Friday, December 27, 2019
Marie Antoinette Essay - 2066 Words
Through the history of the world, the people of Earth have seen every kind of leader. We’ve seen good leaders, average leaders, and terrible leaders. Many cases in France’s history they have had many leaders go through all of these ranks. For example, Napoleon Bonaparte started out great and slowly went down hill. But never in France’s history have they seen such a terrible leader as King Louie the XVI. Louie was not exactly king material. Louie was fat, shy, gluttonous, gentle, weak minded, not particularly smart and unambitious . He was everything a king shouldn’t be. As the French king Louie made just about every mistake a king could possibly make. These mistakes lead to the French Revolution and even the beheading of King Louie.†¦show more content†¦Another way that Marie loved to give away the French money was when some radicals from America came. These radicals asked Louie for some aid in the American Revolution. The money borrowed by these radicals was promised to be paid back. Marie thought this idea was a great investment and urged Louie to fund these radicals. Well the radicals won and France saw no money for their help. France was in a great depression. France was bankrupt. On top of this was a drought in France making the cost of living skyrocket but the wages of the people stayed the same. This is a cause of the people of France to get increasingly mad at the leaders. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For these reason tells what a terrible lady this was. To me Marie is a perfect example of the woman stereotype. She was the materialistic queen that demanded everything from the king. The queen would even threaten the king with divorce if the king did not give her exactly what he wanted. So this weak minded king knowing the country was running low on money gave the queen everything she asked for without question. This is just one of the reasons that Marie was a plague on France. The French people were outraged. Here they are, thousands of peasants that work as hard as they can and struggle to live, then a drought comes, the living wages rise and now their kids are starving. While all of these is going on, the queen is picking outShow MoreRelatedMarie Antoinette Essay632 Words  | 3 PagesMarie Antoinette Marie Antoinette is possibly one of the most famous French Monarchs. Born an Austrian princess, she because one of the last monarchs to rule the French, Marie Antoinette has had a major impact on French History but, most importantly, the French Revolution. Unfortunately, she isn’t remembered as a great queen or ruler, but because of the way her and her husband died on the guillotine. Marie Antoinette was born on November 2, 1755. Her mother was the Empress Maria Theresa and herRead MoreThe Portrait Of Marie Antoinette863 Words  | 4 Pagesartwork I decided to do my research and write about is the portrait of Marie Antoinette with her Children. I found this portrait very interested in me; I am going to give you a brief information on the artist of the artwork. This portrait was by Elisabeth Louise Vigee-Lerun and the portrait is oil on canvas, 9’  ½Ã¢â‚¬ x 7’5/8†. The portrait was created in 1700 in France. It’s a portrait of a French queen who is Marie Antoinette along with her children as a good mother to her children, but there isRead MoreEssay on Marie-Antoinette1384 Words  | 6 PagesMaria Antonia Josepha Joanna, later known as Marie-Antoinette, was born on 02 November 1755. At 13 years of age, Marie was sent to France to begin her relationship with the Dauphin of France, Louis XVI. In 1770, at the age of 15, she an d the Louis XVI were married in Vienna, then taking the throne in 1774. Marie-Antoinette was a young, beautiful, elegant, and graceful queen whose fashion influenced the women of France. She was very proud of where she originated, Hapsburg, and she was very proudRead MoreThe Innocence of Marie Antoinette1219 Words  | 5 Pageswithout a thought for her subjects’ plight. Such is the distorted but widespread view of Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France (1755-1793), wife of King Louis XVI. In recent years the Coppola film has further damaged the image of the much-maligned, beautiful and charming Austrian archduchess, sent to France at age fourteen to marry the fifteen-year-old Dauphin. Sadly, the picture many people now have of Marie-Antoinette is of her running through Versailles with a glass of champagne in her hand, eating bonbonsRead MoreMarie Antoinette of Vienna1054 Words  | 4 PagesNovember 2nd, 1755 Marie Antoinette was born, at Hofburg Palace, in Vienna, Austria May 16th, 1770 Marie was married to Dauphin Louis-Auguste. Their Marriage sealed the alliance between France and Austria that was made by Marie Tereasa during the Severn Years War. August 15th, 1774 Marie was given the Gift of Petit Trianon by Louis XVI which was a small chà ¢teau on the grounds of Versailles that she was given to renovate. The chà ¢teau was originally supposed to be for Louis the XV’s mistress, MadameRead More Marie Antoinette Essay513 Words  | 3 Pages Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI of France. She was born in 1755 in France and was the daughter of the Great Emperor Francis I and Maria Theresa of Austria. Because here parents came from two countries at war with each other, their marriage formed a peace treaty. Marie was very spoiled and grew up with an extravagant lifestyle. She herself became the wife of the next heir to the French throne to further keep the peace. The heir was Louis XVI, who was a very dullRead MoreEssay about Marie Antoinette1467 Words  | 6 PagesStrassburg itself and at Saverne outside Strassburg she was the guest of Cardinal Louis de Rohan, who would later so damage her reputation in the so-called Diamond Necklace Affair. Having once arrived in Versailles, the young and inexperienced Marie Antoinette (as she would be called from now on) easily got into difficulties in a Court full of gossip and intrigue. She was not given by nature to diplomacy and reflection, and in the artificial and pleasure-loving atmosphere of Versailles her personalityRead More Biography of Marie Antoinette Essay2100 Words  | 9 PagesBiography of Marie Antoinette Born with the name Antonia, Marie Antoinette was born in Vienna, Austria on November 2, 1755. Marie-Antoinette was one of the 16 children of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Empress Maria Theresa, queen of Hungary and Bohemia. She was the youngest and most beautiful daughter of all. Marie Antoinette was brought up believing her destiny was to become queen of France. Marie Antoinettes first child was Marie Therese Charlotte(Madame Royale). Unpopular Queen Marie AntoinetteRead MoreThe Truth About Marie Antoinette1305 Words  | 6 Pages Sombillo 1 Alysia Sombillo World History Mrs. Ray World History Research Paper Draft 3-3-16 The Truth about Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette was born on November 2, 1755, in Vienna, Austria. Marie Antoinette was a queen that ruled with a powerful, wealthy, fist. She was a foreign wife and queen once she married King Louis XVI of France. Throughout her rule over France, Marie Antoinette was kept under a light of ignorance by the people, and therefore, should not be blamed for their suffering, theRead MoreEssay about Marie Antoinette658 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Marie Antoinette FMM 1200 Marie Antoinette Maria Theresa of Austria thought she was sealing â€Å"a favorable alliance between France and Austria†(New World Encyclopedia) by having her daughter, Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna, marry Louis XVI, but she was actually unknowingly giving her a chance to make fashion history. Life History When Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna wed Louis XVI, she was told to leave everything behind; her Austrian clothes, possessions, servants, her animal and even her name
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Economic, Geographic, And Social Factors - 1352 Words
Topic: How did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775? The introduction of Africans to America in 1619 set off an irreversible chain of events that effected the economy of the southern colonies. With a switch from the expensive system of indentured servitude, slavery emerged and grew rapidly for various reasons, consisting of economic, geographic, and social factors. The expansion of slavery in the southern colonies, from the founding of Jamestown in 1607 to just before America gained its independence in 1775, had a lasting impact on the development of our nation’s economy, due to the fact that slaves were easy to obtain, provided a life-long workforce, and were a different race than the colonists, making it easier to justify the immoral act. Economically, slavery allowed for an increased source of income that indentured servitude could not compete with. Shortl y following the founding of Jamestown, indentured servants paid their way to the colonies with the promise of a designated time of labor upon arrival. Soon this need for cheap labor was replaced with a need for even cheaper labor. Slavery filled this need, but when Africans arrived to America in 1619, the colonists initially treated them as indentured servants. It was not until 1641 that the first slave codes were passed in the colony of Massachusetts and 20 years later in Virginia, marking theShow MoreRelatedProblems Associated With Geography And Economic Development Across Countries1431 Words  | 6 PagesDo you agree that twentieth century divergence in economic development across countries was largely the result of geographic factors? The traditional view associated with geography and economic development across countries is that distance has played a huge role in creating disparities in terms of location . However, this interpretation is questioned by some who note that the failure of developing economies can be attributed to the persistent problem of institutional failure, which prevents individualsRead MoreThe Development Of A Nations Foreign Policy Strategy1078 Words  | 5 Pagesof the most inevitable factors affecting forging policy is location. The development of influence based simply on geographic location has not gone unnoticed from nations participating in global relations. In a consistently turbulent world, nations are constantly realizing their relevance on the world stage. Nations will often realize this relevance and continue to develop it for their benefit and political gain. The intersections of economic, social, political, and geographic connections result inRead More External Factors Affectin g a Business Essay535 Words  | 3 PagesExternal Factors Affecting a Business INTRODUCTION EXTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE COMPANYS BUSINESS AND PROSPECTS There are many factors that affect the Companys business and the results of its operations, some of which are beyond the control of the Company. The following is a description of some of the important factors that may cause the actual results of the Companys operations in future periods to differ materially from those currently expected or desired. OBJECTIVE The objectiveRead MoreThe Secession Of The Civil War1039 Words  | 5 Pagesall falls back to the disagreement between the North and the South’s different views on slavery based on three different factors which were geographic positioning, economic power and man power. Not all southern states seceded from the Union. The wave of secession varied between the Upper South, Middle South and Deep South states. The geographic positioning was an important factor that determined how much influence slavery had on the states. The Deep South states, which included South Carolina, GeorgiaRead MoreMental Health : Mental Illness1604 Words  | 7 Pagesfeelings of worry. The Black Dog Institute identified that women were more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, whereas men had higher rates of substance abuse and were also less likely to access help than women. Comorbidity factors, such as substance abuse, are prevalent with mental illnesses and contribute to the burden of disease while increasing chances of reoccurrence and severity, making recovery less likely. †¢ Mortality Mental disorders don’t directly cause death butRead MoreMental Health : Mental Illness1604 Words  | 7 Pagesfeelings of worry. The Black Dog Institute identified that women were more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, whereas men had higher rates of substance abuse and were also less likely to access help than women. Comorbidity factors, such as substance abuse, are prevalent with mental illnesses and contribute to the burden of disease while increasing chances of reoccurrence and severity, making recovery less likely. †¢ Mortality Mental disorders don’t directly cause death butRead MoreNotes On Quality Of Life1617 Words  | 7 Pages 1.1 Introduction Quality of life (QoL) is a multidimensional term, Many displines have been based on the concept of QoL in deferent levels of geographic scales and there are subjective and objective indicators for the quality of life, The concept of Quality of life has been researched rabidly and theoretically in the field of economics, health and social while other papers examined the correlations between quality of life and housing prices, housing quality, or productivity differences, living conditionsRead MoreThe Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials1455 Words  | 6 Pagesthe small New England colony have intrigued, seduced, and baffled historians since their occurrence hundreds of years ago. The majority of these historians have conducted extensive amounts of research with the goal of determining the origins and factors that prompted these witch trials. While many attribute the 1692 accusations and trials to past beliefs in the supernatural that have remained since the fourteenth century, historia ns Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum conclude that the Salem witchRead MoreEssay about vulnerable population1581 Words  | 7 Pages Vulnerable populations Despite efforts and goals in the United States to reduce or eliminate disparities in healthcare by 2010, significant disparities, including risk factors, access to healthcare, morbidity, and mortality, continues in vulnerable populations. For example, studies find that Americans living in poverty are much more likely to be in fair or poor health and have disabling conditions, and are less likely to have used manyRead MoreEssay on Facebook and Social Networking947 Words  | 4 PagesFacebook culture for various reasons, such as its renowned opportunities for keeping in touch with current social circles, reunifying long lost family and friends and broadening prospects of finding new companions. Facebook removes some of the barriers that may limit our regularity of communication with people, upholding the geographic differences, social class, busy lifestyles and economic factors that may usually discourage us from regular contact. (Cooke 2011, pp. ix-4) Facebook allows users to
