Wednesday, October 30, 2019
In the news 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
In the news 1 - Assignment Example Things have taken a new twist when Eduardo Campos was killed when a plane he was in crashed and the former environment minister was confirmed as his successor. Analysis predicts that Marina Silva as well as Rousseff have the same number of votes in the initial round that may result in a subsequent round of votes which may go in her favor. Miss Silva presents her candidature as a manner of fronting political renewal since she is neither a part of the Workers’ Party nor the PSDB which have been dominant in the politics of the country for the last twenty years. She has developed to be a viable alternative since she supports efforts towards change from both sides in Brazil while showing support for the business friendly policies making her win the sympathy of votes from the elite. It is ironic that her support amongst the middle class which has developed in the society in the last ten years is increasing among the Workers’ party administration. This may be happening as a result of people joining the formal job market and beginning to pay taxes which have changed their expectations. The Workers’ Party has lifted many Brazilians out of poverty through increases in minimum wage and school programs that have increased attendance. On the other hand, support dwindled when costs of transport started rising and police violence escalated in relation to the world cup. The approval ratings are rapidly decreasing but showed some improvement in July as a result of the World Cup running
Monday, October 28, 2019
Violence against Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Essay Example for Free
Violence against Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Essay In the past, society has been responsible in inculcating, indoctrinating and impressing on the minds of people that there are only two kinds of gender, either male or female. But in our modern setting, society has learned to adapt to the non-conformists in their midst in regards to this classification. But there are those who by virtue of their fear or upbringing, has raised the specter of violence against these individuals for no other reason than satiating their fear and hatred of gays and lesbians in this society. Can the incidence of violence against gays and lesbians be stopped? Should heterosexual society have justifications in their fear, or hate, of the â€Å"queer†people? In the article of Valerie Jennes and Kimberly Richman, Anti-Gay Violence and its Discontents (2002), there are recent crimes that seem to suggest just that. In a most heinous display of homophobia in the United States, one homosexual man from Wyoming, Matthew Shepard, was brutally killed by two assailants, Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson (Diane Richardson and Steven Seidman p. 403). In the course of the investigation, it was discovered that the victim allegedly made advances on the suspect which provoked the suspect to go into a murderous fit. Counsel for the defendants argued that the incident was triggered by the homophobic tendencies of the suspect (Richardson and Seidman 403). After the Shepard case, Billy Jack Gaither was murdered by friends of McKinney and Russell. Again, the reason cited in the investigations was homophobia. Gaither was hit repeatedly with an axe handle, and then set on fire using a pile of tires as kindling. All of the cases were done by reason of the fear of homosexuals and the alleged sexual advances made by the victims on the suspects (Richardson and Seidman 403). Cases like these only display one fact. It must be understood that this incidents present a throwback to the old ideas that there are only male and female roles to be filled in the society, and anything else is deviant. But in this day and age, many of those roles are adequately fulfilled in by the non-conformists in the society, those who aver that it is their choice or give weight to the biological factors that make them as such. Most of the LGBT sector is afraid of revealing themselves and being true to their identity because of the ridicule and the shame that they would be made to endure (Riki Wilchins 265). In any society, there is always the event that what that society fears the most, it learns to hate it, not because of anything that the object of that fear has, but in the mere fact that the object gives them the thought that this object found its way into that society. This seems to be the main driver of the hate against gays and lesbians. It is thios hate that drives them to commit crimes against homossexuals. In her article Coming Out, Professor Paula Rodriguez Rust explains the term as recognizing that an individual has feelings of attraction towards a member of their own sex, embrace a bisexual outlook, and be able to share that identity with others (Paula Rust 227). This must be done to be recognized as such since the society has been inculcated with the notion that all are heterosexual. Since this is the operative assumption, then all parents would expect that their children are heterosexual and conduct themselves in a heterosexual manner. If one were to replace this resident societal identity with another so-called â€Å"deviant†one, these individuals run the risk of being ostracized rather than accepted (Rust 227). A revealed homosexual, once he does so, will find that their relationships in the heterosexual society will be vastly different than the one held in that society. It means a change in the attitudes and disposition members of that society will accord that person, gay or lesbian. Relationships with the members of that society, especially close ones such as friends or family, will dramatically alter for the worse. One will experience the impoverishment of closeness of these relationships, since their behavior or identity runs against the grain of that society (Rust 227). One of the subjects Wilchins interviewed intimated about the shame that he felt every time that his mother would ask him to hold her bag in the shop (Wilchins 265). His partner said that he used to skip classes every time they would play baseball in the gym because of the comments about the feminine way that he threw the ball (Wilchins 265). It is evident from the reaction of these two individuals that the society they are in now still has to allow integration of their sector into the mainstream of the modern-day society. The modern society that the United States boasts of is still quite archaic in their beliefs, at least in this context. Through history has been replete with incidents of violent acts that focus on the gay and lesbian sector, it was only recently that the government have begun to accumulate the data on the different aspects of the crime of â€Å"gay bashing†(Richardson and Seidman 405). Before this time, verifiable information on the statistics of gay and lesbian violence was very hard to come by. It was not until the later 80s that scientific research work on the compilation of data regarding the causes and manifestations of the crimes against homosexuals that is vital in the work to address this issue has recently been accumulated. In the United States, there have been incessant calls for the authorities to look into and monitor incidents of crimes of bias, especially those affecting the gay and lesbian part of society (Richardson and Seidman 405). Heterosexism: Racism in a new light As the African Americans in the early history of the United States were subjected to racist initiatives, gays and lesbians were not spared from the ostracization of the society (Gregory Herek, PhD). Since the advent of the gay movement in the middle of the 1900s, many people have reprehended these individuals as sick, profligate and outright felonious. This line of thinking was given form by psychologist George Weinberg, coining the term homophobia (Herek). Weinberg (1969) used this term to quantify the fear of heterosexuals coming into close contact with homosexuals. His term was first printed in 1969, coming out in Weinbergs Society and the Healthy Homosexual in 1972 (Herek). So what is a homophobe (University of Florida)? In brief, a homophobe can be defined as a person with an intense hatred or dread of homosexuals. Heterosexism is the idea that a heterosexual is superior to a homosexual, and that homosexual relationships are not as legal or accepted as heterosexual ones. Heterosexism as a concept came about the same time as racism and sexism (Herek). As an ideology, the term came to define the actions of individuals to asperse, besmirch, and isolate any form of homosexual conduct or actions (Herek). In Wichins article, it was said that the gender issue is like some form of â€Å"closet†that gay and lesbians must be willing to come out of (Wilchins 266). This, according to Wilchin, is the area that is targeted by heterosexuals. As stated earlier, society has been impressed by a constant deluge of the need to conform to the genders and sexual types in the modern society. Male children are taught to talk, walk, and act like some Hollywood action star. If the actions of the children are in the least way feminine, they will be subjected to violence and debasement (Wilchins 266). They learn to abhor anything remotely connected to their feminine side, so that when they finally come up to one, they are more than willing to terminate that threat (Wilchins 266). This indifference and marginalized treatment of the gay and lesbian sector may be attributed to the invasive nature heterosexism has been influencing the dominant society. This can clarify the hidden nature that the gay and lesbian sector has been â€Å"operating†in the society. Again the dictates society declares that the practice of heterosexual activities and conduct is widely accepted and tolerated, and the practice of homosexual conduct is severely chastised and discouraged (Florida). If people who are known or are open in their practice of their identities are discovered, they are open to violent acts that seem to be perpetrated by the dictates of the society (Herek). In a 1987 report released by the United States Department of Justice on the statistics of bias crimes, it was found out that a majority of the targets of these crimes were minority group members, such as African Americans, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and gays and lesbians. It also noted that gays and lesbians were the most frequent victims of bias crimes. In other private-sponsored studies, crimes against homosexuals that were provoked or bought upon by homophobia and heterosexism topped the reasons for the commission of the crime (Richardson and Seidman 403). It seems that the main issue, however, in the issue of gays and lesbians in society is not that they operate, so to speak, in a different norm and manner. Rather, the issue is trying to create a niche in a heterosexual dominated society (Wilchins 267). Wilchins argues that the movement for the recognition for the rights of women ultimately bore enactment in laws for the benefit, in the same way that gay rights efforts ultimately gave rise to recognition of that sectors rights. If the gender issue is to discussed intelligently and objectively, then the gender rights movement must be bought out rather than hidden from the public agenda (Wilchins 267). For something to be discussed, what is needed is educated discussion, rather than making attempts at terminating the percieved threat. Can the violence against LGBTs be stopped? Again, we must go back to the freedom we speak of. It is recognized that many in the LGBT sector have risen up through the obstacles that this â€Å"modern†society has set up along their way and emerged triumphant, yet are still looked down upon, and in many instances, with hate permeating through the opposition. It is this hate that laws and statutes, however good they may be, cannot control, the choice of people to hate, to think ill of the gays and lesbians, and to concoct and perform violence against gays and lesbians. All that can be done is to make laws that are far more retributive against people who perform these acts. Federal and local governments should take the initiative in making laws or amending current statutes to give more protection for the gays and lesbians in the society. Unless modern society provides that niche by which the gays and lesbians can integrate themselves into the mainstream of society, it can be said that violence against gays and lesbians and others like them are likely to be a major problem. It is in the act of â€Å"modern†society to accept its diversity, not only in identity, but also in gender and preferences that it can be called a truly modern society. Works Cited Equality Maryland. â€Å"Hate Crimes Bill Heads to Governors Desk†. http://www. equalitymaryland. org/pr_2005/pr2005. 04. 09. htm Garnets, Linda and Kimmel, Douglas C. â€Å"Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experiences: Chapter 9: Finding a Sexual Identity and Community, by Paula Rust†. New York City: Columbia University Press (2003). Works Cited Herek, Gregory M. â€Å" Definitions: Sexual prejudice, homophobia, and heterosexism†. http://psychology. ucdavis. edu/rainbow/HTML/prej_defn. html Richardson, Diane and Seidman, Steven . â€Å"Handbook of Gay and Lesbian Studies: Valerie Jennes and Kimberly D. Richman†. California: Sage Publications (2002). Wilchins, Riki Anne. â€Å"Time for Gender Rights†. GLQ: A Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies Volume 10, Number 2 (2004). pp. 265-267. University of Florida. â€Å"What is heterosexism†? http://grove. ufl. edu/~ggsa/files/bboard/heterosexism. pdf.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
