the real incident. The personality of Eliot is elevated in his po em. He is portrayed by his work as an architect and the same time as a mediator. He is altruistic and is portrayed to always campaign for a good course. He is rendered optimistic to face tomorrow. This attests that the personality of the poet is mainly judged by the reader point of view. The reader is able to hold all the evidences portraying personality and make conclusions on the poets personality (Dowson, 2015, p.37). Rupert Brookes The Soldier Rupert Brookes The Soldier, is another poem from the Blood axe book written during the first world war. The poet writes this poem when he is about to go to the war. He expresses his loyalty to his country England. He expresses the heaven he wants to establish in England through the war they are going to engage in as he says, If I should die Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England. To this incident, he fights emotions, he escapes the feeling of loss if they are in anyway defeated in the war or if he himself dies. The feelings of emotions can be felt by the readers of the poem as well. The poet, Rupert does not want to have a close encounter with the thing he calls death but, if it happens he dies, he takes us to a world of fantasy, he expresses how he would be glad in the world of the dead though in a positive manner as he says, think, this heart, all evil shed away. The poem rhymes with the Eliots idea that, Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion. T he personality however is seen along the lines of the poem. He is a diplomat and a protagonist. Personality cant be hidden from the authors work. It is an attribute that Rupert does not express but escapes from it, whatsoever, it is evident in the poem (Blair, 2015, p.108). Eliots Gerontion Eliot also wrote a poem entitled, Gerontion. He wrote it just after the World War 1. He uses the dramatic monologue as a style to efficiently depict thematic concerns of sexuality, religion and modernity. In the poem, the claims of the statement that, Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality, seems evident. Through the use of symbolism, he completely escapes the emotions of loss and change that had happened after the war. The title, Gerontion is a symbol for the authority in Sparta. He does not turn loose of the emotions of despair but he seems to escape from them as he says, referring to the elders of the council that, Tenants, thoughts of a dry brain in a dry season. He sees confusion all over and regards himself as a bad person, a product of sin and seems to reject the dead world which is the ancient desperate Sparta and thinks of Christianity (Eliot, 2014, p.18). The feelings he t ends to escape from are the feeling of guilt, despair and disillusion. He as well tries to escape the acquired personality of dynamic and exploration to means of settling through escaping from ones emotions and personality (Johnston, 2015, p.157). Although Eliot has tried to hide the emotions and fails to address them, in contrast, he tends to escape them fully. He accomplishes running from emotions, but still the audience can feel his desperation, emotional distress and as the persona of the poem they sympathise with him. Conclusion In conclusion, Eliots statement is valid and supported by virtually all poets of this period. But he concludes to say that, But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things. A poet is a human being who writes from an existing experience or form imaginations. The thought out product must be felt by the poet first so as he may able to fight the emotions felt from the word he selects. (Selden, Widows Brooker,2016, p.49). This means that one must possess personality and emotions if they have to fight them. References Blair, J. G. (2015). Poetic Art of WH Auden. Princeton University Press. Dowson, J. (2015). Poetry on Page and Stage. In The History of British Womens Writing, 1970-Present (pp. 36-50). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Eliot, T. S. (2014). Selected essays. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Grayzel, S. R. (2014). Women's Identities at War: Gender, Motherhood, and Politics in Britain and France during the First World War. UNC Press Books. Johnston, J. H. (2015). English Poetry of the First World War. Princeton University Press. Lin, Y., Kerstetter, D., Nawijn, J., Mitas, O. (2014). Changes in emotions and their interactions with personality in a vacation context. Tourism Management, 40, 416-424. Mish, J. C. (2015). Streaming. World Literature Today, 89(5), 72-73. Selden, R., Widdowson, P., Brooker, P. (2016). A reader's guide to contemporary literary theory. Routledge. Singh, G. (2015). Leopardi and the Theory of Poetry. University Press of Kentucky. Smidt, K. (2015). Poetry and Belief in the Work of TS Eliot. Routledge.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
William Wordsworth social point of view free essay sample