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Modern Poetry Discussion
Question: Discuss about the Modern Poetry Discussion. Answer: Eliots Statement And The Bloodaxe Book Of 20th Century Poetry Introduction Eliots words can have a variety of interpretation in poetry. He is a critic, a philosopher and also a poet. He attested to observe what makes a poem aesthetic unlike the other literary pieces like the prose. He also makes an attempt to explain the relationship that exists between the poet and the poem they write. His comment, that is, Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality, is a reflection of his thought towards idealism in poetry. Further Discussion on Eliots Statement When Eliot says that, poetry is not a turning loose of emotions but an escape from the emotions, we can understand it to mean that, when the author writes a poem, the art is not in the sense that he wants to relieve emotions that he has but it would be a way to shed the emotions artistically to the readers of ones poems (Grayzel, 2014, p. 44). Therefore, the phrase attests to that, the effect of the poem are not necessarily to be felt by the poet but rather, by the reader of the poem (Smidt, 2015, p.133). On the issue of personality, Eliot means that the writers personality is a key element portrayed in his/her writings. Different writers can be understood and be categorised on the personality they portray. This personality, for example, feminist, idealist personalities that different poets are known with can be important. In conjunction to this, Poetry can be regarded as the literature that would make a link between the reader to the true personality of the poet (Singh, 2015, p.96). Therefore, personality is derived from the emotions reflected by the poet to the reader and the general perception that the reader identifies from the poem. However, Eliot's essay shows that without these things, that is, personality and emotions, the writer would not be able to know how to escape them. Considering the Blood Axe book of the 20th Century poets like Thomas Hardy, Ted Hughes and Wilfred Owen, we can be in a position to settle the claims of the two statement of this discussion. (Lin, Kerstett er, Nawijn Mitas, 2014, p.416). Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen In this poem, the case is significantly evident. Owen writes this poem in an emotional period. When he had failed to qualify to join the university and joined the military during the war. He is later shot and his health deteriorates. This places the poem in the traumatic period where he was overwhelmed by worries. However, these emotions seem to be portrayed in the poem. He says that, people are dying like cattle and the voices of the guns are everywhere and uses personification and says, monstrous anger of the guns. In Eliots essay, he says, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things. Owen felt if first, and then what he felt himself is what he had to write in this poem. The poem seems to create its own scene as poetry do not act to report the incidents and emotions but however, it serves to make an event lived through it, in a form that can speak about itself while remaining wholly itself. For instance, the lines, bugles calling for them from sad shires, but in their eyes, shall shine... have a relationship of what the poet feels and what he prospects after the settlement of the emotions. In the poem, the poet does not seem to escape away from the emotions. The poet is showing some relief from the tension got from the war. In fact, when he uses the future tense marker, shall, he provides an evidence that he does not report the case but his poem is actively a participant to the real incident. The personality of Eliot is elevated in his po em. He is portrayed by his work as an architect and the same time as a mediator. He is altruistic and is portrayed to always campaign for a good course. He is rendered optimistic to face tomorrow. This attests that the personality of the poet is mainly judged by the reader point of view. The reader is able to hold all the evidences portraying personality and make conclusions on the poets personality (Dowson, 2015, p.37). Rupert Brookes The Soldier Rupert Brookes The Soldier, is another poem from the Blood axe book written during the first world war. The poet writes this poem when he is about to go to the war. He expresses his loyalty to his country England. He expresses the heaven he wants to establish in England through the war they are going to engage in as he says, If I should die Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England. To this incident, he fights emotions, he escapes the feeling of loss if they are in anyway defeated in the war or if he himself dies. The feelings of emotions can be felt by the readers of the poem as well. The poet, Rupert does not want to have a close encounter with the thing he calls death but, if it happens he dies, he takes us to a world of fantasy, he expresses how he would be glad in the world of the dead though in a positive manner as he says, think, this heart, all evil shed away. The poem rhymes with the Eliots idea that, Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion. T he personality however is seen along the lines of the poem. He is a diplomat and a protagonist. Personality cant be hidden from the authors work. It is an attribute that Rupert does not express but escapes from it, whatsoever, it is evident in the poem (Blair, 2015, p.108). Eliots Gerontion Eliot also wrote a poem entitled, Gerontion. He wrote it just after the World War 1. He uses the dramatic monologue as a style to efficiently depict thematic concerns of sexuality, religion and modernity. In the poem, the claims of the statement that, Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality, seems evident. Through the use of symbolism, he completely escapes the emotions of loss and change that had happened after the war. The title, Gerontion is a symbol for the authority in Sparta. He does not turn loose of the emotions of despair but he seems to escape from them as he says, referring to the elders of the council that, Tenants, thoughts of a dry brain in a dry season. He sees confusion all over and regards himself as a bad person, a product of sin and seems to reject the dead world which is the ancient desperate Sparta and thinks of Christianity (Eliot, 2014, p.18). The feelings he t ends to escape from are the feeling of guilt, despair and disillusion. He as well tries to escape the acquired personality of dynamic and exploration to means of settling through escaping from ones emotions and personality (Johnston, 2015, p.157). Although Eliot has tried to hide the emotions and fails to address them, in contrast, he tends to escape them fully. He accomplishes running from emotions, but still the audience can feel his desperation, emotional distress and as the persona of the poem they sympathise with him. Conclusion In conclusion, Eliots statement is valid and supported by virtually all poets of this period. But he concludes to say that, But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things. A poet is a human being who writes from an existing experience or form imaginations. The thought out product must be felt by the poet first so as he may able to fight the emotions felt from the word he selects. (Selden, Widows Brooker,2016, p.49). This means that one must possess personality and emotions if they have to fight them. References Blair, J. G. (2015). Poetic Art of WH Auden. Princeton University Press. Dowson, J. (2015). Poetry on Page and Stage. In The History of British Womens Writing, 1970-Present (pp. 36-50). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Eliot, T. S. (2014). Selected essays. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Grayzel, S. R. (2014). Women's Identities at War: Gender, Motherhood, and Politics in Britain and France during the First World War. UNC Press Books. Johnston, J. H. (2015). English Poetry of the First World War. Princeton University Press. Lin, Y., Kerstetter, D., Nawijn, J., Mitas, O. (2014). Changes in emotions and their interactions with personality in a vacation context. Tourism Management, 40, 416-424. Mish, J. C. (2015). Streaming. World Literature Today, 89(5), 72-73. Selden, R., Widdowson, P., Brooker, P. (2016). A reader's guide to contemporary literary theory. Routledge. Singh, G. (2015). Leopardi and the Theory of Poetry. University Press of Kentucky. Smidt, K. (2015). Poetry and Belief in the Work of TS Eliot. Routledge.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
William Wordsworth social point of view free essay sample
William Wordsworth was born on 7 April, 1770 and died the 23 April, 1850 was an English poet and one of the most influential authors in English romanticism. Best know for his manner and theories that helped to regenerate the poesy of his state. During his young person he demonstrated a strong involvement and love for nature which is shown in most of his plants. Wordsworth was born as the second of five kids in Cockermouth, Cumberland-part of the scenic part in Northwest England called the Lake District . This landscape profoundly affected Wordsworth s imaginativeness and gave him a love of nature. He lost his female parent when he was eight and five old ages subsequently his male parent. The domestic jobs separated Wordsworth from his beloved and neurotic sister Dorothy, who was a really of import individual in his life impacting him well. Wordsworth was an of import author in English romanticism every bit good as William Blake and Samuel Taylor Coleridge who helped establish the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 articulation publication, Lyrical Ballads , which is a cardinal piece of poesy of the romantic epoch. We will write a custom essay sample on William Wordsworth social point of view or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As one of the most influential romantic poets, he created a alone manner of composing which it is based on ideals of nature and imaginativeness. His poesy was chiefly based on romantic thoughts opposed to pragmatism. His involvement in political relations, his passion for democracy and good moral values adding his accent on passion and imagination gives the reader the chance to research human emotions, rejecting the vague world of the nineteenth century and concentrating on the natural universe. Throughout this essay I will supply an analysis of one of Wordsworth s verse form, called London, 1802 . Composed in London, in this verse form he tries to pass on his unfavorable judgment of society of the twenty-four hours, yearning and eulogising the presence of the seventeenth century poet John Milton because: At the clip Wordsworth wrote this verse form, Milton had been established as one of the great English voices. His most celebrated verse form, Eden Lost , had been acclaimed as the most outstanding of English heroic poems. Wordsworth s apostrophe to Milton therefore has the consequence of appealing to one of the greatest figures in the English tradition. It is likely that Wordsworth is believing every bit much of Milton s connexion with the causes of freedom developed during the revolution and interregnum ( 1642-1660 ) as of Paradise Lost. Wordsworth begins the verse form by stating Milton! 