There has been an ongoing controversy in the United States on whether the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen like most of the world or if it should stay at twenty-one. Underage drinking has been a major controversial issue for years, yet why is it not under control? Teenagers are continuing to buy alcohol with fake identification cards, drink, get into bars, and drink illegally. As a teen I have proof that these things are going on not only in college but in high school as well. There are a lot of factors that come together to why the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen; the most obvious reason is too many people are drinking before they are twenty-one. Liquor stores, bars, and clubs all want to make money and if they can get away with selling to underage teens then they will. A study done by the Academic Search Premier agrees that, ?By now it is obvious that the law has not succeeded in preventing the under-21 group from drinking? (Michael Smith 1). There would be a lot of benefits to having the drinking age change to eighteen. The amount of binge drinking would lessen, and the out rage to drink would also decrease. According to Smith, ?Reports of binge drinking come from all types of campuses across the country. In 1992, researchers reported that more college?s students were drinking to get drunk than their counterparts a decade earlier, and one recent study reported an increase, just since 1994, in the number of students who drink deliberately to get drunk? (Smith 1). I interviewed my friend Shelly Mitchell who recently turned twenty-one and asked her how she felt about finally being legal to drink. She quoted, ?It is not as exciting to drink anymore, I mean I still like to go out with my friends to bars, but the fun is all over, in high school and college it was so exciting trying to get alcohol by using a fake ID.? All of these factors could be changed by lowering the drinking age to eighteen. In a study done by the Harvard School of Public Health, binge drinking is defined as five drinks in a row for boys and four drinks for girls. And when they did a survey they found that 44% of the students attending Harvard binge drink (Jeffrey Kluger 1).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Why Death Is Better Than Life in Prison?
Life in prison. When you look at the death penalty system in action, you realize that the only purpose it serves is retribution or revenge, it is seriously (and intrinsically) flawed in application and that there is a serious and continuing risk of executing innocent people. And, it costs much more than life in prison. Here are some facts about the death penalty system. While these refer to the system in the United States, similar things would apply to other nations as well. 130 people on death rows have been released with proof that they were wrongfully convicted. DNA, available in less than 10% of all homicides, can’t guarantee we won’t execute innocent people. If someone is convicted and later found innocent you can release him from prison, but not from the grave. The death penalty doesn't prevent others from committing murder. No reliable study shows the death penalty deters others. Homicide rates are higher in states and regions that have it than in those that don’t. Life without parole, on the books in 48 states, also prevents reoffending. It means what it says, and spending 23 of 24 hours a day locked in a tiny cell is not a picnic. Life without parole costs less than the death penalty. The death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison, mostly because of the upfront costs of legal process which is supposed to prevent executions of innocent people. (upfront=before and during the initial trial) The death penalty isn't reserved for the worst crimes, but for defendants with the worst lawyers. It doesn't apply to people with money. When is the last time a wealthy person was on death row, let alone executed? Families of murder victims are not unanimous about the death penalty. However, even families who have supported the death penalty in principal have testified that the drawn-out death penalty process is painful for them and that life without parole is an appropriate alternative. Problems with speeding up the process. Over 50 of the innocent people released from death row had already served over a decade. Speed up the process and we will execute innocent people. Sources: Death Penalty Information Center, www. deathpenaltyinfo. org, for stats on executions, reports on costs, deterrence studies, links to FBI crime stats and links to testimony (at state legislatures) of victims' family members.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reducing Racial Discrimination in the USA Essay
Between the periods of 1877-1981 there were many significant figures who contributed towards reducing racial discrimination in the USA. Although without events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, WWII or the actions of the NACCP to change attitudes towards African Americans, these individuals would have had little effect. The likes of Booker T Washington and Du Bois set the foundation for civil rights along with the Second World War; however other individuals such as Martin Luther King help to actively progress the movement. Along with this the government and various presidents more so in the latter of the period of 1877-1981 helped to change attitudes and enforce legislation which was vital in reducing racial discrimination in the USA. Booker T Washington began to provide the foundations to the civil rights movement in his actions. Although I believe that during this early period of the movement little was achieved, Washington was still able to provide education, and show African Americans that they had a future and it was at their own mercy. This helped to relieve some who were less fortunate. On the other hand Du Bois took a route which directly campaigned for civil rights for African Americans; alike to Washington he achieved little due to the already widespread racial situation in the USA. It is noticeable that these individuals had no short term meaningful effect on reducing racial discrimination, however much was achieved long term as they created the path for the civil rights movement in the future, this was also aided with the work from the NACCP, which raised awareness of the racial discrimination situation in America. Another individual which had little short term significance in reducing racial discrimination was Marcus Garvey, who unlike Du Bois and Washington believed that blacks and whites could not co-exist and they should be separate, he held the belief that African Americans had to start their own nation in order to advance. Whilst he failed to make much impact on the movement itself, alike to his predecessors Du Bois and Washington, his ideas were valued and widespread, they inspired many including future activists such as Malcolm X. Garvey gave African Americans at that time a sense of confidence that they would be able to advance as a race, and they need not be bound by the constraints of racial discrimination. This is why in the Long term Garvey was a valued activist, and his ideas were useful in progress in the movement towards equality. Also he gave confidence to other African Americans in campaigning against racial discrimination which could be seen in the likes of the Greensboro Sit Ins further into the civil rights movement. The likes of the NACCP helped to put an end to racial discrimination with the use of court cases and legal methods which were unlike the methods that the likes of Washington used with his attempts to educate. Examples of this were Brown Vs the board of education which the Supreme Court ruled in favor of reducing discrimination and segregation within schools. However the NACCP failed to diminish discrimination totally the organization still managed to do some good in the fight for equality. Furthermore, whilst the likes of Du Bois were unable to make a direct impact on reducing discrimination, he was able to work alongside the NACCP using other methods to succeed in his goals, and together this would reduce discrimination more. Therefore the NACCP played a more important role than early individuals in reducing racial discrimination towards African Americans through its early successes in successes in removing segregation, and although things to come would show to be more valuable to the civil rights movement, the NACCP was still a vital element in setting the foundation of the civil rights movement for the future. Although individuals had led the campaign for civil rights for African Americans throughout the early 20th century and towards the end of the 19th, as WWII commenced it would prove to be a key factor in aiding reduction of racial discrimination. It helped to change attitudes towards black American’s, as they went to war; they were portrayed to be worthy American citizens which changed many white American’s attitudes towards them. The war also created stepping stones for the likes of Martin Luther King to breach into the civil rights movement, therefore not only did it have an impact on black American’s, it also created some success for many civil rights activists. However the war did nothing to reduce discrimination towards other ethnic minorities, for example Japanese Americans received much racial discrimination due to Japan’s role in WWII. Although the war was bad for the civil rights of Japanese Americans, Chinese American’s received a better way of life, with more civil rights as America forged a great political relationship with China after the war due to their help during it. Therefore WWII was a great influence on reducing racial discrimination within the USA for only certain minorities, although for the likes of Japanese American’s way of life got worse as they were sent to camps until the war ended due to suspicions. The war was more important than earlier individuals as it had a direct impact on reducing racial discrimination, and further effect in the emergence of fresh civil rights activists who would later have a significant role in the movement. As the attitudes towards African Americans changed after the war in the 1940’s many civil rights activists saw their time to join the civil rights movement. One of these activists was Martin Luther King who used methods of non-violence in order to gain sympathy from whites and in doing so change attitudes towards black Americans. Although his views were similar to those of Du Bois’ views, King had more effect on reducing racial discrimination. Particularly in attempts to eliminate desegregation. This was likely to be partly due to how far the civil rights movements had advanced by King’s time, in particularly down to WWII which changed attitudes. King gave confidence to Black American’s; he used television and media to convey his ideas through speeches which were very influential and very much a trait of his. King was often compared as similar to Washington and Du Bois, although he did much more to reduce discrimination. His direct actions in the likes of the Montgomery Bus boycott. This event was critical in reducing racial discrimination as it saw black Americans united as one to fight for their cause, its success showed that with the unity of African Americans civil rights could be achieved, and also proved that the likes of King needed events such as the boycott to achieve anything as an activist. This event was significant to him. Also significant to King’s civil rights success was the use of television. With the use of television violence towards African Americans could be shown to a wider audience across the USA, and could hange attitudes. Therefore although King was more significant than his predecessors Washington, Garvey and Du Bois as an activist, this was partly due to what King had to work with such as television. Further to this, the likes of civil rights activists such as Cesar Chavez who was in the fight for reducing discrimination within Mexican Americans followed King’s policies of non-violence, this showed King was not only having an effect on black Americans. Chavez led the first farm workers union in America which was successful to some extent, and led to the reduction of racial prejudice. Although this wasn’t much compared to what the likes King had achieved with his use of speeches. In contrast to King’s policy of non-violence was the up and coming idea of ‘Black Power’ during the 1960’s. Originating from Garvey, violent civil rights activist Malcolm X worked to make the ideology more popular. The idea supported segregation, and blacks being supreme compared to white Americans, and again highlighted the ideas of African Americans starting their own nation. X’s beliefs of gaining equality by ‘any means necessary’ contrasted with King’s beliefs of non-violence which made King and X much like enemies during the 1960’s. However, X’s ideas had little or none effect on passing legislation and reducing discrimination. Although alike to Garvey X gave black Americans confidence, noticeably within the northern ‘ghettos’ in highlighting important issues of violence within these areas. Therefore X’s views of violence were greatly frowned upon, which always put him in the shadow of King who was always more significant in reducing racial discrimination in the USA. In the early stages of the civil rights movement the government played little role in reducing racial discrimination. However presidents began to get involved in the movement as it persisted. Eisenhower had the first real involvement in the movement when he sent federal troops for assistance in Little Rock, and the government enforced the Supreme Court ruling of the Brown case in the town. Kennedy had planned to enforce a Civil Rights Bill, although this