William Wordsworth was born on 7 April, 1770 and died the 23 April, 1850 was an English poet and one of the most influential authors in English romanticism. Best know for his manner and theories that helped to regenerate the poesy of his state. During his young person he demonstrated a strong involvement and love for nature which is shown in most of his plants. Wordsworth was born as the second of five kids in Cockermouth, Cumberland-part of the scenic part in Northwest England called the Lake District . This landscape profoundly affected Wordsworth s imaginativeness and gave him a love of nature. He lost his female parent when he was eight and five old ages subsequently his male parent. The domestic jobs separated Wordsworth from his beloved and neurotic sister Dorothy, who was a really of import individual in his life impacting him well. Wordsworth was an of import author in English romanticism every bit good as William Blake and Samuel Taylor Coleridge who helped establish the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 articulation publication, Lyrical Ballads , which is a cardinal piece of poesy of the romantic epoch. We will write a custom essay sample on William Wordsworth social point of view or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As one of the most influential romantic poets, he created a alone manner of composing which it is based on ideals of nature and imaginativeness. His poesy was chiefly based on romantic thoughts opposed to pragmatism. His involvement in political relations, his passion for democracy and good moral values adding his accent on passion and imagination gives the reader the chance to research human emotions, rejecting the vague world of the nineteenth century and concentrating on the natural universe. Throughout this essay I will supply an analysis of one of Wordsworth s verse form, called London, 1802 . Composed in London, in this verse form he tries to pass on his unfavorable judgment of society of the twenty-four hours, yearning and eulogising the presence of the seventeenth century poet John Milton because: At the clip Wordsworth wrote this verse form, Milton had been established as one of the great English voices. His most celebrated verse form, Eden Lost , had been acclaimed as the most outstanding of English heroic poems. Wordsworth s apostrophe to Milton therefore has the consequence of appealing to one of the greatest figures in the English tradition. It is likely that Wordsworth is believing every bit much of Milton s connexion with the causes of freedom developed during the revolution and interregnum ( 1642-1660 ) as of Paradise Lost. Wordsworth begins the verse form by stating Milton! 1000 shouldst be populating at this hr: England hath demand of thee: He wishes in a tone of choler and defeat that Milton were still alive, because England has transformed into a fen , a topographic point filled with selfish and unhappy people and Wordsworth want him to raise us up, return to us once more ; And give us manners, virtuousness, freedom, power. Wordsworth says that England was one time a good topographic point to populate, full of felicity, gradualness faith, and literature, but those virtuousnesss have been lost by the revolution and the industrialisation of the state in his clip. He can merely depict the England in 1802 as a swampland. Wordsworth attempts to explicate why he thinks Milton would be the Jesus of England in: Thy psyche was like a Star and dwelt apart: Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea ; Pure as the bare celestial spheres, olympian, free, He refers to Milton as a really powerful adult male who he gives the ability of moral flawlessness and a Influential adult male who neer ceased to move meekly besides the adult male who has the gift to do persons to believe about what was traveling on and what they are losing in that epoch plus all the other ideals and values in what England is missing. The writer besides speaks of being dead in: Of dead Waterss: communion table, blade and pen, Fireside, the epic wealth of hall and arbor, Have forfeited their ancient English dowry Here Wordsworth uses symbols and images to depict the state of affairs of England. He uses an communion table to mention faith which could intend that there is no point of being spiritual and all the spiritualty has been lost and people are losing his religion. He besides talks about a blade which possibly he is speaking about the military forces possibly he did it because England was non strong plenty as it been before or possibly is non efficient to contend offense besides I think that he is speaking about the authorities, because the early nineteenth century was an epoch of political and societal agitation in Britain. The authorities failed to fulfill the population doing poorness, exasperating people because they were losing their occupations and being replaced by machines doing unemployment, pollution, child labour issues in add-on to any other unethical or moral failures that people could had. And the concluding image, the pen, which evidently means literature, Wordsworth could mention to the writer s deficiency of ideals or possibly all those virtuousnesss that are altering and because of that, they get lost in clip and eventually I consider that Wordsworth was seeking to compare the other writers with the quality of the plants of Milton. The verse form has two chief intents, the first is the purpose of Wordsworth to promote people to appreciate the fantastic about nature and his beauty by shouting out to Milton wishing him to be alive in that clip and to learn to those people who non appreciate or understand the importance of the nature, their milieus and the impressiveness of unrecorded in a community. In the other manus he wanted to pull the attending to the English societal jobs that he were confronting in the nineteenth century faulting the societal establishments and people themselves for the jobs of society that can besides be applied in the present clip by our feelings toward philistinism that we have presents.
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