1000 shouldst be populating at this hr: England hath demand of thee: He wishes in a tone of choler and defeat that Milton were still alive, because England has transformed into a fen , a topographic point filled with selfish and unhappy people and Wordsworth want him to raise us up, return to us once more ; And give us manners, virtuousness, freedom, power. Wordsworth says that England was one time a good topographic point to populate, full of felicity, gradualness faith, and literature, but those virtuousnesss have been lost by the revolution and the industrialisation of the state in his clip. He can merely depict the England in 1802 as a swampland. Wordsworth attempts to explicate why he thinks Milton would be the Jesus of England in: Thy psyche was like a Star and dwelt apart: Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea ; Pure as the bare celestial spheres, olympian, free, He refers to Milton as a really powerful adult male who he gives the ability of moral flawlessness and a Influential adult male who neer ceased to move meekly besides the adult male who has the gift to do persons to believe about what was traveling on and what they are losing in that epoch plus all the other ideals and values in what England is missing. The writer besides speaks of being dead in: Of dead Waterss: communion table, blade and pen, Fireside, the epic wealth of hall and arbor, Have forfeited their ancient English dowry Here Wordsworth uses symbols and images to depict the state of affairs of England. He uses an communion table to mention faith which could intend that there is no point of being spiritual and all the spiritualty has been lost and people are losing his religion. He besides talks about a blade which possibly he is speaking about the military forces possibly he did it because England was non strong plenty as it been before or possibly is non efficient to contend offense besides I think that he is speaking about the authorities, because the early nineteenth century was an epoch of political and societal agitation in Britain. The authorities failed to fulfill the population doing poorness, exasperating people because they were losing their occupations and being replaced by machines doing unemployment, pollution, child labour issues in add-on to any other unethical or moral failures that people could had. And the concluding image, the pen, which evidently means literature, Wordsworth could mention to the writer s deficiency of ideals or possibly all those virtuousnesss that are altering and because of that, they get lost in clip and eventually I consider that Wordsworth was seeking to compare the other writers with the quality of the plants of Milton. The verse form has two chief intents, the first is the purpose of Wordsworth to promote people to appreciate the fantastic about nature and his beauty by shouting out to Milton wishing him to be alive in that clip and to learn to those people who non appreciate or understand the importance of the nature, their milieus and the impressiveness of unrecorded in a community. In the other manus he wanted to pull the attending to the English societal jobs that he were confronting in the nineteenth century faulting the societal establishments and people themselves for the jobs of society that can besides be applied in the present clip by our feelings toward philistinism that we have presents.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
AICPA Code of Conduct free essay sample
The AICPA, or the American Institute of CPAs, represents the accounting professionals in several countries. Like any other profession, there are some grey areas that without guidelines could create a mess. The AICPA has developed a code of professional conduct which serves three main purposes: define responsibility of accounting professionals, educate the public to protect the accounting professional, and educate the public to protect the public. Responsibility The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct says that certified public accountants have responsibilities to everyone who use their professional services. Unless you are an accounting professional, it is highly unlikely that you know all of the rules and regulations that must be abided by when it comes to bookkeeping, taxation and financial reporting. That’s what keeps the accounting profession running; they are the experts that the rest of the world turns to for accounting services. CPA’s must maintain a level of responsibility and follow ethical standards when performing these standards. We will write a custom essay sample on AICPA Code of Conduct or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is the accounting professional’s responsibility to do what it right, even when it’s not the popular vote to protect themselves and their client. Public Education As mentioned earlier, not everyone’s an accounting guru. The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct lays out the guidelines and expected conduct for accounting professionals to follow. This assists in protecting the public by giving them resources and education to know what to expect out of their accounting professional. The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct sets a standard for all accounting professionals to abide by. This is not to say that there are not a few crooked individuals still out there, but hoping that all professionals follow the code, the public is in better hands. CPA Protection Lastly, the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct assists in protecting the accounting professionals. By laying out the responsibility, integrity and due care expectations of all CPA’s, it assists the CPA in standing up for what’s right. Situations may arise where a client attempts to bribe or bully an accounting professional into â€Å"fibbing†on financials to make their business look better than it is. But if the accounting professional abides by the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, and makes their client aware of it, they have backing and support for doing the right thing. Closing The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct serves 3 major purposes: define responsibility, educate public, and protect the professional. The AICPA is a huge organization that reaches many people. The more individuals that are educated, the better chance of ethical business decision making. References AICPA-principles of professional conduct. (2013). Retrieved from
Sunday, November 24, 2019
cable essays
cable essays Road Runner is a software program that works for cable. The first commercial broadband online service was delivered to customers through a broadband fiber coaxial cable network in 1996. After 15 months after these initial launches, Time Warner Inc. and MediaOne announced their intention to create the nations largest broadband online business. What Road Runner delivers is blazing speed (one megabit per second), integrates compelling multimedia programming with the latest communication tools, email, chat listings and personal home pages. It also combines simple navigation features, top of brand programming, easy to use help and member services, news and entertainment. Basically Road Runner offers its customers a unique online experience that enables them to enjoy the full potential of the broadband environment. There are many ways to connect to the Internet but very few actually hold there one to cable. Some of the more popular methods are listed here: POTS (plain old telephone systems) ADSL (asymmetrical digital subscriber lines) ISDN (integrated services digital network) DBS (direct broadcast satellite POTS are the standard telephone services that most homes use for computer Internet access. This system is generally limited to 52 Kbps. The information is carried out through copper wires in analog voice data. ADSL uses filters that separate phone lines into three frequency channels. One channel carries the telephone signal; another channel of a higher frequency allows upstream transfers. The remaining portion of the band is used to carry information downstream. Even though this has prototypes it still is largely untested. The cost of this technology is also high and keeping this from being a real option. ISDN is a digital telephone service that uses existing copper telephone wiring. ISDN works by d ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mall of America Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mall of America - Case Study Example Some of the criteria that the Mall of America should consider when adding new facilities to its complex include the retail mix offered and family focus (Kotler and Keller, 2008). Previous successes already indicate that the mall is a haven for whole focus, so new facilities must be able to add to the qualities it already has. For example, retail stores should be evaluated depending on the kind of services that it introduces into the complex. For example, if apparel has already been catered for, the complex should focus on bringing in new qualities that ensure that all aspects of the consumer are covered. On entertainment offerings, since the area of children is already covered, the Mall of America should go for gender segmentation. Finally, hotels should be able to offer factors like lodging, which will be a factor for encouraging tourists to visit the location. The Mall of America is already a huge success with the local people, but to increase its presence both for the local metrop olitan visitors and visitors from outside, the mall should utilize the importance of marketing information. With specific information from patrons, the mall will be able to figure out any new needs that the consumers have, which will then be used to increase market share. The mall should also diversify on product coverage in order to cover as many demographics as possible, which will also help in attracting new clients and retaining old ones from the metropolis and outside.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Principles of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence Assignment
The Principles of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence - Assignment Example The treatment that could be offered to her is radiation and chemotherapy, which are not the solutions or cures for the disease but only extending the life cycle of the patient. Therefore, the goals of the treatment are not concerned with the reversal of the health conditions, but for the preservation of life to the maximum extent possible. In totality, the patient cannot really escape the fact that her life is going to end shortly, maybe within the next few years. Medication is a method of prolonging her life, to a certain extent and not complete restoration, in her case. The patient is evidently, well informed and capable in terms of mobility and mental conditions. She is completely competent, because of the facts that she had worked in the medical field previously and also since she had noticed the mass and the severe pain and had taken the initiative to approach a professional, rather than perhaps subsiding it. The patient confesses that she suspects she is a victim of cancer and therefore, asks the medical student to tell her the truth. She is also aware of the fact that the doctors might, after all, not inform her about the disease and diagnosis, in case it is cancer. The patient has not yet been informed about the disease and she is yet to receive the confirmation of her apprehension that she has cancer. The very fact that the patient quite willingly and readily agreed to undergo the surgery, without posing a problem conveys that the patient was cooperative and trusted her doctors. However, on the whole, we see that the patient's desire to be informed and share the knowledge of the doctors, regarding her condition is in all probability not met with. Therefore, one can draw the conclusion that the ethics and laws governing medicine have not been met with. Had the patient been an ignorant and non-cooperative person, the best alternative could be giving treatment and keeping the patient in the dark. But since the patient is from a medical background herself and is well aware of the situation, it is most ethical to inform her about it and give treatment with mutual cooperation.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Sphere of I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sphere of I - Essay Example Schmitt applied his radical viewpoint to the sphere of established democratic politics of the Weimar Republic. In the ‘Parliamentary Democracy Crisis’ Schmitt appreciates democracy as the system of self-rule by people (Kalyvas 223). In a democratic organization, the decisions made by leaders express the people’s will. Nevertheless, taken in the abstract, the notion of democracy is open to opposing and diverse interpretations. In political settings, the character of the ruling will with the people’s will is never simple. Instead, it is always the outcome of a practice of identification (Negretto and Jose 1797). Whenever political decisions are undertaken through majority ballot, the majority’s will is identified with the people’s will, and every citizen is obliged to obey regardless of if he voted with the mainstream or not. However, Schmitt’s question is the foundation of this identification. Schmitt asks, â€Å"What would happen if de mocratic revolutionaries pursue the establishment of democracy in a society where many people oppose principles of democracy?†In such a case, the people would not be warranted, from a democratic angle, to leave majority rule and to identify their own will with the people’s true will. Schmitt recommends that this kind of a leadership would still have to be regarded as democratic because it still appeals to the notion that political rule has to be grounded on the people’s will. Once one affirms this assertion, the implication, which Schmitt purposes to create in The Parliamentary Democracy Crisis will follow: The electoral organizations, which are usually considered paradigmatically democratic, are never, in truth and are neither intimately linked with the canon of democracy (Schmitt 28). Schmitts obvious attempt to delink the concept of democracy from any specific approach of formation of the will fails to describe why the tradition of democracy has considered