was later enforced via Johnson along with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which gave black Americans the right to vote, and again reduced discrimination; this was a step in the right direction of equality. Further to this Nixon aimed to enforce desegregation in schools as well as helping the like of voting rights, employment discrimination and aid to the poor. Although Nixon was not as significant as Carter who later made attempts to get black Americans involved politically, appointing them in the judiciary. This enabled more blacks to have a say as well as improving their status in society. Therefore presidents played a key role as if they were for civil rights, then this could mean attitudes could be changed on a broader scale. This was important to the movement, and was more useful in reducing discrimination overall due to legislation passed which was showing that action was being taken against racial discrimination, unlike the role of previous activists such as Du Bois, Garvey, X and Washington who failed to have much impact on legislation. The most influential president was Johnson; he was able to pass legislation which made blacks equality to whites greater, such as the Voting Rights Act. Although the likes of King didn’t have the power to do this, civil rights activists made government aware of the racial situation in the USA. Therefore they were more significant than presidents. In the 1970’s and 1980’s further action brought forward the civil rights movement. The introduction of the Quota System meant that employers and universities had to take on a certain percentage of African Americans, and the situation for black Americans began to rapidly improve. Although this had much more significance than many activists in this later period, it was still influenced because of activists in the early stages of the civil rights movement, which make the likes of King more significant. In conclusion, in the period of 1877-1981 individuals were the most significant in reducing racial discrimination. Early activists such as Washington and Du Bois had little opportunity to reduce discrimination due to the widespread discrimination and the likes of the KKK, however, events such as WWII enabled activists to emerge, as attitudes towards African Americans had began to change. Using the ideologies of previous activists the most important individual King was able to use events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the likes of television to share his speeches and views, helping to pass legislation, change attitudes and give black Americans the confidence to further the civil rights movement. King helped to convey the on-going discrimination problem in the USA towards the government, which enabled presidents to take action with the likes of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which brought about further equality for blacks. Although towards the latter stages of the movement the government had more effect on reducing racial discrimination by passing legislation.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates Development Levels of United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates (UAE) is among the most developed countries in the world with a very high Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the Middle East. The country has very high human development index. Moreover, the country has been ranked among the highest growing economies in the world.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on United Arab Emirates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Furthermore, the country has high per capita income than most developed countries (Zaman 4). The country has also high consumption levels both private and public. Moreover, the country enjoys a positive current account balances because of the high incomes from the oil sector. Contribution of Natural Factors and Human Capital The country has vast deposits of petroleum products that have been critical in the development of the country. Oil products usually fetch high income to a country and they have ready market throughout the world. Moreover, the country is situated in a strategic position that makes it a tourist attraction center. It is important to note that the country has invested a lot of money on the education sector. Graduates, high school dropouts as well as the adults are included in the program that is aimed at increasing the productivity of people (Rostin 6). This has been highly beneficial for the country. In addition, the government has heavily invested in research and development leading to increased development. On the same note, the government has implemented policies that has made establishment of companies very easy thus encouraging both local and foreign investors Effects of Environmental Externalities and Income Inequality UAE has invested heavily in the oil industry and many people work in this sector. This industry has led to the establishment of other industries that majorly come up to offer services to people who work in the oil industry. Moreover, the presence of o il in the UAE has been quite critical in the development of the manufacturing and service sectors that are very vibrant currently. These industries have been vital in enhancing the development of the United Arab Emirates. However, there is also the problem of pollution that results from the many industries that have been established (Bazoobandi 78). On the other hand, there is a lot of inequality in the UAE which hinder even development in the country. Some emirates have very low incomes and as a result, they are lowly developed compared to others. Furthermore, other people earn very high incomes and enjoy high living standards while others earn lowly leading to high disparities. Contribution of other Development Factors The country has very good transport system both road and air transport. Most of the places are connected through roads as well as by air. The country’s airline, Emirates airline, is among the largest airlines in the world. The country is also in the coastline and has one of the best ports in the world. Telecommunication sector is also advanced with many people having access to phone and the internet (Zaman 6). However, there are other emirates that have poor road networks due to underdevelopment compared to others.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The country adheres to the Islam rules and culture. Most people in the country observe the Islam code of dressing. Nevertheless, the country is tolerant to other religions given the fact that it has many foreigners working there. This has been a positive factor that attracts foreign expatriates to the country (Bazoobandi 83). Tolerance in religion and culture has also been advantageous in the development of the tourism industry. Nonetheless, the government still requires local majority ownership in every firm established in the country. This protectionist tendency has discour aged some potential investors who would not want to dilute ownership of their firm. Income inequalities have also contributed to imbalanced development both among people and among emirates. Development Assistance Given and Government Policy UAE issues a lot of money in form of foreign aid to developing countries and in case of disasters as well as during emergence cases. In year 2010, the country gave $792.2 million that comprised 2.7% of its GDP as foreign aid (Bazoobandi 79). On the same note, the country receives a lot of money in form of foreign direct investment with the oil industry being the largest beneficiary. Arguably, the government’s policy is aimed at increasing exports, a reason as to why investment is directed to manufacturing and the service sector (Aldosari 120). There have been efforts to advance the micro-credit finance to serve people but still many people cannot access the services. Moreover, small and inefficient institutions offer the services. Possible Solution to Achieve High Development Respect of human rights is crucial in attraction of investors. Consequently, the government will have to protect human rights in order to attract foreign investors. Moreover, the government should try to reduce the income disparities that have prevailed in the country to increase economic development. Furthermore, the country needs to enhance its efforts in diversifying its economy to avoid shocks in case of crises in the oil industry. More importantly, the government will have to revisit its stand on the local ownership of any firm established locally to attract more foreign investors. Aldosari, Ali. Middle East, Western Asia and Northern Africa. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, 2007. Print.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on United Arab Emirates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bazoobandi, Sara. The Political Economy of the Gulf Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Case Study of Iran, Kuwai t, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print. Rostin, Andreas. Structural Changes in the United Arab Emirates. Munchen: GRIN Verlag, 2007. Print. Zaman, Nadeem UZ. UAE and Globalization-Attracting Foreign Investments. Munchen: GRIN Verlag, 2011. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Business marketing
Business marketing "Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it." This phrase was said many centuries ago and is still worth today. Any time customer, in fact these customers whose costs are driven by what they purchase, increasingly look to purchasing as a way to increase profits and thus pressure suppliers to reduce prices. A good example beside the one in the article is when you are going to buy a car and you start searching about what car dealer is the best for you to buy yours. How can you decide which of the dealers it's the best for you, it is a good question. A growing number of suppliers have created a customer value models, that is no more than data-driven representations, of the worth in monetary terms, of what the suppliers are going to could do for its customers.I have been talking about values, but what they are and what values are in business is what I'm going to explain right now.Customers are Ignoring YouIn business market values are the worth in monetary form of the technic al, economic, service and social benefits any customer receives in exchange for the price it pays for a market offering. An example of value in monetary term is dollars per unit, guilders per liter, or kroner per hour. On the other hand, benefits are no more than in which any costs a customer incurs in obtaining the desire benefits, except for purchase price, are included. And finally value is what a customer gets in exchange for the price it pays. In fact, value is one of the two elemental characteristics of marketing offer; the other one is price.Field value assessments that is the most commonly and accurate method used to build customer value models. This value is used to...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Cases When Hyphenation Doesnt Help
3 Cases When Hyphenation Doesnt Help 3 Cases When Hyphenation Doesn’t Help 3 Cases When Hyphenation Doesn’t Help By Mark Nichol Writers are often confused by the complexity of hyphenation rules, mistakenly omitting them when their presence would help clarify meaning and inserting them when they’re superfluous. The decision about whether to use them can be further complicated in sentences in which it would be technically correct but aesthetically inadvisable to use them. Three examples, each followed by discussion and revision, demonstrate a few sentences in which recasting a sentence to avoid hyphens is preferable to using them. 1. They can lean toward easier-to-maintain, off-the-shelf server, network, and storage gear. Hyphenation of the phrasal adjectives â€Å"easier to maintain†and â€Å"off the shelf,†both of which modify the phrase â€Å"server, network, and storage gear†is correct, but the double dose of multiple hyphenation, complicated by the fact that the phrases modify a phrase rather than a single word, clutters the sentence. Relaxing the statement as shown here improves readability: â€Å"They can lean toward off-the-shelf server, network, and storage gear that is easier to maintain.†2. The company’s conversation about buying a brand can evolve into a mergers and acquisitions (MA)-type dialogue. Identifying a term’s abbreviation within parentheses immediately after the first reference to the term when the abbreviation will be used in place of the term in subsequent references is standard procedure, but when the term is modified by a word attached to it with a hyphen, the intervening parenthesis is intrusive. Again, sentence relaxation is a simple solution: â€Å"The company’s conversation about buying a brand can evolve into a dialogue similar to that regarding mergers and acquisitions (MA).†(Also, technically, temporarily disregarding the parenthesis, an en dash should replace the hyphen in the original sentence to signal that type is being attached not just to acquisitions but to the entire phrase â€Å"mergers and acquisitions†: â€Å"The company’s conversation about buying a brand can evolve into a mergers and acquisitions–type dialogue.†) 3. The next step should be to evaluate the effectiveness of existing practices in customer information collection strategies. Technically, the string of nouns turned adjectives that combine to modify strategies should be hyphenated to signal their teamwork (â€Å"The next step should be to evaluate the effectiveness of existing practices in customer-information-collection strategies†), but that three-car train of adjectives can be avoided by relaxing the sentence: â€Å"The next step should be to evaluate the effectiveness of existing practices in strategies for collecting customer information.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and Toes41 Words That Are Better Than GoodPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Differences between the qualitative and the quantitative data 2111 Essay
