How do u write an essay
Controversial History Research Paper Topics
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Abigal Adams essays
Abigal Adams papers Abigail Adams Witness To a Revolution Abigail Adams was conceived on November 11, 1744 at Weymouth, Massachusetts. Abigail was frequently alluded as the spouse of one president and the mother of another. Her Family was of extraordinary distinction in the state. Her dad was a Congregational pastor, a pioneer in a general public that held its pastorate in high regard. Smith was one of Weymouth's generally prosperous and best-instructed residents. In the novel, she discovered that it was the obligation of the blessed to help the individuals who were less lucky by her dad. During her childhood, she was little, delicate youngster with light complexion and dull hair. Abigail was not taught yet her mother needed her to be a woman and thought instruction was for men. Her and her two sisters, Mary and Betsy, were fluctuate near one another. They delighted in inclining to individuals talk about French and Indian war around then. They adored individuals like George Washington who were daring and youthful and when the legislative leader of Virginia put him officer of a gathering of minute men. In 1761 Richard Cranch acquainted John Adams with the Smiths. He thought Abby and her sister Mary were brains. Before long Abigail began to balance d something appealing to John Adams. Sooner or later John Adams discovered business in Weymouth. He and Abigail started to begin to look all starry eyed at one another. John began to educate Abby concerning his childhood. He disclosed to her how he cherished swimming and spending time with companions like John Hancock. He disclosed to her how he needed to be a rancher and how his dad tried him on the off chance that he could deal with it. He said him and his dad went to chip away at the ranch. They stirred the entire day up to their knees in the mud. At that point his dad asked him do you like cultivating John answered yes. In any case, his dad didnt like it and constrained John in going to class. ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Psychology - Aggression Notes Essay Example for Free
Brain research Aggression Notes Essay Assess clarifications of institutional hostility (16 imprints) Strengths In Irwin and Cressey (1962) study they don’t see detainees having one worth. They take a gander at the subcultures inside jail. This shows the idea of the prisoners just as how they were raised and acknowledge different qualities. This is likewise upheld by Blomberg Lucken (2000) concentrate on prisoners. Anyway you could counter this point by saying its reductionist since it decreases down conduct to quantifiable units. Shortcomings Clemmer (1940) or McKorkle and Korn (1954) will in general propose than prisoners brought one all encompassing criminal subculture into the establishment. By adopting this comprehensive strategy they are disregarding the organic methodology. The importation model neglects to give recommendations to how to oversee forceful detainees. Recommending that you can oversee detainees and conflict with their freewill. Despite the fact that they might be forceful it may be a result of how they were sustained. Delisi (2004), it is unscrupulous to part with conceivable private records. This could be viewed as a penetrate of information assurance. This can be connected to Issue and Debates. Particularly the morals and the secrecy. AO3 †4 imprints †how science works: Methodological issues (inner legitimacy, environmental legitimacy, populace legitimacy, dependability) Bias (social predisposition, sex inclination) Discussions (nature/sustain, through and through freedom/determinism, reductionism/comprehensive quality) Approaches (psychodynamic, subjective, transformative, organic, social) morals A decent brain research exposition Be Selective In the test you will just have 30 minutes for each exposition so you wont have the option to compose a similar sum you do at home, in this way it is critical to make a couple of focuses and assess them well (potentially by utilizing contradicting focuses) instead of make heaps of focuses and surge the assessment. You don't need to make reference to everything in the book so as to get a decent imprint, its everything about quality, so simply ensure that on the off chance that you state something, and it is applicable and very much said. Use Evidence If you come to a meaningful conclusion, it is valuable to have proof from examines/investigations to back it up. You dont need to go insane with the technique of these investigations (yet a little wont hurt) however the most significant thing is to state how the examination underpins/doesn't bolster the hypothesis being referred to. It might feel like youre expressing the self-evident, yet this is the thing that additions marks. Use Issues and Debates Determinism, Reductionism, Gender Bias (Alpha and Beta), Culture Bias, Socially Sensitive Research/Theory, Reliability and