Friday, November 15, 2019
Skills for Communication and Language Acquisition
Skills for Communication and Language Acquisition Miriana Hili P1 I’m going to explain briefly about the skills associated with communication those are eye contact, gestures, body language and active listening. In my weekly observations in the child care centers I use those skills. I use the eye contact while I’m talking with the children so they could know that I’m talking to them, eye contact is also needed to show that you are listening what they are saying and to see what are their feelings. I use gesture to express myself more and they could understand what I’m saying even the children when they want something they begin to point at the object to show me which one they want. When I’m in placement I could know what children feeling are by their body language when they want that someone pick them up they show you by opening their arms. Active listening is when children are talking to me so I listen to so that I could respond them is not always possible to understand them because they haven’t developed th eir speech well. The components of speech are: phonology, phonology is the sound used in a language. Some languages have more sounds then others for example English have around fourth four sounds. The sound of the language is how one pronounce the word even speech sound could be written in different ways. The phonology process in babies begin before they are born, this begins from the 26th week of pregnancy at that stage they begin to recognize their mothers speech. Semantics, semantics is the meaning of the language how do you understand the word. Newborn babies learn the meaning of the words by associating sounds with objects or sound. For example the parent says â€Å"where are your gloves?†and touches the child gloves, so he could associate the sound with the object. Semantics tries to know how it is constructed and as well interpreted; the meaning is how you listen the language and how they speak it. Syntax is about grammar of language. The grammar is the way that the words are putted to gether; syntax is the structure of a sentence. The sentences are formed by noun phrase, verb phrase and noun phrase the sentence is like this Mary pushed the pushchair. Syntax is the way words are arranged together and the relationship between them. Receptive language, this term is to describe the ability to listen and to understand what is being communicated. Even if the children are not able to say a word but they may show that they understand something. Children develop receptive language in the first saying of language development. Receptive language is defined as the comprehension of language through listening and understands what is being communicated. It is also the ability of comprehend concepts, vocabulary, directions and questions. Expressive language is the output of the language it how one expresses his/her wants and need and evens their feelings. This is about how children communicate by using sounds and after some time using words. A baby’s expressive language t ake form of babbling and cooing this happens at the first year, at the second year they begin to use word because the linguistic development start to occurs. One can express himself not even with the language but even with the gestures and facial expressions. How communication and language acquisition on social and emotional development can be effected. Children who have a strong attachment with their parents can develop language more easily. They develop the language more easily because there a strong link between language and attachment. Babies who are cuddled and held by their parents and other care the start to†read†their body language understand it even in others. Children who have a strong attachment are more motivated to babble and communicate with their parents they will gain some positive response. Between social development and language there is a strong link between them. A child who reads other person’s body language and can communicate it is more accepted more by others and even engages in playful situation. The language acquisition also changes how they play together as the language helps children to interact and to be less impulsive and more thoughtful. Sara report According the table of pre linguistic and linguistic Sara language and communication acquisition is at a high level because she is a talkative and she even likes to talk with older persons and older children. She is at the stage of language explosion this means that in her age she has increased in the children’s vocabulary and in sentences. Children at this age they learn more rapidly and it becomes harder for parents to count them. The children use more complicated structures for example â€Å"no cats here†. Sara’s communication and language acquisition is very well developed in her social and emotional. She is very confident with others and she isn’t shy. According to browns mean length utterance she is at stage 2 and the length of saying words is 2.25 at her age she is now using ing, on, in for example â€Å"daddy going†. Alex report According the table of pre linguistic and linguistic Alex language and communication acquisition is at a low level because he is a very calm and reserved person. He is not able to express his needs or thoughts. He is three years old and he started to produce some word and even phrases but his speech is hard to understand. According the table Alex should have a large increase in the vocabulary and increased in using sentences but the thing that he is shy and reserved and he don’t like to communicate with other it affects his speech. Even though he don’t have friend it affect the speech because if you don’t have someone to talk to you speech is not going to be increased and understandable. Alex communication and language acquisition had effected his emotional and social development because he is very reserved and other children don’t play with him. Emotionally he is very frustrated because he is not able to express himself so he didn’t know what he wa nts to do. Social he doesn’t have many friends because when a boy comes to play with he don’t begin to play or he would begin to cry so for this he don’t have friends. According to the mean length utterance Alex is at stage 3 and he is supposed to say some irregular past tenses and possessives for example â€Å"me fall down†and â€Å"mummy’s hat†, his mean length utterance is 3.5. Alex for his age he should pronouns more words and form more sentences. Early detection and referral has an important role in children’s development. When one is working with children need to recognizing that the child’s pattern of language is a typical. Early referrals often result in better lasting outcome for children and the effects of language delay can be reduced. Children who have learning difficulties need to be referred early because they would need to be supported by a system such as Makaton. Without this supporting system children would not be able to links between the words and there meaning. It is important to early detection so that the child could be referred immediately so he/she could have the help they need. Although most of the referrals will be to a speech and language teams, but some children need to be referred for an audiology test this is done by a GP. P2 Language acquisition is divided in many different theories those theorist are skinner, Chomsky and Bruner. Skinner talks about the behavior, skinner believes that the language is acquired according to the behavior. The language is acquired by reinforcement; children learn words by associating sounds with objects. Children also learn by actions and events, they words and syntax by imitating other adults. Adults reinforce children when they learn words and syntax and say it in a correct way. Chomsky talks about the innate theory, innate are the sense of language and a device that allows babies and children to acquire language. The theory that could influence practice is to support language growth of children who have a supplementary home language. Bruner talks about the social interactions theory, he suggested that children learn through play and exploration. Bruner said when children play with adults such as active role in questioning they will learn more. The theory influence practic e by help children learn concepts and to develop their logic and reasoning. Skinner Skinner talks about language acquisition; Language is the cognition that makes us truly human. Skinner talks about behaviorism that is the central of the language. He says that the language is acquired by reinforcements so when they begin to say words the parents rewarded them. In the child care setting there are many different characters some of them know already some words and they have a wide vocabulary some of them don’t know that much so when they learn something and say new words we praise them. Chomsky Chomsky says that children are born with a possession of an innate ability that comprehends language structures. Chomsky asserts that children initially possess, and then afterward develop, an innate understanding of grammar, irrespective of where they are raised. Language according to Chomsky is intended to convey an infinite range of message, ideas and emotions. In the child care setting children are all able to express them self but there are children who are only 1 year 2 months and don’t even know how to speech but they will develop their speech by listening.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
“My Personal Tutor” : A Software For Children
Choosing educational software for children is certainly not an easy task. Because so many options are available, it is easy to be overwhelmed by all the vividly colored packages, the intriguing characters, and fantastic claims of academic enhancements. How in the world does one actually choose? Fortunately, all is not lost. A software package is available, which truly encompasses those qualities, and does so without assaulting the purchaser†s pocketbook. My Personal Tutor by Microsoft, is a budget sensitive, educational enhancement package for children, with exciting graphics and an incredible academic framework. For this reason, a recent review of this program stated that â€Å"Microsoft has made a great contribution to children†s learning†(Dr. Toy). In fact, My Personal Tutor is the best choice of children†s educational software. The activities in My Personal Tutor facilitate learning in vital academic disciplines. Because of the technological advancement of our society, today†s students require more strength in critical thinking, reading, and math skills than ever before. This three CD set is dedicated to enhancing skills in those areas. For example, in Turru†s Sea Quest, the student further develops thinking skills in order to advance through the game format. By solving unfinished sentences, analyzing and completing number or shape patterns, challenging memory with matching, and matching analog compared to digital time, the child assists Captain Scratch in setting free the endangered sea creatures. In another CD, Sam†s Hide & Seek, the child strengthens reading skills in a virtual museum, with six separate rooms where the child plays interactive word games or reads stories in order to help Sam find his friends. However, the word games are not simple mindless entertainment. For instance, by solving incomplete sentences a story emerges. During this process, an amusing, vividly colored picture is painted depicting the story the child is creating. In another challenging exercise, the student reads stories and answers questions relating to the story content in order to gain points, thereby fostering comprehension. Finally, in a third CD, the child†s world becomes an incredible space station where the goal is to help a new friend, Spy, capture alien stowaways. In Spy†s Space Station, traditional math of the past is transformed