Differences between the qualitative and the quantitative data 2111 - Essay Example Qualitative data on the other hand, is the information that relates to qualities that is information that cannot be measured (Taylor, 2005). In this essay, the differences between qualitative and quantitative data will be examined, as well as, their pros and cons. Data that is gathered using quantitative methods yields more accurate and objective information because the information is collected using standardized methods. This data can be replicated and analysed using sophisticated statistical techniques (Creswell, 2014). Data gathered using qualitative methods, on the other hand, does not require the use of statistical methods to analyse the data because it is more suitable for formative evaluations. Summative evaluations requires the use of quantitative measures in order to judge the ultimate value of the project. Qualitative data deals with descriptions where the data that is collected can be observed, but not measured. While quantitative data deals with numbers where the data can be measured (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012). This means that analysing qualitative data is easier because the data is expressed in words and does not require any statistical formula to ensure that the data collected is accurate like in quantitative data. Therefore, it is easier to collected data using qualitative research for people doing social sciences as they analyse the perceptions and views of the people unlike in quantitative data where there is statistical formulas that requires the researcher to have a clear understanding of what they are doing. Data quality and complexity affects the time needed for data collection and analysis (Hartas, 2010). Although technological innovations have played, a major role in shortening the time required to process quantitative data. The time needed to gather quantitative data is considerable in order to pre-test and create questions, as well as,
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Fall Of The Roman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Fall Of The Roman Empire - Essay Example Much is known about the history of the early Greek, but nothing much is known about the early history of Rome prior to B.C.753. The culture that was built by the Romans is called classical and they could make a vast empire in Rome. The mythological history of Rome states that it was built by Romulus and Remus, the twin wolfs. As the idiom, ‘Rome was not built in one day’, depicts the duration of building the Roman Empire. The hard work and organized enthusiasm of the Romans could make a great empire that reached far and across the world. As the building of the empire took many years it took years for the fall of the empire too. The Romans were not great thinkers as the Greek but were men of sound commonsense and mighty action. The Romans were fine soldiers and were organized well and this enabled them to build a mighty Roman empire. They were the people who had exceptional skill in administrative levels and statesmanship which enabled them to rule many countries far and across Rome. The generals and statesmen like Julius Caesar and Augustus could extend the boundaries of the empire to other side of the world. Their capacity to rule the different nations of language and creed was one of the successes of their culture and civilization. Due to the expansion of the Empire it was divided into two- the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman empire. The Roman Empire lasted for five centuries. The fall of Roman Empire happened in 476 A.D. Even after the fall of Roman Empire that happened in the Western side the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) continued for 1000 more years. The final fall of the empire took place when Constantinople, which was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in the year A.D. 1453. The fall of the Roman Empire was a gradual process. Many reasons are associated with the fall of this great Empire. The reasons for the fall of Roman Empire: The long history of the Roman Empire tells the ups and downs of the empire. As it took many years to build the nation it took rather same years to the destruction of the nation. There are so many major and minor reasons that caused the decline of the vast empire. The major reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire are given below. Weak rulers: Among the five centuries of Roman rule 200 years witnessed the golden rule of the emperors whereas the remaining 300 years the empire was on the death bed. As the empire was wide great rulers had to be there, but the number of the great rulers were less in Rome. This resulted in loose maintaining of peace in the country. Of course Rome was ruled by the mighty leaders like Augustus, Julius Caesar, Diocletian, Theodosius the Great, and Marcus Aurelius. But these generals were few in number and for every great ruler there were dozens of weak rulers. In the history of five centuries in about 84 emperors ruled Rome and among them only a few are counted to be good and efficient. In A.D. 476 Odoacer, the leader of the German barbarians put an end to the flickering fame of the Roman Empire by expelling the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus. As the leaders were weak the barbarians from all sides of the empire attacked Rome. The Geographical barriers of the Rome had to surrender before the constant attacks of the barbarians. Rome had to defend from the rivers Rhine ( 820) miles and Danude (1,771 miles). As Thorpe observes, â€Å"from 180 A.D., the West depended upon mercenaries to defend its boundaries and relied more on arms than fortifications (no one thought that Rome would not endure forever)†(Thorpe 45). The Roman Empire never came out from it and this lead to the final downfall of the empire. Internal war and problems: It may be
Designing and developing a disaster management plan Essay
Designing and developing a disaster management plan - Essay Example The focus in the recent years has been shifted from the restoration of services at the earliest possible time to continuity of the business operations without loss of time. The utility industries are in a very piquant situation in view of various statutory compliances involved in the business operations apart from protection of employees, losses on account of disruption of the services, damages to the properties and machineries and civil and criminal liabilities arising out of such situations. It is pertinent to note that ‘accidents in the transportation field have had significant impacts on expenditure to reduce risks and increase safety, in some cases quite independently of the technical and economic arguments for investment but merely because public perception demands that particular ghosts be laid.’ (Perrow, 1984). A good disaster management plan envisages establishment of security policies and implementation of procedures in practice. Physical Security of the executives is of paramount importance, because avoiding breakdown in the decision making machinery is very crucial. Identification, analysis and evaluation of the facilities which are prone to disasters based on the available data may be the starting point. Understanding of peoples perception of and relationships with disaster should reflect in the personnel policy. No orders can be issued and effectively acted upon if there is inadequacy in this respect, because, these are the factors which govern their choices and actions. Honesty and integrity of an employee is very important in dealing with emergencies. Success of all management plans hinges on the company’s policy with regard to recruitment, background investigation, orientation provided and the continuous performance appraisal in relation to the employees. Security of data especially for a company in insurance sector is very important. Secret and confidential data should have very
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Search and Seizure Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Search and Seizure - Term Paper Example Failure to issue of a search warrant or the absence of a search warrant invalidates the evidence searched and therefore necessitates its exclusion as evidence against William. A search warrant is an issue signed by the judge or the magistrate that authorizes the police officers to conduct a search of a definite person, a definite object or material at a definite location and at a specified time. The search warrant will serve as the basis of what the police can search and seize in a person or a property through the specific descriptions indicated in the search warrant. If the search warrant only specifies to search the bedroom, the police cannot search the living room or the backyard for further evidence. Nor can they search for drugs if the search warrant specifies weapons. Over the years, the court has allowed a number of situations in which a search warrant is not essential. An example of this situation is called the emergency exception. For example, a police is in patrol, if the p olice hear an alarming shout from the resident while he is on duty, the police can enter the premises to search and arrest the suspect for spousal abuse or child abuse. But looking in William’s case, a warrantless search can only be valid and admissible if his consent of the search was asked, but it wasn’t, making this physical evidence excludable. This exclusion will not pertain to all evidences because there is a difference between the evidence collected from the Elli’s and Stevens’s townhouses. It is stated in the scenario that â€Å"Mrs. Stevens gives the police consent to search the house for any potential evidence that might identify her husband’s killer†. And it is stated above that a warrantless search can only be valid and admissible if the person in control of the premises consents to the search which Mrs. Stevens approved to. While in William’s case, there was no search warrant issued nor he gave his consent to the
The Experience of Coca-cola in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Experience of Coca-cola in China - Essay Example As with other multinational corporations, Coca-cola was only able to establish its presence the Chinese market through joint ventures. It should be noted that the government of the Republic of China favors the formation of joint ventures between a foreign firm and a local business entity. All over the country, Coca-cola has 24 bottling and two concentrate plants, the former being joint ventures with other organizations. Each of the bottling facilities is co-owned with one of the three state-owned agencies: State Light Industry Bureau, China International Trust and Investment Corp., and China National Cereals, Oils, and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corp. (Weisert, 2001). Coca-cola is also allied by two primary multinational key partners-Swire Pacific and Kerry Beverages Group. These Hong Kong based business institutions serve as the foreign majority partners of Coca-cola of 19 out of 24 bottling facilities. While Swire Pacific is involved in the bottling and distribution of Coca-cola' s product in the Southern and Interior China, Kerry Beverages Group focus on Northern and Interior China (Economic Impact of the Coca-cola System in China, 2000). The success of Coca-cola's operation in the Chinese market is recognized by other international business organizations. Currently, the beverage company accounts for 35% of the total carbonated beverage market. From 1990, Coca-cola reports huge gross profit from its estimated $1.2 billion annual sales. Looking at the economic impact of the multinational's operation in China, Coca-cola is seen to generate employment for 15,000 local workers, provides a $1.1 billion total investment, and augmenting the national income by purchasing $600 million worth of materials from domestic producers and suppliers (Coca-cola Will Plant 1 million Trees in Beijing, 2006). However, the success of Coca-cola is not without a price. For one, the Chinese beverage industry is relatively underdeveloped evidenced by the decrepit bottling facilities. This is even worsened by the tight control of the government on the beverage industry (Weisert, 2001). Initially, Coca-cola is only allowed to import its product and sell them only to foreigners at designated retail outlets. This is a strict policy implemented by the state as it wants only Chinese owned, wholly or partially, business to provide products and services to domestic customers. In 1980, Coca-cola decides to establish its own five bottling plants. However, the Chinese government holds the ownership of these facilities giving the sales and distribution rights to Coca-cola (Weisert, 2001). Technologically speaking, Coca-cola was faced with the dilemma of finding the right suppliers with the high level of technology to suit the company's supply needs. This led to a problem in the domestic network development. Coca-cola was burdened with the problem of finding suppliers for packaging materials, drink ingredients, bottling-line equipment, and construction services. Initially, the multinational opted to import basic materials such as glass and aluminum. Later, the company provided financial and technical assistance to local businesses in order for them to develop their technology. These supports help local suppliers to develop their equipment and enhance quality standards (Weisert, 2001).