Validity, just to give some examples! They arent too hard to even consider working into your paper, yet it is significant you clarify what every one methods and how it identifies with the hypothesis being referred to. You wont increase numerous imprints in the event that you show them without clarifying them altogether. Be Synoptic This is extremely significant. Could a thought be better clarified by another methodology? Has examine around there lead to any down to earth applications? (For example, medicines for mental scatters) This will show your comprehension of brain science in more noteworthy detail, and how it is significant, all things considered. Take a gander at the Bigger Picture Does this hypothesis/look into raise or lower the notoriety of brain research as a science? E.g.: does it depend on logical testing or is it theoretical? Have different investigations created comparable discoveries or do different examinations will in general negate its discoveries? Dont be totally negative! Make some positive assessments as well, and when you censure examines, you can generally propose manners by which they could be improved. You are relied upon to show an all encompassing perspective on brain science, and that implies valuing that there are the two qualities and shortcomings to studies and hypotheses. Check the time Remember; you dont have a lot of time to compose your articles in the genuine test, so attempt to adhere to 30 minutes for every exposition. Youll lose more stamps by spending too much time on one paper and insufficient on another, than by composing all expositions, however forgetting about a couple of focuses. When Revising I discover composing point by point paper plans helps, remembering notes for how I would assess. These would be far simpler to remember than entire articles, despite the fact that composing practice papers might be valuable too as it gets you used to time conditions. In the event that you feel yourself getting focused, or you are having an inability to think straight, enjoy a reprieve it is a sign youre buckling down! The best thing for this is to get a beverage (unquestionably keep liquid step up!) get a smidgen of outside air, and set aside some effort to clear your psyche. Regardless of whether it feels like your amendment isnt getting you anyplace, it will be, so dont alarm excessively! The truth is an agonizing thing Its more than likely that you wont have the option to recollect each moment detail, or recall all that you need to state in the test, yet dont let this concern you a lot of simply ensure the focuses you do make are truly all around clarified.
Growth of the World's Cities - Seattle, Washington, United States Assignment
Development of the World's Cities - Seattle, Washington, United States - Assignment Example The Seattle metropolitan zone has more than 3.6 million occupants making the metropolitan region. The noteworthy development of the city’s populace has adversely influenced how the city settles its occupants. In 2006, after the city developed by in excess of 4000 occupants for each year, the Seattle territorial organizers thought of extending the city to suit the expanding populace (Singh, 28). The City of Seattle, which is a Historical Core Municipality, developed 8.0 percent from 564,000 out of 2000 to 609,000 by 2010. This implies the region encountered a solid increment. The cutting edge Seattle is totally not the same as the chronicled Seattle. The extension of the city and the populace in the metropolitan territory has been serious (Singh, 45). As of now, Seattle city presently comprises to under 15% with regards to the metropolitan district populace. In 1950, Seattle city had just about 66% of King County populace and by 2010, the city was not exactly 33% of the populace in King County. While the city has kept on decreasing regarding the region’s populace, the midtown district is losing its noteworthy strength. By 2009, the territory had tumbled to 8% regarding the region’s work (Diers, 32). The inward rural areas in this way the regions that are outside the Seattle city represent right around 90 percent as far as development. Internal rural areas in the metropolitan locale incorporate the Eastern, southern and the northern piece of the King County. These areas experienced half of development hence 1,170,000 to just about 1,320,000. In any event 150,000 new occupants dwelled in the zone. Then again, the external rural areas zones, which incorporate the Snohomish and the Pierce County, developed 15.4 percent along these lines almost twofold Seattle development. On the other hand, the exurban territories development rates nearly took after the external rural areas development whereby the number of inhabitants in these zones developed by just about 15 percent (Singh, 76). A large portion of the urban and populace development in the Seattle district is related with the requirement for individuals to have occupations and a superior life.â â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cadbury India