into exciting activities, which virtually hold the child hostage with interest. To illustrate, in the Astro Disco, one of the six areas in the space station, the dancers are victims to zero gravity. The student†s job is to fit the helpless dancers with the proper number of gravity boots, so they may come down from the ceiling. Once the task is complete, the appreciative dancers take the floor, performing an exciting dance for their rescuer. In a different area, the student may choose to solve currency equations in order to purchase clothing for the undercover alien police. What†s more, in yet another area, the child recycles space junk by sorting according to greater than, equal to, or less than, in order to make tools needed for the station. Although the academic tutorials within this set are comprehensive and truly without compare, the overall success of this set lies in its ability to captivate and sustain the student†s attention. Through well-designed game objectives, My Personal Tutor generates long term interest. All the activities are designed as a means to an end, regardless of whether that end is setting free endangered sea creatures, finding hidden friends in a museum, or catching alien stowaways on a space station. The goals are met methodically, through a sense of teamwork with the lively characters in their respective worlds. The interactive characters are encouraging throughout the challenge, supporting the player, and encouraging him or her to continue. After the player has met a goal, an exciting celebration takes place. Even more, if the child has permission, he or she can print a colorful picture as a memento of the success. Irrespective of the shower of accolades by children, parents too have many reasons for excitement about this set. Parents can feel confident that the purchase of this set is a cost-effective enhancement to the child†s education, as well as an excellent source of reinforcement for vital social skills. The price of $14. 95, after the rebate, is trivial in comparison to all that is included in this set. In fact, with more than 1000 multimedia tutorials, over 70 learning objectives, adjustable levels of difficulty, and ongoing progress reports (Microsoft Kids), justifying a price of even five times that amount would be easy. However, educational enhancement is not the only quality this set encompasses. Many implicit lessons are delicately woven into the activities. Specifically, setting and methodically working toward a goal. In fact, every activity within this set is goal oriented. In addition, the ideal of working together is effectively designed within all the game formats. In other words, this set truly encompasses the full range of essential skills necessary for success in the first and second grade levels. Therefore, My Personal Tutor surpasses the parent†s expectations for an educational enhancement program. A common goal among parents is that their child be healthy, happy, and ultimately reach his or her maximum potential. It is believed that a sound education will help open doors in order for that dream to become a reality. To that end, parents often devote much time and effort to improving the quality of their child†s education. Therefore, it is understandable for a parent to have high expectations of an educational enhancement program purchased for their child. My Personal Tutor fulfills even the highest of such expectations. My Personal Tutor provides an incredibly comprehensive academic framework, consisting of strengthening exercises in critical thinking, reading, and math skills. These tutorials are skillfully designed in such a manner as to reframe the concept of such disciplines. Through the activities in this set, exercises in math, reading, and critical thinking are transformed from drudgery into a mission filled with fun and excitement, where the child works with others in order to meet a goal. What more could a parent ask for? For this reason, My Personal Tutor by Microsoft is the best choice of children†s educational enhancement software.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Name of Student
â€Å"The official UNAIDS Website†– This material will provide the following information: â€Å"1) AIDS Epidemic Update; 2) Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic; 3) Report on the Global AIDS; 4) HIV Data; 5) 2008 Report on the Global AIDS; 6) occurrences of AIDS in different countries; 7) etcetera†(UNAIDS, n.d., n.p.).The book entitled, â€Å"AIDS Epidemic Update†by the â€Å"Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS†will provide statistical information, as well as, reasons for its occurrence (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, 1998, n.p.).The featured article which state that, â€Å"African AIDS: the facts that demolish the myths†will help either eliminate or add to the reasons why the epidemic is turning worse (Cook, 2009, p. 7).  The author, Cook, will also validate former research studies on whether it is an â€Å"essential element in fighting the AIDS epidemic†or not (Cook, 2009, p. 7).Brookmeyer’s Peer-Rev iewed material tells about what will most likely occur in the future and what is currently taking place with regards to the â€Å"AIDS epidemic†(Brookmeyer, 1991, pp. 37 – 42).Rosenberg’s Peer-Reviewed article will tell about the scope of the aforementioned epidemic in the United States (Rosenberg, 1995, pp. 1372 – 1375).Rosenberg et. al.’s Peer-reviewed material will cover the current occurrence in terms of young adults in the country suffering from HIV (Rosenberg et. al., 1998, pp. 1894 – 1899).Fauci’s special article discusses the following: â€Å"the origins of HIV, scope of the epidemic, prevention of HIV, development of vaccine, etcetera†(Fauci, 1999, pp. 1046 – 1050).The article on the â€Å"Health Transition Review†by Ntozi answers the question on why the â€Å"levels of widowhood have increased in countries in sub-Saharan Africa that are afflicted by the AIDS epidemic†(Ntozi, 1997, pp. 125 â₠¬â€œ 144).Hosegood et. al.’s research discusses the â€Å"levels and causes of adult mortality in rural South Africa†as well as the impact of AIDS (Hosegood et. al., 2004, pp. 663 – 671).Last but not least, Rambaut et. al.’s study will help establish what causes HIV and how it evolved (Rambaut, 2004, pp. 52 – 61).ReferencesBrookmeyer, R. (1991). Reconstruction and Future Trends of the AIDS epidemic in the United States. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 253(5015), 37 – 42.Cook, M. (2009). African AIDS: The Facts that Demolish the Myths. Retrieved March 28, 2009 from
Friday, November 8, 2019
Analytical Essay Topics and Ideas
Analytical Essay Topics and Ideas Before writing an essay, a student should understand its type and the purpose of the assignment. The case with an analytical piece can bring confusion. Some people may entangle it with an argumentative essay. However, an analytical article is not to convince someone but to determine, evaluate, describe, and interpret the object. Commonly, analytical essays are not an easy job to do, as each topic or field of interest has its peculiarities. It is a demanding process that requires an evaluation of data, giving a student the complete picture. Here are some ideas for an analytical essay sample: 1. Transformation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The particular analytical essay topic involves the analysis of the main characters throughout the novel Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Stevenson. The interpretation of the facts and events in the essay requires the original book and can be supplemented by some psychological articles on the particular issue. In the end, the work is an effective way to practice literary analysis and improve the comprehension of human nature. 2. Works of Banksy This idea contemplates the examination of one Banksys art piece. It is a fresh issue to discover due to the impact of the artist on the contemporary culture. For the proper analysis, a student would need specific work and materials on modern art analysis, in particular, the ones referring to the critical theory. The writing of the essay would require the definition of the objects, their relation to society, and how it aims to affect the viewer. 3. The Analysis of Agreement Between Trump and Kim Jong-un The evolution of this issue is significant due to the nuclear status of the U.S. and North Korea. The event assessment may include the consideration of reasons, processes, and meeting outcomes. A student should apply one of the theories on international relations, for example, the realist theory. The practical analysis would require meeting with the history of both countries and their issues, while the article â€Å"What have Trump and Kim signed? We Read Between the Lines†by Justin McCurry in Guardian can be adequate for the interpretation of the case. 4. The Portrayal of Dissociative Disorder in Split The dissociative disorder remains a significant issue for scientists due to the complicated nature. The film Split by M. Night Shyamalan provides the image of the mental issue to the large masses, and the film analysis can provide an understanding of the illness, and whether it is true. A student may require examining the key symptoms of the disorder and comparing them with the movie scenes. The article â€Å"Split Is Based on Myths about Dissociative Identity Disorder†by Bethany Brand and Daniele Pasko can be helpful. 5. Facebook-Cambridge Analytica Scandal and Society Informational security and privacy are the issues affecting the rights and everyday lives of people. The assessment of this event would require examination of Facebook processes, how they affect people, and how the third parties use the network to impact the behavior of individuals. One would need to investigate the Facebook policy and the report on the Cambridge Analytica. The article â€Å"The Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal†by Alvin Chang in Vox can help. 6. Brexit Pros and Cons The exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union is an important political event, which affects the whole region. Writing an essay on this topic involves the evaluation of the economic and political consequences for the U.K. The analysis implies an assessment of economic benefits, agreements, financial flows, and political environment. The identification of the pros and cons requires an estimation of effects on the different areas and factors. The corresponding section on the website of The Institute of International and European Affairs can support the research. 7. Justin Trudeau and Contemporary Politics The Prime Minister of Canada is one of the brightest leaders with progressive ideas. The evaluation of his actions and the image will help to understand modern political trends. The analysis may include consideration of his relations with other countries, his policy, and public reaction. The book Justin Trudeau and Canadian Foreign Policy by Hillmer and Lagasse is one of the sources to use. 8. Andy Warhol’s Work The contemporary art was affected mainly by Andy Warhol, and the current development requires recognition of his actions. One may view Warhol’s under the impact of consumerism in which the elements and objects are vital for conveying the message. In this regard, the book How to Analyze the Works of Andy Warhol by Fallon can encourage the evaluation. 9. Analyze the Tide Ad The Super Bowl Tide ad brought the advertisement to a new level being very memorable. The analysis of the commercial includes an evaluation of different elements, in particular, the form, symbols, message, plot, and audience. Thereby, a student should describe the engagement of these elements and their roles. The articles on such websites as Adweek or Mad Marketing Pro are to bring more clarity on the topic. 10. How to Decrease the Influence of Gangs Gangs are a significant problem in the development of communities. They are an outcome of chronic social issues, which needs a solution. The analysis may help to identify the key reasons and provide ways to deal with gangs and their influence. In this regard, the book Juvenile Delinquency: The Core is fundamental to the understanding of organized criminals. 11. The Portrayal of Jesus in Judaism and Christianity This subject is complicated and requires the introduction of different religious works. However, the analysis of Jesus representation can significantly help to realize his role in religion and culture. Christians see Jesus as God while Jewish tradition denies it. The analysis of different religious texts shall provide the reasons for it. Subsequently, one needs to evaluate different documents, in particular, the Canonical gospels and Jewish religious pieces. 12. Why the USSR Fell Apart The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics represents the system contrary to capitalism, providing a different way for the development of society. The analysis of its dissolution is to underline its elements and outline the flaws leading to the end. The examination of the great political system involves considering political, social, economic, and military factors. By that, a researcher shall apply the political and economic thought, while the books on USSR are to provide a thorough background for the analysis. 