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Search and Seizure Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Search and Seizure - Term Paper Example Failure to issue of a search warrant or the absence of a search warrant invalidates the evidence searched and therefore necessitates its exclusion as evidence against William. A search warrant is an issue signed by the judge or the magistrate that authorizes the police officers to conduct a search of a definite person, a definite object or material at a definite location and at a specified time. The search warrant will serve as the basis of what the police can search and seize in a person or a property through the specific descriptions indicated in the search warrant. If the search warrant only specifies to search the bedroom, the police cannot search the living room or the backyard for further evidence. Nor can they search for drugs if the search warrant specifies weapons. Over the years, the court has allowed a number of situations in which a search warrant is not essential. An example of this situation is called the emergency exception. For example, a police is in patrol, if the p olice hear an alarming shout from the resident while he is on duty, the police can enter the premises to search and arrest the suspect for spousal abuse or child abuse. But looking in William’s case, a warrantless search can only be valid and admissible if his consent of the search was asked, but it wasn’t, making this physical evidence excludable. This exclusion will not pertain to all evidences because there is a difference between the evidence collected from the Elli’s and Stevens’s townhouses. It is stated in the scenario that â€Å"Mrs. Stevens gives the police consent to search the house for any potential evidence that might identify her husband’s killer†. And it is stated above that a warrantless search can only be valid and admissible if the person in control of the premises consents to the search which Mrs. Stevens approved to. While in William’s case, there was no search warrant issued nor he gave his consent to the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Assginment due 1 aug Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Assginment due 1 aug - Assignment Example Retirement means a different thing to almost every person who chooses to retire. The reasons for retirement, the age of retirement, and the financial health of the individual are all relevant to the decision. What one choses to do after retirement will have an effect on the health of the individual as they choose to be more sedentary or choose to pursue activities (Miller, 2010). Comparing two people who have gone into retirement at different times of life and for different number of years since retirement shows that the experience has some commonalities to general statistics, but is unique for how the individuals feel about their experience and how they have approached the event. In looking at the retirement of Cathy and Kim, the event reveals some conclusions about how to approach retirement while also expressing how the experience is individual. Cathy is a retired teacher who entered into retirement four years ago. She entered teaching because of the incentives that were being given at the time and was happy to retire early, her pension and saving providing for enough of a nest egg that she could afford to retire at the age of 52. She felt that she had given her best to teaching and had come to a place where she no longer had the same kind of enthusiasm for the profession that had once been a source of energy for her as she had enlightened students. One of her favorite moments with a student had been to see that light go on in their eyes as they came to an understanding that they had not previously had before she had given them that knowledge. That moment had not been bringing her the same kind of fulfillment and she felt it was time to move on to other pursuits. She did not really feel retired, but more that she had entered a new phase in her life. She did not really miss teaching as she had continued to teach as a volunteer, providing art instruction at a school district where budget cuts had eliminated the art education. Cathy
Monday, October 14, 2019
Reading and Writing Essay Example for Free
Reading and Writing Essay Learning how to read back in 1970 is quite different from learning how to read in the world we live in today. Learning to read was somewhat difficult for me as a child. We didnt have the fancy reading tools back in the day, such as: Hooked on Phonics or Phonemic Awareness. Looking back over my life, I can remember when I was in the first grade, about six or seven years old and I brought home my first report card. On my report card my teacher pointed out an area of weakness in reading. I can still hear my father saying â€Å"Susie are you having trouble reading? †I would respond as any typical six year old child would do by shrugging my shoulders and saying â€Å"I dont know. †My father was a concerned parent and wanted to help his child. He didnt want to see me struggle in school nor did he want to see me fall behind. My father was determined he was going to help me improve my reading skills and by doing so my reading grade would improve also. So therefore, my father set up a strategy plan. Every evening after school my father and I would sit down at the dinner table and work on improving my reading skills. His first step was to see if I could sound out all the letters of the alphabet. Once he realized I was able to sound out all letters in the alphabet, his next step was to determine if I could sound out all the vowels: long, short and house top vowels too. The third step was to begin sounding out small words such as: the, cat, red, run, ran, like etc. Once I began to get comfortable reading on my own while my father prepared dinner for my two brothers and I, he would have me to sit at the dinner table and read aloud to him fifteen minutes each day. Eventually with with all the hard work and dedication my reading skills gradually improved. After all, they say practice makes perfect. As I grew older I started enjoying reading much more than I ever realized. I had to find out what type of books and magazines I enjoyed reading. In other words, I had to find my reading niche. I enjoy reading books like Mama, How Stella got her Grove Back, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, A Day Late and a Dollar Short by Terry McMillan. Reading can be very enjoyable, relaxing and mind stimulating as well. Reading exercises our brain. One can self improve while gaining experience from other people by reading. Reading is knowledge and power. Reading teaches children about the world around them. Reading develops a child’s imagination. Now that I have returned to college, reading and writing is a common part of everyday life. Every semester I have had several different assignments that required reading and writing skills. I have had to do an essay, public speaking presentations which involved reading and writing. Reading is very important because one can explore themselves to new things. One can also self improve while gaining experience from other people. Reading can be used for connecting your brain and it can also boost ones imagination and creativity. Reading exercises ones brain. Many factors play a vital role in a child’s growth and development. Reading develops a child’s imagination. Children who read do better at school. Reading relaxes the body and calms the mind. Reading is a great source of entertainment. This is an important point because these days we seem to have forgotten how to relax and especially how to be silent. In almost everything we do reading and writing is a vital part of our everyday lives.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Data Conversion and Migration Strategy
Data Conversion and Migration Strategy 1. Data Conversion Migration Strategy The scope of this section is to define the data migration strategy from a CRM perspective. By its very nature, CRM is not a wholesale replacement of legacy systems with BSC CRM but rather the coordination and management of customer interaction within the existing application landscape. Therefore a large scale data migration in the traditional sense is not required, only a select few data entities will need to be migrated into BSC CRM. Data migration is typically a ‘one-off activity prior to go-live. Any ongoing data loads required on a frequent or ad-hoc basis are considered to be interfaces, and are not part of the data migration scope. This section outlines how STEE-Infosoft intends to manage the data migration from the CAMS and HPSM legacy systems to the BSC CRM system. STEE-InfoSoft will provide a comprehensive data conversion and migration solution to migrate the current legacy databases of CAMS and HPSM. The solution would adopt the most suitable and appropriate technology for database migration, using our proven methodology and professional expertise. STEE-InfoSofts data migration methodology assures customers the quality, consistency, and accuracy of results. Table 11 shows STEE-InfoSoft data migration values proposition using our methodology. Table 11: STEE-Infosoft data migration values proposition Value Details Cost Effective STEE-InfoSoft adopts a cost-effective data migration solution. Minimal downtime can be achieved for the data migration. Extensive use of automation speed up work and makes post-run changes and corrections practical. Error tracking and correction capabilities help to avoid repeated conversion re-runs. Customization enables getting the job done the correct way Very Short Downtime Downtime is minimized because most of the migration processes are external to the running application system, and do not affect its normal workflow. It further reduces downtime by allowing the data conversion to be performed in stages. Assured Data Integrity Scripts and programs are automatically generated for later use when testing and validating the data. Control Over the Migration Process. Creating unique ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) scripts to run the extract and load processes in order to reduce the downtime of the existing systems. Merging fields, filtering, splitting data, changing field definitions and translating the field content. Addition, Deletion, Transformation, and Aggregation, Validation rules for cleansing data. 1.1. Data Migration Overview Data migration is the transfer of data from one location, storage medium, or hardware/software system to another. Migration efforts are often prompted by the need for upgrades in technical infrastructure or changes in business requirements Best practices in data migration recommends two principles which are inherent for successful data migration: Perform data migration as a project dedicated to the unique objective of establishing a new (target) data store. Perform data migration in four primary phases: Data Migration Planning, Data Migration Analysis and Design, and Data Migration Implementation, and Data Migration Closeout as shown in 1.1. In addition, successful data migration projects were ones that maximized opportunities and mitigated risks. The following critical success factors were identified: Perform data migration as an independent project. Establish and manage expectations throughout the process. Understand current and future data and business requirements. Identify individuals with expertise regarding legacy data. Collect available documentation regarding legacy system(s). Define data migration project roles responsibilities clearly. Perform a comprehensive overview of data content, quality, and structure. Coordinate with business owners and stakeholders to determine importance of business data and data quality. 