CADBURY(the promoting systems of Cadbury India Ltd. ) Acknowledgment The fulfillment and happiness that go with the effective finishing of any assignment is deficient without the notice of individuals who made it conceivable. So I accept this as an incredible chance to pen down a couple of lines about the individuals to whom my affirmation is expected. It is with the most profound feeling of appreciation that I wish to put on record my genuine thanks †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. , my venture control for giving me motivation, consolation, direction, help and significant recommendations all through the undertaking. I might likewise want to thank all my respondent for giving me their important time and data. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Chapter by chapter guide Acknowledgment Page No. 1 Part I Chapter 1 Abstract Page No. 2 Chapter 2 Introduction Page No. 6 Chapter 3 Agency Profile Page No. 19 Part II Chapter 4 Research Design Page No. 29 Chapter 5 Servicing Analysis Interpretation Page No. 34 Chapter 6 Data Analysis Page No. 68 Chapter 7 Finding, Conclusion Suggestion Page No. 81 Part III Chapter 8 Appendices Annexure Page No. 6 Chapter 9 Bibliography Page No. 89 PREFACE The accomplishment of any business substance exclusively relies upon how viably does it uses its ideal assets and how before long does it make courses of action for the evacuation of the customer’s complaints. Additionally, the organization ought to consistently be prepared to roll out fundamental improvements as indicated by the necessities so as to draw in more clients in order to keep up a generous development in the market. The theme given to me was: â€Å"JOURNEY TO ZENITH OF CADBURY†I have attempted to invest my best amounts of energy to finish this undertaking based on ability that I have accomplished during my investigations in the organization. I have attempted to invest my most extreme energy to get the exact factual information. On the off chance that there is any blunder or any slip-up in gathering the information, if you don't mind right it in the most ideal manner as I am as yet learning. Section 1 Introduction The Cadbury’s Inc has accepted the open door to offer us a more extensive perspective on chocolate class. The Cadbury India’s no. 1 Chocolate can impart to their market bits of knowledge dependent on unmatched breath of chocolate experience. Cadbury has developed from solidarity to quality with new advances being acquainted with make the Cadbury confectionary business, one of the most proficient on the planet. The converge in 1969 with Schweppes and the resulting advancement of the business have prompted Cadbury Schweppes taking the drove in both, the confectionary and soda pop market intech UK and turning into a significant power in the universal market. Cadbury Schweppes today fabricates item in 60 nations and an exchange amazing 120. The Cadbury story is a captivating story of a privately-run company that developed in one of the greatest, most cherished chocolate brand on the planet. A story that you will recall as the tale of â€Å"The taste of life†. Part 2 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT My principle goal of the investigation on this undertaking is to show the advertising methodologies of Cadbury India Ltd. What's more, to show up at my discoveries, I have completed hardly any investigations:- (a) SWOT Analysis (b) PEST Analysis And likewise 5 P’s of Marketing:- †¢ Product †¢ Price †¢ Physical Distribution †¢ Promotion †¢ Positioning CHAPTER-3 RESERCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Achieving precision in any examination requires inside and out investigation with respect to the subject. As the prime goal of the venture is to contrast Cadbury and the current rivals in the market and the effect of Nestle on Cadbury, the examination technique embraced is fundamentally founded on essential information by means of which the latest and precise bit of direct data could be gathered. Auxiliary information has been utilized to help essential information any place required. Essential information was gathered utilizing the accompanying procedures Questionnaire Method Observation Method The fundamental instrument utilized was, the survey technique, perception strategy has been persistent with the poll strategy, as one constantly watches the general condition he works in. Strategy of research system # Target geographic territory was Delhi. NCR and Aligarh. # To these topographical territory survey was given. # Finally the gathered information and data was investigated and aggregated to come to information the end result and proposals given. Wellsprings of auxiliary Used to acquire data on , Cadbury and its rival history, current issues, arrangements, strategies and so forth, any place required. # Internet # Magazines Newspapers CHAPTER-4 ABOUT CADBURY THE LEGEND CALLED CADBURY 1824 †A business was opened in 1824 by a youthful Quaker, John Cadbury, in Bull road Birmingham was to be the establishment of Cadbury Limited, presently one of the world’s biggest maker of chocolate. 