13. Brand Personality of Lego The success of Lego is significant, showing that the personality of a brand is vital. The analysis will explain how brand personality has been achieved, and how the company defines it in strategy. A student will need to analyze the fundamental values, messages, and determine the brand characteristics. Books in marketing, in particular, The Science and Art of Branding by Franzen and Moriarty can be helpful. 14. The Historical Analysis of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl has become a significant piece of writing in the context of the abolitionist movement. It portrays the key events and provides internal insights. Respectively, it is interesting to examine the connection between the events and experience of the writer. A student should use the original book, but critical pieces can be implemented as well. 15. The Consequences of the French Revolution for States The French Revolution caused substantial changes in the politics and consideration of the nation, which set the basis for the modern world order. From this, it is exciting to see how the French Revolution affected the social and political ideas, as well as the technological development of the states. The application of sources about a description of historical events, like, can help in achieving the goal of the essay. 16. The Feminist Analysis of the Film Hidden Figures by Theodore Melfi The rights of women have become the significant issue in the recent decade, while the film, portraying the story about the scientists in the NASA, appears to be a source of the institutional racism and sexism. The film analysis can help to recognize these two issues by the definition and interpretation of the film parts related to the oppression. A student needs to evaluate the film and may apply the concepts from the book Critical media studies: An introduction by Ott and Mack. 17. What is the Effect of the Spiral of Silence in Media or Politics The particular concept, showing the causes of holding an opinion because of the fear of isolation, has been central in political science and can explain the behavior of people concerning political action. The interpretation and analysis of the use of this theory in politics can help to understand the role of media and psychology in communication. The concept examination requires the analysis of the reasons for fear and ways to affect people’s behavior. The article â€Å"Twenty-Five Years of the Spiral of Silence: A Conceptual Review and Empirical Outlook†by Scheufele and Moy can significantly contribute to the essay. 18. The Analysis of the Main character in the â€Å"Flowers for Algernon†by Daniel Keyes The book became fundamental for raising the ethical and moral issues about the development of the human. In this regard, the analysis of the main character, Charlie, and his issues provides the chance to comprehend the social impact, oppression, or unfair treatment. Keyes’ novel will be the central part of character analysis, particularly his conflicts with the society, overcome of challenges, and internal transformations. 19. Why the Slavery System Appeared? Slavery has significantly affected the life of modern societies contributing to discrimination and inequality. The understanding of the causes of its emergence derives from the analysis of the political and economic order and demands of the past. At the same time, certain events secured the humiliating order and influenced human relations. The examination of the slave trade growth is critical to understanding the causes of slavery system establishment. 20. How did the Broken Windows Theory Help to Diminish the Crime? The crime is the relevant issue for many countries, while the Broken Windows Theory provides the fundamental method for its prevention. The analysis is concerned with social behavior and the argument that small crimes trigger bigger lawlessness. The essay may examine the practice of the New York Police Department backing it with the explanation of social motives behind such practice. Conclusion The analytical essay is about a critical definition, observation, and interpretation of the object for a better understanding of its essence. This type of writing may refer to different fields, including media, literature, politics, psychology, or sociology. Nevertheless, the essential functions the writer does are finding and evaluating the key constituents of the object, character, or an event.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
SEISMIC ENERGY essays Seismic energy is reflected (echoed) from interfaces as well as transmitted. Strength of reflection depends on Seismic speed contrast across interface Density contrast across interface Transmitted energy can be partially reflected by still-deeper interfaces Travel-time, strength of "echoes" from layers below source measured Travel-times give relative depth Strength gives property contrast Repeated at close spacings along profile (compare echo-sounder) Result is seismic section, which mimics layer distribution in subsurface Major tool in oil,gas exploration Hydrocarbons trapped in deformed beds (for example, folds, domes) Relative travel-time of reflections shows relative depths Structural interpretation possible up to several km below surface Seismic signal processing techniques focus on improving signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) and resolution of seismic data from pre-stack throught to post-stack A device used in surface seismic acquisition, both onshore and on the seabed offshore, that detects ground velocity produced by seismic waves and transforms the motion into electrical impulses. Geophones detect motion in only one direction. Conventional seismic surveys on land use one geophone per receiver location to detect motion in the vertical direction. Three mutually orthogonal geophones are typically used in combination to collect 3C seismic data. Hydrophones, unlike geophones, detect changes in pressure rather than motion. A magnet is connected to spike, and is surrounded by a coil of wires mounted on very sensit ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Produce a 2000 word report that critiques and evaluates an Essay
Produce a 2000 word report that critiques and evaluates an environmental impact assessment for a named project - Essay Example Noise- Noise is by and large viewed as an unwanted sound or sound, which transforms disagreeable consequences for the ears. Noise is processed by family devices, vehicles out and about, plane planes, boisterous speakers and so forth. Noise produces extreme unfriendly impacts on the nature of man encompassing and is, subsequently, recognized to be contaminating the earth. It is the din and term of the commotion which is exasperating and reasons physical uneasiness and harm to hearing. The major source of noise is derived from the centre’s nearness to the A64 and due to construction works. Air Pollution- Air pollution alludes to the vicinity of strong particles and gases buzzing around. Contaminations may be regular or synthetic. These contaminations cause inconvenience, illness, or demise to people. Other living life forms are likewise influenced. The environment is a dynamic complex mixture of gases that is key for manage life on Earth. Emanations from vehicles, processing plants, clean, and dust and mould spores may be suspended as particles. Some air toxins are harmful; inward breath of contaminated air causes respiratory illnesses, for example, asthma, heart sicknesses, changes in lung capacity, and additionally expiration. Long haul presentation to contaminated air can bargain the development (particularly lung advancement) in youngsters. Air pollution is not limited to the earth: indoor pollution is additionally perilous to health. (Gall, Carter, Earnest, & Stephens, 2013). Car emissions from the A64 and the general smells associated with the land-based works particularly the dairy farm on the site creates a major amount of air pollution. The construction dusts and the dusts belonging to the demolished buildings also play a significant role in causing air pollution. Water Pollution- Water pollution is the sullying of water
Friday, November 1, 2019
SS402B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
SS402B - Essay Example tion procedures to be followed, procedures of assessment reporting, requirement documenting, confidentiality, procedures of recording, policies and procedures for continuous improvement, assessment cost, links with industrial system relations, link with quality management system, procedures of assessment appeal, policies in support of grievances of candidates, and arrangement s of partnership. In order to test and tag the electrical equipment to be used for assessment, there are a number of steps that shall be followed to ensure that this is done appropriately. First, the assessor will identify the equipment that needs to be tested then have them recorded in the register of electrical testing. The technical assistant needs to have calibrated the equipment within at least twelve months. Secondly the assessor would take a risk assessment of the equipment to find out the relevant testing frequency. The time frames for the equipment would also be set. A person who is competent would be engaged in the equipment testing. Thirdly, the tags and grant for electrical testing should be provided to the sites so as to help in the portable electrical equipment testing. The number of host sites would be identified, and resourced by testing tags and testing appliances. The training would then be organized for the electrical testers that are nominated. Fourthly, the individual sites would engage the trained staff members to take part in the testing. This trained staff member contacts the host sites so as to make an arrangement of access to the tags and testing equipments. From the hazard assessment and evaluation of risks in the work place of the assessment candidates, there were different types of breaches in the health and safety of the site. The common breaches found were that key precautions of the site were missing. The edge protection for the prevention of falls from a given height was missing managers of the site were poorly trained, the workers on the site had no
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
In the news 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
In the news 1 - Assignment Example Things have taken a new twist when Eduardo Campos was killed when a plane he was in crashed and the former environment minister was confirmed as his successor. Analysis predicts that Marina Silva as well as Rousseff have the same number of votes in the initial round that may result in a subsequent round of votes which may go in her favor. Miss Silva presents her candidature as a manner of fronting political renewal since she is neither a part of the Workers’ Party nor the PSDB which have been dominant in the politics of the country for the last twenty years. She has developed to be a viable alternative since she supports efforts towards change from both sides in Brazil while showing support for the business friendly policies making her win the sympathy of votes from the elite. It is ironic that her support amongst the middle class which has developed in the society in the last ten years is increasing among the Workers’ party administration. This may be happening as a result of people joining the formal job market and beginning to pay taxes which have changed their expectations. The Workers’ Party has lifted many Brazilians out of poverty through increases in minimum wage and school programs that have increased attendance. On the other hand, support dwindled when costs of transport started rising and police violence escalated in relation to the world cup. The approval ratings are rapidly decreasing but showed some improvement in July as a result of the World Cup running
Monday, October 28, 2019
Violence against Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Essay Example for Free