1.2. STEE-Info Data Migration Project Lifecycle Table 12 lists the high-level processes for each phase of the STEE-Info Data Migration Project Lifecycle. While all data migration projects follow the four phases in the Data Migration Project Lifecycle, the high-level and low-level processes may vary depending on the size, scope and complexity of each migration project. Therefore, the following information should serve as a guideline for developing, evaluating, and implementing data migration efforts. Each high-level and low-level process should be included in a DataMigrationPlan. For those processes not deemed appropriate, a justification for exclusion should be documented in the DataMigrationPlan. Table 12: Data Migration Project Lifecycle with high-level tasks identified. Data Migration Planning Phase Data Migration Analysis Design Phase Data Migration Implementation Phase Data Migration Closeout Phase Plan Data Migration Project Analyze Assessment Results Develop Procedures Document Data Migration Results Determine Data Migration Requirements Define Security Controls Stage Data Document Lessons Learned Assess Current Environment Design Data Environment Cleanse Data Perform Knowledge Transfer Develop Data Migration Plan Design Migration Procedures Convert Transform Data (as needed) Communicate Data Migration Results Define and Assign Team Roles and Responsibilities Validate Data Quality Migrate Data (trial/deployment) Validate Migration Results (iterative) Validate Post-migration Results During the lifecycle of a data migration project, the team moves the data through the activities shown in 1.2 The team will repeat these data management activities as needed to ensure a successful data load to the new target data store. 1.3. Data Migration Guiding Principles 1.3.1. Data Migration Approach Master Data (e.g. Customers, Assets) The approach is that master data will be migrated into CRM providing these conditions hold: The application where the data resides is being replaced by CRM. The master records are required to support CRM functionality post-go-live. There is a key operational, reporting or legal/statutory requirement. The master data is current (e.g. records marked for deletion need not be migrated) OR is required to support another migration. The legacy data is of a sufficient quality such so as not to adversely affect the daily running of the CRM system OR will be cleansed by the business/enhanced sufficiently within the data migration process to meet this requirement. Note: Where the master data resides in an application that is not being replaced by CRM, but is required by CRM to support specific functionality, the data will NOT be migrated but accessed from CRM using a dynamic query look-up. A dynamic query look-up is a real-time query accessing the data in the source application as and when it is required. The advantages of this approach are; Avoids the duplication of data throughout the system landscape. Avoids data within CRM becoming out-of-date. Avoids the development and running of frequent interfaces to update the data within CRM. Reduces the quantity of data within the CRM systems. ‘Open Transactional data (e.g. Service Tickets) The approach is that ‘open transactional data will NOT be migrated to CRM unless ALL these conditions are met: There is a key operational, reporting or legal/statutory requirement The legacy system is to be decommissioned as a result of the BSC CRM project in timescales that would prevent a ‘run down of open items The parallel ‘run down of open items within the legacy system is impractical due to operational, timing or resource constraints The CRM build and structures permit a correct and consistent interpretation of legacy system items alongside CRM-generated items The business owner is able to commit resources to own data reconciliation and sign-off at a detailed level in a timely manner across multiple project phases Historical Master and Transactional data The approach is that historical data will not be migrated unless ALL these conditions are met: There is a key operational, reporting or legal/statutory requirement that cannot be met by using the remaining system The legacy system is to be decommissioned as a direct result of the BSC CRM project within the BSC CRM project timeline An archiving solution could not meet requirements The CRM build and structures permit a correct and consistent interpretation of legacy system items alongside CRM-generated items The business owner is able to commit resources to own data reconciliation and sign-off at a detailed level in a timely manner across multiple project phases 1.3.2. Data Migration Testing Cycles In order to test and verify the migration process it is proposed that there will be three testing cycles before the final live load: Trial Load 1: Unit testing of the extract and load routines. Trial Load 2: The first test of the complete end-to-end data migration process for each data entity. The main purpose of this load is to ensure the extract routines work correctly, the staging area transformation is correct, and the load routines can load the data successfully into CRM. The various data entities will not necessarily be loaded in the same sequence as will be done during the live cutover Trial Cutover: a complete rehearsal of the live data migration process. The execution will be done using the cutover plan in order to validate that the plan is reasonable and possible to complete in the agreed timescale. A final set of cleansing actions will come out of trial cutover (for any records which failed during the migration because of data quality issues). There will be at least one trial cutover. For complex, high-risk, migrations several trial runs may be performed, until the result is entirely satisfactory and 100% correct. Live Cutover: the execution of all tasks required to prepare BSC CRM for the go-live of a particular release. A large majority of these tasks will be related to data migration. 1.3.3. Data Cleansing Before data can be successfully migrated it data needs to be clean, data cleansing is therefore an important element of any data migration activity: Data needs to be in a consistent, standardised and correctly formatted to allow successful migration into CRM (e.g. CRM holds addresses as structured addresses, whereas some legacy systems might hold this data in a freeform format) Data needs to be complete, to ensure that upon migration, all fields which are mandatory in CRM are populated. Any fields flagged as mandatory, which are left blank, will cause the migration to fail. Data needs to be de-duplicated and be of sufficient quality to allow efficient and correct support of the defined business processes. Duplicate records can either be marked for deletion at source (preferred option), or should be excluded in the extract/conversion process. Legacy data fields could have been misused (holding information different from what this field was initially intended to be used for). Data cleansing should pick this up, and a decision needs to be made whether this data should be excluded (i.e. not migrated), or transferred into a more appropriate field. It is the responsibility of the data owner (i.e. MOM) to ensure the data provided to the STEE-Info for migration into BSC CRM (whether this is from a legacy source or a template populated specifically for the BSC CRM) is accurate. Data cleansing should, wherever possible, be done at source, i.e. in the legacy systems, for the following reasons: Unless a data change freeze is put in place, extracted datasets become out of date as soon as they have been extracted, due to updates taking place in the source system. When re-extracting the data at a later date to get the most recent updates, data cleansing actions will get overwritten. Therefore cleansing will have to be repeated each time a new dataset is extracted. In most cases, this is impractical and requires a large effort. Data cleansing is typically a business activity. Therefore, cleansing in the actual legacy system has the advantage that business people already have access to the legacy system, and are also familiar with the application. Something that is not the case when data is stored in staging areas. In certain cases it may be possible to develop a programme to do a certain degree of automated cleansing although this adds additional risk of data errors. If data cleansing is done at source, each time a new (i.e. more recent) extract is taken, the results of the latest cleansing actions will automatically come across in the extract without additional effort. 1.3.4. Pre-Migration Testing Testing breaks down into two core subject areas: logical errors and physical errors. Physical errors are typically syntactical in nature and can be easily identified and resolved. Physical errors have nothing to do with the quality of the mapping effort. Rather, this level of testing is dealing with semantics of the scripting language used in the transformation effort. Testing is where we identify and resolve logical errors. The first step is to execute the mapping. Even if the mapping is completed successfully, we must still ask questions such as: How many records did we expect this script to create? Did the correct number of records get created? Has the data been loaded into the correct fields? Has the data been formatted correctly? The fact is that data mapping often does not make sense to most people until they can physically interact with the new, populated data structures. Frequently, this is where the majority of transformation and mapping requirements will be discovered. Most people simply do not realize they have missed something until it is not there anymore. For this reason, it is critical to unleash them upon the populated target data structures as soon as possible. The data migration testing phase must be reached as soon as possible to ensure that it occurs prior to the design and building phases of the core project. Otherwise, months of development effort can be lost as each additional migration requirement slowly but surely wreaks havoc on the data model. This, in turn, requires substantive modifications to the applications built upon the data model. 1.3.5. Migration Validation Before the migration could be considered a success, one critical step remains: to validate the post-migration environment and confirm that all expectations have been met prior to committing. At a minimum, network access, file permissions, directory structure, and database/applications need to be validated, which is often done via non-production testing. Another good strategy to validate software migration is to benchmark the way business functions pre-migration and then compare that benchmark to the behaviour after migration. The most effective way to collect benchmark measurements is collecting and analyzing Quality Metrics for various Business Areas and their corresponding affairs. 