1831 †By this year the business had transformed from a basic food item shop a nd John Cadbury had become a producer of drinking chocolate and cocoa. This was the beginning of Cadbury producing business as today is known. A bigger production line in Bridge Street Birmingham was leased in 1847, John Cadbury was joined by his sibling Birmingham and the business became Cadbury Brother of Birmingham. 861 †John Cadbury surrendered his business and gave over to his children, Richard, 25 and George, 21 who following 5 troublesome years nearly shut down the business to take up other occupation. Luckily for age of chocolate sweethearts, they didn’t. 1866 †Saw a defining moment for the organization with the presentation of a procedure for squeezing the cocoa spread from the coca beans. This not just empowered Cadbury Brothers to deliver unadulterated coca quintessence, yet the ample flexibly of coca spread remaining was additionally used to make new sort of eating chocolate. The embodiment was publicized as ‘Absolutely unadulterated, in this way best’. 1879 †Business thrived from this time and Cadbury Brother grew out of the Bridge Street plant, moving in 1879 to a ‘Greenfield’ site a few miles from the focal point of Birmingham which came to call Bourneville. The opening of the Cadbury production line in a nursery additionally proclaimed another time in mechanical relations and worker government assistance with joint conference being only one of the presented by the spearheading Cadbury Brothers. 1899 †In this year the business private restricted organization †Cadbury Brothers Limited advancement since the beginning of the century. Chocolate has moved being a â€Å"luxury†thing to well inside the budgetary reach of everybody. 1905 †Cadbury has numerous well known brands with one of significant example of overcoming adversity being Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate propelled in 1905, today Britain’s most loved moduled chocolate bar. Cadbury today is the market chief in the U. K chocolate confectionary advertise, utilizing the most developed handling innovation and the board data and control strategies. The organization is the confectionary division of Cadbury Schweppes plc which is significant power in the confectionary and soda pops global market. Overall Cadbury is one of the pre †prominent names in confectionary with amazing scope of renowned brands. Quality has been the focal point of the Cadbury business from the earliest starting point as ages have attempted to create chocolate with that exceptionally unique taste, perfection and snap, so attributes of Cadbury’s chocolate. Hierarchical STRUCTURE Design Development Milk chocolate for eating was first made by Cadbury in 1897 by adding milk powder glue to the dim chocolate formula of cocoa mass, cocoa spread and sugar. By today’s norms this chocolate was not especially acceptable as it was extremely coarse and dry and was not sweet or smooth enough for open tastes. Around then there was a lot of rivalry in the U. K from mainland fabricates, the French with their extravagant chocolates as well as from the Swiss, who were eminent for their milk chocolate. Driven by George Cadbury junior, the Bourneville specialists set out to address the difficulty. A lot of time and cash was spent on investigate and new plant configuration to create the new chocolate in much huge amounts. Another formula was planned new milk and new creation forms were created to deliver milk †chocolate not only on a par with Swiss chocolate however superior to the imported milk chocolate. Four years of difficult work were put resources into the undertaking and in 1905 what was to be Cadbury’s top selling brand was propelled. Three names were viewed as Jersey, Highland Milk and Dairy Maid. Dairy Maid became Dairy Milk and Cadbury’s Dairy Milk with its interesting flavor and smooth rich surface was prepared to challenge the Swiss mastery of the milk chocolate showcase. By 1913 it had become the company’s smash hit line and in the mid twenties Cadbury’s Dairy Milk picked up its status as the brand chief, a place that it has held from that point forward. Today in excess of 250 million bars of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk are made each year and deals reach more than 100 million Pound in esteem. While publicizing and name configuration have changed with style and extensive steps have been made in assembling advances, the formula for Cadbury’s Dairy Milk its ‘glass and a portion of full cream milk in each half pound produced’ is still essentially equivalent to when it was propelled. Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Story Chocolate has been delighted in by progressive age since the assembling procedure was created in the Victorian Times. Great chocolatiers is a work of art relying upon formula conventions, which have become throughout the years. Chocolatiers have utilize their aptitudes to make adjusted formula where all the fixings join to delivered chocolate with all the attributes that empower full delightful taste to be appreciated