Violence against Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Essay In the past, society has been responsible in inculcating, indoctrinating and impressing on the minds of people that there are only two kinds of gender, either male or female. But in our modern setting, society has learned to adapt to the non-conformists in their midst in regards to this classification. But there are those who by virtue of their fear or upbringing, has raised the specter of violence against these individuals for no other reason than satiating their fear and hatred of gays and lesbians in this society. Can the incidence of violence against gays and lesbians be stopped? Should heterosexual society have justifications in their fear, or hate, of the â€Å"queer†people? In the article of Valerie Jennes and Kimberly Richman, Anti-Gay Violence and its Discontents (2002), there are recent crimes that seem to suggest just that. In a most heinous display of homophobia in the United States, one homosexual man from Wyoming, Matthew Shepard, was brutally killed by two assailants, Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson (Diane Richardson and Steven Seidman p. 403). In the course of the investigation, it was discovered that the victim allegedly made advances on the suspect which provoked the suspect to go into a murderous fit. Counsel for the defendants argued that the incident was triggered by the homophobic tendencies of the suspect (Richardson and Seidman 403). After the Shepard case, Billy Jack Gaither was murdered by friends of McKinney and Russell. Again, the reason cited in the investigations was homophobia. Gaither was hit repeatedly with an axe handle, and then set on fire using a pile of tires as kindling. All of the cases were done by reason of the fear of homosexuals and the alleged sexual advances made by the victims on the suspects (Richardson and Seidman 403). Cases like these only display one fact. It must be understood that this incidents present a throwback to the old ideas that there are only male and female roles to be filled in the society, and anything else is deviant. But in this day and age, many of those roles are adequately fulfilled in by the non-conformists in the society, those who aver that it is their choice or give weight to the biological factors that make them as such. Most of the LGBT sector is afraid of revealing themselves and being true to their identity because of the ridicule and the shame that they would be made to endure (Riki Wilchins 265). In any society, there is always the event that what that society fears the most, it learns to hate it, not because of anything that the object of that fear has, but in the mere fact that the object gives them the thought that this object found its way into that society. This seems to be the main driver of the hate against gays and lesbians. It is thios hate that drives them to commit crimes against homossexuals. In her article Coming Out, Professor Paula Rodriguez Rust explains the term as recognizing that an individual has feelings of attraction towards a member of their own sex, embrace a bisexual outlook, and be able to share that identity with others (Paula Rust 227). This must be done to be recognized as such since the society has been inculcated with the notion that all are heterosexual. Since this is the operative assumption, then all parents would expect that their children are heterosexual and conduct themselves in a heterosexual manner. If one were to replace this resident societal identity with another so-called â€Å"deviant†one, these individuals run the risk of being ostracized rather than accepted (Rust 227). A revealed homosexual, once he does so, will find that their relationships in the heterosexual society will be vastly different than the one held in that society. It means a change in the attitudes and disposition members of that society will accord that person, gay or lesbian. Relationships with the members of that society, especially close ones such as friends or family, will dramatically alter for the worse. One will experience the impoverishment of closeness of these relationships, since their behavior or identity runs against the grain of that society (Rust 227). One of the subjects Wilchins interviewed intimated about the shame that he felt every time that his mother would ask him to hold her bag in the shop (Wilchins 265). His partner said that he used to skip classes every time they would play baseball in the gym because of the comments about the feminine way that he threw the ball (Wilchins 265). It is evident from the reaction of these two individuals that the society they are in now still has to allow integration of their sector into the mainstream of the modern-day society. The modern society that the United States boasts of is still quite archaic in their beliefs, at least in this context. Through history has been replete with incidents of violent acts that focus on the gay and lesbian sector, it was only recently that the government have begun to accumulate the data on the different aspects of the crime of â€Å"gay bashing†(Richardson and Seidman 405). Before this time, verifiable information on the statistics of gay and lesbian violence was very hard to come by. It was not until the later 80s that scientific research work on the compilation of data regarding the causes and manifestations of the crimes against homosexuals that is vital in the work to address this issue has recently been accumulated. In the United States, there have been incessant calls for the authorities to look into and monitor incidents of crimes of bias, especially those affecting the gay and lesbian part of society (Richardson and Seidman 405). Heterosexism: Racism in a new light As the African Americans in the early history of the United States were subjected to racist initiatives, gays and lesbians were not spared from the ostracization of the society (Gregory Herek, PhD). Since the advent of the gay movement in the middle of the 1900s, many people have reprehended these individuals as sick, profligate and outright felonious. This line of thinking was given form by psychologist George Weinberg, coining the term homophobia (Herek). Weinberg (1969) used this term to quantify the fear of heterosexuals coming into close contact with homosexuals. His term was first printed in 1969, coming out in Weinbergs Society and the Healthy Homosexual in 1972 (Herek). So what is a homophobe (University of Florida)? In brief, a homophobe can be defined as a person with an intense hatred or dread of homosexuals. Heterosexism is the idea that a heterosexual is superior to a homosexual, and that homosexual relationships are not as legal or accepted as heterosexual ones. Heterosexism as a concept came about the same time as racism and sexism (Herek). As an ideology, the term came to define the actions of individuals to asperse, besmirch, and isolate any form of homosexual conduct or actions (Herek). In Wichins article, it was said that the gender issue is like some form of â€Å"closet†that gay and lesbians must be willing to come out of (Wilchins 266). This, according to Wilchin, is the area that is targeted by heterosexuals. As stated earlier, society has been impressed by a constant deluge of the need to conform to the genders and sexual types in the modern society. Male children are taught to talk, walk, and act like some Hollywood action star. If the actions of the children are in the least way feminine, they will be subjected to violence and debasement (Wilchins 266). They learn to abhor anything remotely connected to their feminine side, so that when they finally come up to one, they are more than willing to terminate that threat (Wilchins 266). This indifference and marginalized treatment of the gay and lesbian sector may be attributed to the invasive nature heterosexism has been influencing the dominant society. This can clarify the hidden nature that the gay and lesbian sector has been â€Å"operating†in the society. Again the dictates society declares that the practice of heterosexual activities and conduct is widely accepted and tolerated, and the practice of homosexual conduct is severely chastised and discouraged (Florida). If people who are known or are open in their practice of their identities are discovered, they are open to violent acts that seem to be perpetrated by the dictates of the society (Herek). In a 1987 report released by the United States Department of Justice on the statistics of bias crimes, it was found out that a majority of the targets of these crimes were minority group members, such as African Americans, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and gays and lesbians. It also noted that gays and lesbians were the most frequent victims of bias crimes. In other private-sponsored studies, crimes against homosexuals that were provoked or bought upon by homophobia and heterosexism topped the reasons for the commission of the crime (Richardson and Seidman 403). It seems that the main issue, however, in the issue of gays and lesbians in society is not that they operate, so to speak, in a different norm and manner. Rather, the issue is trying to create a niche in a heterosexual dominated society (Wilchins 267). Wilchins argues that the movement for the recognition for the rights of women ultimately bore enactment in laws for the benefit, in the same way that gay rights efforts ultimately gave rise to recognition of that sectors rights. If the gender issue is to discussed intelligently and objectively, then the gender rights movement must be bought out rather than hidden from the public agenda (Wilchins 267). For something to be discussed, what is needed is educated discussion, rather than making attempts at terminating the percieved threat. Can the violence against LGBTs be stopped? Again, we must go back to the freedom we speak of. It is recognized that many in the LGBT sector have risen up through the obstacles that this â€Å"modern†society has set up along their way and emerged triumphant, yet are still looked down upon, and in many instances, with hate permeating through the opposition. It is this hate that laws and statutes, however good they may be, cannot control, the choice of people to hate, to think ill of the gays and lesbians, and to concoct and perform violence against gays and lesbians. All that can be done is to make laws that are far more retributive against people who perform these acts. Federal and local governments should take the initiative in making laws or amending current statutes to give more protection for the gays and lesbians in the society. Unless modern society provides that niche by which the gays and lesbians can integrate themselves into the mainstream of society, it can be said that violence against gays and lesbians and others like them are likely to be a major problem. It is in the act of â€Å"modern†society to accept its diversity, not only in identity, but also in gender and preferences that it can be called a truly modern society. Works Cited Equality Maryland. â€Å"Hate Crimes Bill Heads to Governors Desk†. http://www. equalitymaryland. org/pr_2005/pr2005. 04. 09. htm Garnets, Linda and Kimmel, Douglas C. â€Å"Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experiences: Chapter 9: Finding a Sexual Identity and Community, by Paula Rust†. New York City: Columbia University Press (2003). Works Cited Herek, Gregory M. â€Å" Definitions: Sexual prejudice, homophobia, and heterosexism†. http://psychology. ucdavis. edu/rainbow/HTML/prej_defn. html Richardson, Diane and Seidman, Steven . â€Å"Handbook of Gay and Lesbian Studies: Valerie Jennes and Kimberly D. Richman†. California: Sage Publications (2002). Wilchins, Riki Anne. â€Å"Time for Gender Rights†. GLQ: A Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies Volume 10, Number 2 (2004). pp. 265-267. University of Florida. â€Å"What is heterosexism†? http://grove. ufl. edu/~ggsa/files/bboard/heterosexism. pdf.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
There has been an ongoing controversy in the United States on whether the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen like most of the world or if it should stay at twenty-one. Underage drinking has been a major controversial issue for years, yet why is it not under control? Teenagers are continuing to buy alcohol with fake identification cards, drink, get into bars, and drink illegally. As a teen I have proof that these things are going on not only in college but in high school as well. There are a lot of factors that come together to why the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen; the most obvious reason is too many people are drinking before they are twenty-one. Liquor stores, bars, and clubs all want to make money and if they can get away with selling to underage teens then they will. A study done by the Academic Search Premier agrees that, ?By now it is obvious that the law has not succeeded in preventing the under-21 group from drinking? (Michael Smith 1). There would be a lot of benefits to having the drinking age change to eighteen. The amount of binge drinking would lessen, and the out rage to drink would also decrease. According to Smith, ?Reports of binge drinking come from all types of campuses across the country. In 1992, researchers reported that more college?s students were drinking to get drunk than their counterparts a decade earlier, and one recent study reported an increase, just since 1994, in the number of students who drink deliberately to get drunk? (Smith 1). I interviewed my friend Shelly Mitchell who recently turned twenty-one and asked her how she felt about finally being legal to drink. She quoted, ?It is not as exciting to drink anymore, I mean I still like to go out with my friends to bars, but the fun is all over, in high school and college it was so exciting trying to get alcohol by using a fake ID.? All of these factors could be changed by lowering the drinking age to eighteen. In a study done by the Harvard School of Public Health, binge drinking is defined as five drinks in a row for boys and four drinks for girls. And when they did a survey they found that 44% of the students attending Harvard binge drink (Jeffrey Kluger 1).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Why Death Is Better Than Life in Prison?