1.3.6. Data Conversion Process Mapped information and data conversion program will be put into use during this period. Duration and timeframe of this process will depend on: Amount of data to be migrated Number of legacy system to be migrated Resources limitation such as server performance Error which were churned out by this process The conversion error management approach aims to reject all records containing a serious error as soon as possible during the conversion approach. Correction facilities are provided during the conversion; where possible, these will use the existing amendment interface. Errors can be classified as follows: Fatal errors which are so serious that they prevent the account from being loaded onto the database. These will include errors that cause a breach of database integrity; such as duplicate primary keys or invalid foreign key references. These errors will be the focus of data cleansing both before and during the conversion. Attempts to correct errors without user interaction are usually futile. Non-fatal errors which are less serious. Load the affected error onto the database, still containing the error, and the error will be communicated to the user via a work management item attached to the record. The error will then be corrected with information from user. Auto-corrected errors for which the offending data item is replaced by a previously agreed value by the conversion modules. This is done before the conversion process starts together with user to determine values which need to be updated. One of the important tasks in the process of data conversion is data validation. Data validation in a broad sense includes the checking of the translation process per se or checking the information to see to what degree the conversion process is an information preserving mapping. Some of the common verification methods used will be: Financial verifications (verifying pre- to post-conversion totals for key financial values, verify subsidiary to general ledger totals) to be conducted centrally in the presence of accounts, audit, compliance risk management; Mandatory exceptions verifications and rectifications (on those exceptions that must be resolved to avoid production problems) to be reviewed centrally but branches to execute and confirm rectifications, again, in the presence of network management, audit, compliance risk management; Detailed verifications (where full details are printed and the users will need to do random detailed verifications with legacy system data) to be conducted at branches with final confirmation sign-off by branch deployment and branch manager; and Electronic files matching (matching field by field or record by record) using pre-defined files. 1.4. Data Migration Method The primary method of transferring data from a legacy system into Siebel CRM is through Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM). This facility enables bidirectional exchange of data between non Siebel database and Siebel database. It is a server component in the Siebel eAI component group that transfers data between the Siebel database and other corporate data sources. This exchange of information is accomplished through intermediary tables called EIM tables. The EIM tables act as a staging area between the Siebel application database and other data sources. The following figure illustrates how data from HPSM, CAMS, and IA databases will be migrated to Siebel CRM database. 1.5. Data Conversion and Migration Schedule Following is proposed data conversion and migration schedule to migrate HPMS and CAMS, and IA databases into Siebel CRM database. 1.6. Risks and Assumptions 1.6.1. Risks MOM may not be able to confidently reconcile large and/or complex data sets. Since the data migration will need to be reconciled a minimum of 3 times (system test, trial cutover and live cutover) the effort required within the business to comprehensively test the migrated data set is significant. In addition, technical data loading constraints during cutover may mean a limited time window is available for reconciliation tasks (e.g. overnight or during weekends) MOM may not be able to comprehensively cleanse the legacy data in line with the BSC CRM project timescales. Since the migration to BSC CRM may be dependent on a number of cleansing activities to be carried out in the legacy systems, the effort required within the business to achieve this will increase proportionately with the volume of data migrated. Failure to complete this exercise in the required timescale may result in data being unable to be migrated into BSC CRM in time for the planned cutover. The volume of data errors in the live system may be increased if reconciliation is not completed to the required standard. The larger/more complex a migration becomes, the more likely it is that anomalies will occur. Some of these may initially go undetected. In the best case such data issues can lead to a business and project overhead in rectifying the errors after the event. In the worst case this can lead to a business operating on inaccurate data. The more data migrated into BSC CRM makes the cutover more complex and lengthy resulting in an increased risk of not being able to complete the migration task on time. Any further resource or technical constraints can add to this risk. Due to the volume of the task, data migration can divert project and business resources away from key activities such as initial system build, functional testing and user acceptance testing. 1.6.2. Assumptions Data Access Access to the data held within the CAMS, HPSM and IA applications are required to enable data profiling, the identification of data sources and to write functional and technical specifications. Access connection is required to HPMS and CAMS, and IA databases to enable execution of data migrations scripts. MOM is to provide workstations to run ETL scripts for the data migration of HPMS and CAMS, and IA databases. There must not be any schema changes on legacy HPMS and CAMS, and IA databases during data migration phase. MOM is to provide sample of production data for testing the developed ETL scripts. MOM business resource availability; Required to assist in data profiling, the identification of data sources and to create functional and technical specifications. Required to develop and run data extracts from the CAMS HPSM systems. Required to validate/reconcile/sign-off data loads. Required for data cleansing. Data cleansing of source data is the responsibility of MOM. STEE-Info will help identify the data anomalies during the data migration process; however STEE-Info will not cleanse the data in the CAMS HPSM applications. Depending on the data quality, data cleansing can require considerable effort, and involve a large amount of resources. The scope of the data migration requirements has not yet been finalised, as data objects are identified they will be added on to the data object register.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Judicial Activism :: essays research papers
Judicial Activism: A Necessary Action      Judicial activism is rarely needed, but when it is employed, it is only in the most dire of circumstances. It is the broad interpretation of the constitution of the United States by the Supreme Court. Some argue that this should not be done, but if it had not been, slavery would still exist in America. It is obvious that in some cases, it is necessary to expand civil rights beyond what the constitution explicitly states. This was the case in Brown v. Board of Education. 9 black students were allowed into a white school, previously segregated. This was the landmark case in the battle for black civil rights. The judicial activism displayed by the Supreme Court led to an end to segregation, social equality for blacks and allowed them to reach respected positions in the American society.      A major effect of the Supreme Courts decision was the desegregation of schools everywhere. Integration became federal law, and schools could no longer bar applicants based on race alone. By enforcing this law, the Court allowed blacks to recieve the same education as whites and effectively removing their status as second-class citizens. They were one step closer to being fully accepted by the white majority. The integration of children's schools was a controversial step, and many southerners opposed it with extreme prejudice. There were riots to oppose this move, but eventually the chaos was subdued and after order was restored, schools were fully integrated. Black children were now on equal footing with white children and could no longer be called less intelligent, as they would recieve the same education. Also, this case led to the 15th amendment, giving blacks the right to vote. This was an important event, effectively making them complete citizens, legally equal to white men in every way. They could now vote for the president, a key part of the representative democracy present in the United States. They became able to directly affect the law, by voting.      Social equality was a major gain for the blacks. As a result of this case, and others after it, they became increasingly accepted in a previously white-dominated society. With any form of discrimination outlawed and punishable by law, there was no way they could be kept from their rightful position as equals in every respect. Lawsuits against discriminators became increasingly common, and the mindset of the common American was one of tolerance and compassion for
Friday, October 11, 2019
Teen pregnancy and sex education
Adolescent birth rates have gone up and down over the past 60 old ages ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Adolescent gestation is defined as an minor teenage miss going pregnant. The term in mundane address normally means that a adult females who has non reached legal maturity who has become pregnant. Most females in America seem to believe that holding a kid is cool or they want something to name their ain. Teaching adolescents about safe sex and the jobs associated with gestation can travel a long manner in assisting adolescent birth rates to go on to drop. Adolescents who have babes are more likely to non complete high school and have their hereafter programs messed up. Unfortunately the United States still has the highest rate of teenage gestations when compared to other states of similar position ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Babies born to teenage mas have a more likely opportunity of holding a low birth weight and this can take to all kinds of medical jobs later in life. This goes back to instruction about sex and gestation bar in schools and places. One of the biggest issues that needs to be addressed in the battle between abstention merely and sexual instruction is adolescent gestation. Pregnant adolescents face many of the same jobs as adult females in their 20s and 30s. The babes born to these adolescent female parents are most likely to hold lower instruction and populate in higher rates of poorness, and or other poorer â€Å" life results. â€Å" ( Teenage Pregnancy – Wi kipedia ) . For female parents between 15 and 19 old ages, age in itself is non a hazard factor, but extra hazard may be associated with socioeconomic factors. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . There are many groups or oranganizations that help salvage or at least attempt to salvage the many kids that are born to these immature teenage mas. The adolescent birth rate in the United States is the highest in the developed universe, and the adolescent abortion rate is besides high. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Harmonizing to information available from the Guttmacher Institue, sex by age 20 is the normal age across the universe, and states with low degrees of adolescent gestation accept sexual relationships among adolescents and supply comprehensive and balanced information about gender. Womans exposed to mistreat, domestic force, and household discord childhood are more likely to go pregnant as ado lescents, and the hazard of going pregnant as a adolescent increases with the figure of inauspicious childhood experiences ( Teenage gestation – Wikipedia ) . The Adolescent gestation scheme has had mixed success. Although teenage gestations have fallen overall, they have non fall systematically in every part, and in some countries they have increased. There are inquiries about weather the 2010 mark of a 50 % decrease on 1998 degrees can be met ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . But to run into these rates or statistics most adolescents should concentrate on the importance of abstention. Most subjects of this topic merely point out the chief thought and concentrate on one thing but you have to maintain discoursing the importance of the topic, because if non so the readers want believe much about it and non take it earnestly. Supports of abstinence-only motion frequently favor excepting information about safe sex, which they believe encourages pupil s to go sexually active ( Immell, Teen Pregnancy pg.9 ) . Research workers, nevertheless indicate that as of yet there is no definite cogent evidence that abstinence-only plans impede accelerate, or cut down sexual activity ( Immell, Teen Pregnancy pg.10 ) . In the United States the subject of sex instruction is the topic of much combative argument. Some schools provide these â€Å" abstinence-only †instruction and virginity pledges are progressively popular. A squad of research workers and pedagogues in California have published a list of â€Å" best patterns †in the bar of adolescent gestation, which includes, in add-on to the antecedently mentioned constructs, working to â€Å" transfuse a belief in a successful hereafter, †male engagement in the bar procedure, and planing intercessions that are culturally relevant ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Young maternity in an industrialised state can impact employment a nd societal category. Less than one tierce of teenage female parents receive any signifier of child support, immensely increasing the likeliness of turning to the authorities for aid. Teenage maternity may really do economic sense for poorer immature adult females, some research workers suggest ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Most adolescent misss think that holding a babe is all right every bit long as they are taken attention of and populating in the right environment, but small do they cognize the after math or the impact of birth of the kid. Early maternity can impact the psychosocial development of the baby. One survey suggested that stripling female parents are less likely to excite their baby through fond behaviours such as touch, smiling, and verbal communicating, or to be sensitive and accepting toward his or her demands ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . As many of us know being a adole scent female parent is non easy and does non look like it will be any clip shortly but we have to maintain informing our teens on the of import of abstention. The inquiry still remains will the rates of teenage gestations continue to lift or will it easy fall? The merely reply to this inquiry is to maintain back uping your close schools and go on to inform your kids about abstention merely and the hazards of holding a kid.Work Citedworth, richard. Single parnet households. New York: Miami trumpeter publication company, 1992. Print.immell, myra h. San Diego: greenhaven imperativeness, 2001. Print
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Representation of Women in History Essay
Throughout American history, women have been the backbone of the country, working at taking care of their families, and the country itself. The recognition of this is shown by the different representations of America in a female context. Whether as a insolent young Native American princess who has wronged her British mother, or as Roman goddess Columbia in her long, flowing white robes.            The major change in the way America was represented pictorially was brought about by Phillis Wheatley in 1775, when she sent her poem to George Washington describing America as a goddess called Columbia. The people at the time were quick to identify with this new interpretation as they wanted to distance themselves from the negative British representations of America as a Native American woman who was young and disobeying of her parental figure. Also at that time, colonists were thinking of America as a place of self-knowledge and exploration, creating libraries and other places of study, complete with mock Roman architecture that enforced the feeling of the â€Å"new Rome,†and they liked the fact that Columbia was shown as a Roman goddess of sorts.            When looking at the differences in the print by Edward Savage and the print dated 1866, there can be seen a change from Savage’s peaceful looking goddess Columbia, and then the armed fighting women that are in the 1866 picture. The earlier picture dated as 1796 shows Liberty wearing a wreath of flowers around her, offering a cup to an eagle and surrounded by billowing clouds and showing her upfront, away from any violence. The latter drawing from 1866 shows three women, two holding the flag pole, and one with a sword still fighting, surrounded by people. This picture comes at the end of the Revolution era, and depicts America’s fighting spirit which has emerged from the battle.            When looking at the example of the Eighteenth century book, Charlotte Temple by Susanna Rowson, the influence of the Columbian ideal can be shown by the book being of the seduction genre, which was very popular in that era. This type of story touched many in the nation, as people related their worrying about how they stood after going against Britain to the seduction of a young female who was brought the new land, and then tricked into getting pregnant, only to be left to die on her own. Many wondered would America suffer that same fate as the seduced young woman, or would the country triumph as the new goddess, Columbia. It is no surprise that during such a perilous time in history that people were drawn to these seduction genre stories to the point of believing in their hearts that Rowson’s work was non-fiction, which is wasn’t.            The recent 2005 portrait of Sacajawea is a new drawing on a golden dollar coin. She is shown as looking back, her hair drawn back, and having her son, Jean Baptiste strapped to her. This representation of her is striking with her large, dark eyes, and her true Native American features which are very pronounced and stunning. In earlier representations of Native American women, the facial features are all very close to what the features of drawings of white women at the time. These earlier images were closer to the facial likeness of early pictures of Columbia.            The United States mint clearly made this coin to represent the anniversary of the Lewis and Clark expedition, dated 1804. The recent golden dollar was dated 2005, which means that it was conceived of and based on a 2004 date, exactly 200 years apart. The coin is also meant to commemorate the Native American people themselves in history.            The representation of Columbia in American history can be seen as the evolution of the country itself. As society grew, and the perception of what it meant to be an American changed, the figures of women changed with it. The spirit of Columbia is equated with the spirit of our nation, and the artistry used to show that spirit in female form is still being used today, represented by the Sacajawea coin, celebrating the community ideal of what is is to be American.
My Personal Experience As The Victim Of An Injustice Essay
In my life I have been very fortunate that I have not been exposed to confrontational injustice. Nobody directly came to me and told me that I have for instance, not been chosen for a position because of my skin color, my age or any other characteristic of mine that makes me who I am. However, I do know that after 911 individuals, which look like people from the Middle East and or Middle Eastern names are being looked at very differently than before. Before 911 I was commonly referred to as the â€Å"prince of Persia†in my high school. After 911 I was even by good friends jokingly called a terrorist. Growing I have lived next to an airport and used to take my dog to walk around the Hamburg airport in Germany. We went for a walk at all times and I especially enjoyed going there after dusk because of all the airport lights. Lufthansa airlines has a major mechanical facility hanger on the airport. After time I developed a great passion for airplanes. I would read anything and everything about airplanes. I would make my father take me to any air show that would be within reasonable driving distance from us. I have had spent countless hours studying the mechanics of airplanes just so I could start a career as a Lufthansa mechanic. Once I graduated High School in Germany I applied for an internship with Lufthansa. After a while I received an invitation, for a networking event for all internship applicants. Before I arrived I could have not been more ecstatic about finally meeting individuals who were just as excited about airplanes as me. May they have been master mechanics or fellow a pplicants. After settling in I kept on having the feeling that people were staring at me. I didn’t know why but after a while I felt very uncomfortable being there and couldn’t figure out why until I overheard applicants making terrorist jokes about me. Once I brought it up to one Lufthansa employees, he told me that they shouldn’t have said exact those words but that they had made a great point. He went on to explain to me that I would never stand a chance of becoming an air plane mechanic because I am Persian. 911 just happened but I would have never thought on my own that I would be connected in any way or form to 911. From that moment on I always became very aware of the way I look and what my heritage is. I strongly believe that injustice has been done to me on that day because I did change very much the path I have taken in my life and I stopped pursuing my dream. I don’t think that the offender has had experienced anything negative or will experience anything negative unless someone just suits him. Even though the recruiter may has not been racist and may just sincerely wanted to help me, he made me learn that I could be excluded from things because of things I do not have any type of control over like the color of my skin. I do have to say though that I have grown personally from that experience and do not let anybody stop me from doing anything just because somebody has a wrong opinion about life, like how people from Middle Eastern decent should not be employed by airlines working on their airplanes. I am fortunate enough that I have come to understand this now but while I was younger and just heard that person say that and somehow confirming what he said in blogs it affected me very much negatively. My personal experience as the offender of justice I think that the biggest injustice I have done in my life has been, to adopt a puppy. I adopted Dino when me and my wife first got married in Atlanta and I thought that we would live the rest of our life there. I also thought that I would be able to start my career in Atlanta within the finance industry. Unfortunately nothing worked out as I planned. While my wife and I continued to grow our love for Dino, I continued to search for a job. I finally decided that Atlanta’s job market had nothing to offer and that we had to move to Chicago. Our new landlord would not accept pets and therefore we had to give our baby (Dino) for adoption. My wife and I had many arguments over that decision. Finally, we did move to Chicago and gave Dino up for adoption. My wife has been very much upset about giving up Dino and to this day misses him. Therefore, I believe that I have done my wife a huge injustice by making her give up on Dino. Looking back we didn’t have to move and we didnâ⠂¬â„¢t have to move in to that apartment. We could have had looked longer and maybe even find a place that would have let us keep Dino but my rush decision prohibited that, which I didn’t comprehend back then. I must say that I have learned from both instances and therefore become a more mature and patient person. I have learned that although I should still base my decisions on logic rather than emotion I should not totally leave out emotions either. It is rather ironic thinking back, that emotions rather than logic has been the reason why I stopped pursuing becoming a mechanic at Lufthansa.
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