Life in prison. When you look at the death penalty system in action, you realize that the only purpose it serves is retribution or revenge, it is seriously (and intrinsically) flawed in application and that there is a serious and continuing risk of executing innocent people. And, it costs much more than life in prison. Here are some facts about the death penalty system. While these refer to the system in the United States, similar things would apply to other nations as well. 130 people on death rows have been released with proof that they were wrongfully convicted. DNA, available in less than 10% of all homicides, can’t guarantee we won’t execute innocent people. If someone is convicted and later found innocent you can release him from prison, but not from the grave. The death penalty doesn't prevent others from committing murder. No reliable study shows the death penalty deters others. Homicide rates are higher in states and regions that have it than in those that don’t. Life without parole, on the books in 48 states, also prevents reoffending. It means what it says, and spending 23 of 24 hours a day locked in a tiny cell is not a picnic. Life without parole costs less than the death penalty. The death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison, mostly because of the upfront costs of legal process which is supposed to prevent executions of innocent people. (upfront=before and during the initial trial) The death penalty isn't reserved for the worst crimes, but for defendants with the worst lawyers. It doesn't apply to people with money. When is the last time a wealthy person was on death row, let alone executed? Families of murder victims are not unanimous about the death penalty. However, even families who have supported the death penalty in principal have testified that the drawn-out death penalty process is painful for them and that life without parole is an appropriate alternative. Problems with speeding up the process. Over 50 of the innocent people released from death row had already served over a decade. Speed up the process and we will execute innocent people. Sources: Death Penalty Information Center, www. deathpenaltyinfo. org, for stats on executions, reports on costs, deterrence studies, links to FBI crime stats and links to testimony (at state legislatures) of victims' family members.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reducing Racial Discrimination in the USA Essay
Between the periods of 1877-1981 there were many significant figures who contributed towards reducing racial discrimination in the USA. Although without events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, WWII or the actions of the NACCP to change attitudes towards African Americans, these individuals would have had little effect. The likes of Booker T Washington and Du Bois set the foundation for civil rights along with the Second World War; however other individuals such as Martin Luther King help to actively progress the movement. Along with this the government and various presidents more so in the latter of the period of 1877-1981 helped to change attitudes and enforce legislation which was vital in reducing racial discrimination in the USA. Booker T Washington began to provide the foundations to the civil rights movement in his actions. Although I believe that during this early period of the movement little was achieved, Washington was still able to provide education, and show African Americans that they had a future and it was at their own mercy. This helped to relieve some who were less fortunate. On the other hand Du Bois took a route which directly campaigned for civil rights for African Americans; alike to Washington he achieved little due to the already widespread racial situation in the USA. It is noticeable that these individuals had no short term meaningful effect on reducing racial discrimination, however much was achieved long term as they created the path for the civil rights movement in the future, this was also aided with the work from the NACCP, which raised awareness of the racial discrimination situation in America. Another individual which had little short term significance in reducing racial discrimination was Marcus Garvey, who unlike Du Bois and Washington believed that blacks and whites could not co-exist and they should be separate, he held the belief that African Americans had to start their own nation in order to advance. Whilst he failed to make much impact on the movement itself, alike to his predecessors Du Bois and Washington, his ideas were valued and widespread, they inspired many including future activists such as Malcolm X. Garvey gave African Americans at that time a sense of confidence that they would be able to advance as a race, and they need not be bound by the constraints of racial discrimination. This is why in the Long term Garvey was a valued activist, and his ideas were useful in progress in the movement towards equality. Also he gave confidence to other African Americans in campaigning against racial discrimination which could be seen in the likes of the Greensboro Sit Ins further into the civil rights movement. The likes of the NACCP helped to put an end to racial discrimination with the use of court cases and legal methods which were unlike the methods that the likes of Washington used with his attempts to educate. Examples of this were Brown Vs the board of education which the Supreme Court ruled in favor of reducing discrimination and segregation within schools. However the NACCP failed to diminish discrimination totally the organization still managed to do some good in the fight for equality. Furthermore, whilst the likes of Du Bois were unable to make a direct impact on reducing discrimination, he was able to work alongside the NACCP using other methods to succeed in his goals, and together this would reduce discrimination more. Therefore the NACCP played a more important role than early individuals in reducing racial discrimination towards African Americans through its early successes in successes in removing segregation, and although things to come would show to be more valuable to the civil rights movement, the NACCP was still a vital element in setting the foundation of the civil rights movement for the future. Although individuals had led the campaign for civil rights for African Americans throughout the early 20th century and towards the end of the 19th, as WWII commenced it would prove to be a key factor in aiding reduction of racial discrimination. It helped to change attitudes towards black American’s, as they went to war; they were portrayed to be worthy American citizens which changed many white American’s attitudes towards them. The war also created stepping stones for the likes of Martin Luther King to breach into the civil rights movement, therefore not only did it have an impact on black American’s, it also created some success for many civil rights activists. However the war did nothing to reduce discrimination towards other ethnic minorities, for example Japanese Americans received much racial discrimination due to Japan’s role in WWII. Although the war was bad for the civil rights of Japanese Americans, Chinese American’s received a better way of life, with more civil rights as America forged a great political relationship with China after the war due to their help during it. Therefore WWII was a great influence on reducing racial discrimination within the USA for only certain minorities, although for the likes of Japanese American’s way of life got worse as they were sent to camps until the war ended due to suspicions. The war was more important than earlier individuals as it had a direct impact on reducing racial discrimination, and further effect in the emergence of fresh civil rights activists who would later have a significant role in the movement. As the attitudes towards African Americans changed after the war in the 1940’s many civil rights activists saw their time to join the civil rights movement. One of these activists was Martin Luther King who used methods of non-violence in order to gain sympathy from whites and in doing so change attitudes towards black Americans. Although his views were similar to those of Du Bois’ views, King had more effect on reducing racial discrimination. Particularly in attempts to eliminate desegregation. This was likely to be partly due to how far the civil rights movements had advanced by King’s time, in particularly down to WWII which changed attitudes. King gave confidence to Black American’s; he used television and media to convey his ideas through speeches which were very influential and very much a trait of his. King was often compared as similar to Washington and Du Bois, although he did much more to reduce discrimination. His direct actions in the likes of the Montgomery Bus boycott. This event was critical in reducing racial discrimination as it saw black Americans united as one to fight for their cause, its success showed that with the unity of African Americans civil rights could be achieved, and also proved that the likes of King needed events such as the boycott to achieve anything as an activist. This event was significant to him. Also significant to King’s civil rights success was the use of television. With the use of television violence towards African Americans could be shown to a wider audience across the USA, and could hange attitudes. Therefore although King was more significant than his predecessors Washington, Garvey and Du Bois as an activist, this was partly due to what King had to work with such as television. Further to this, the likes of civil rights activists such as Cesar Chavez who was in the fight for reducing discrimination within Mexican Americans followed King’s policies of non-violence, this showed King was not only having an effect on black Americans. Chavez led the first farm workers union in America which was successful to some extent, and led to the reduction of racial prejudice. Although this wasn’t much compared to what the likes King had achieved with his use of speeches. In contrast to King’s policy of non-violence was the up and coming idea of ‘Black Power’ during the 1960’s. Originating from Garvey, violent civil rights activist Malcolm X worked to make the ideology more popular. The idea supported segregation, and blacks being supreme compared to white Americans, and again highlighted the ideas of African Americans starting their own nation. X’s beliefs of gaining equality by ‘any means necessary’ contrasted with King’s beliefs of non-violence which made King and X much like enemies during the 1960’s. However, X’s ideas had little or none effect on passing legislation and reducing discrimination. Although alike to Garvey X gave black Americans confidence, noticeably within the northern ‘ghettos’ in highlighting important issues of violence within these areas. Therefore X’s views of violence were greatly frowned upon, which always put him in the shadow of King who was always more significant in reducing racial discrimination in the USA. In the early stages of the civil rights movement the government played little role in reducing racial discrimination. However presidents began to get involved in the movement as it persisted. Eisenhower had the first real involvement in the movement when he sent federal troops for assistance in Little Rock, and the government enforced the Supreme Court ruling of the Brown case in the town. Kennedy had planned to enforce a Civil Rights Bill, although this was later enforced via Johnson along with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which gave black Americans the right to vote, and again reduced discrimination; this was a step in the right direction of equality. Further to this Nixon aimed to enforce desegregation in schools as well as helping the like of voting rights, employment discrimination and aid to the poor. Although Nixon was not as significant as Carter who later made attempts to get black Americans involved politically, appointing them in the judiciary. This enabled more blacks to have a say as well as improving their status in society. Therefore presidents played a key role as if they were for civil rights, then this could mean attitudes could be changed on a broader scale. This was important to the movement, and was more useful in reducing discrimination overall due to legislation passed which was showing that action was being taken against racial discrimination, unlike the role of previous activists such as Du Bois, Garvey, X and Washington who failed to have much impact on legislation. The most influential president was Johnson; he was able to pass legislation which made blacks equality to whites greater, such as the Voting Rights Act. Although the likes of King didn’t have the power to do this, civil rights activists made government aware of the racial situation in the USA. Therefore they were more significant than presidents. In the 1970’s and 1980’s further action brought forward the civil rights movement. The introduction of the Quota System meant that employers and universities had to take on a certain percentage of African Americans, and the situation for black Americans began to rapidly improve. Although this had much more significance than many activists in this later period, it was still influenced because of activists in the early stages of the civil rights movement, which make the likes of King more significant. In conclusion, in the period of 1877-1981 individuals were the most significant in reducing racial discrimination. Early activists such as Washington and Du Bois had little opportunity to reduce discrimination due to the widespread discrimination and the likes of the KKK, however, events such as WWII enabled activists to emerge, as attitudes towards African Americans had began to change. Using the ideologies of previous activists the most important individual King was able to use events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the likes of television to share his speeches and views, helping to pass legislation, change attitudes and give black Americans the confidence to further the civil rights movement. King helped to convey the on-going discrimination problem in the USA towards the government, which enabled presidents to take action with the likes of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which brought about further equality for blacks. Although towards the latter stages of the movement the government had more effect on reducing racial discrimination by passing legislation.
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