Cambridge Essay Samples - Know When to Use Them
Cambridge Essay Samples - Know When to Use ThemMost students do not take the time to find out the good Cambridge essay samples and decide which one is best for them. Why do you think that is so?When you go through life, you find out that people are not always what they seem. That is because people only have two options. One is to deny and the other is to admit and that is why most people tend to forget the first option.As a matter of fact, a lot of people are faced with these two choices and it is in that moment that they will give their best shot for a job interview. Many would admit that they are not very good at it or even worse that they are not ready for it. The result is that they land themselves in a situation where they will be turned down.In this situation, it is easy to understand why some people do not consider going to college and opting to go to academic courses in order to be a better person. These people are more than ready to get a job even if they have to work from h ome. It is only when they realize that going to school is the way to improve their skills that they make the decision to do so.When you find yourself at a point like this, it is best to take your time and see what works best for you because you never know what your real world is going to throw at you. In the same way, the same applies to Cambridge essay samples.If you want to know if you are wasting your time going to school when there are plenty of better options available, then you can start by checking out some online forums. By doing so, you will be able to find out about the various types of samples that are available and the ways you can use them.Once you have checked those out, it is time to start looking at the pros and cons of those learning strategies. You can then decide for yourself if this is something that you want to take on full time.That is the good thing about online forums, they help you take your time. You can then decide how long it is going to take for you to b uild up your resume and look for a job.
Monday, June 29, 2020
2019 Best Brightest Emma Wernecke, Notre Dame (Mendoza)
Emma Wernecke 2019 Best Brightest: Emma Wernecke, Notre Dame (Mendoza) by: Jeff Schmitt on March 21, 2019 | 0 Comments Comments 1,138 Views March 21, 2019Emma WerneckeUniversity of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Businessâ€Å"Energetic leader, creative thinker, travel-enthusiast, and Georgia peach learning to thrive in Midwest winters.†Fun fact about yourself: I lived alone in New York City when I was 15 and 16 years old to train with professional ballet company summer programs.Hometown: Peachtree City, GeorgiaHigh School: Starr’s Mill High SchoolMajor: Information Technology ManagementMinor: Concentration in Business AnalyticsFavorite Business Course: Business Problem Solving, Systems Analysis and DesignExtracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:Honors:Eugene D. Fanning Award for Business Communication Finalist 2018Beta Gamma Sigma Honor SocietyDean’s List (4 years)Leadership:Mendoza College of Business Peer MentorUndergraduate Women in Business MentorConsulting Case Interview Workshop LeaderTeaching Assistant; Application DevelopmentTeaching Assistant; Statistical Inference for BusinessTutor; Accounting IActivities:PR Manager, Choreographer, Dancer; Notre Dame Dance CompanyTour Guide; Office of Undergraduate AdmissionsMedia Relations Intern; Athletics Communications OfficeLondon Study Abroad programWelcome Weekend CaptainCommunity Work: Keychains 4 CURE, founder and ownerChildhood Cancer Awareness speaker at various eventsWhere have you interned during your college career?CURE Childhood Cancer (Atlanta, Georgia) Patient and Family Services InternStryker Corporation (Kalamazoo, Michigan) Emergency Medical Services Marketing InternErnst Young (Chicago, Illinois) Risk Advisory InternWhere will you be working after graduation? McKinsey Company – Business AnalystWho is your favorite professor? Sharif Nijim – In addition to making me fall in love with the IT major, Sharif constantly shared his b ig heart with our class through dropping tidbits of wisdom. Despite being insanely busy as the Senior Director for IT Delivery at Notre Dame – not to mention a professor, a graduate student, and a father – he always makes time for his students. He is someone I can rely on for honest insight and advice, and I look forward to staying in touch after graduation. Thank you for being you, Sharif!What did you enjoy most about your business school? I could say countless wonderful things about my experience at Mendoza, but what I have appreciated most is the school’s mission to â€Å"Ask More of Business.†The professors design classes to include hands-on project experiences to make us think as business leaders and develop our abilities to use business as a force for good in the world. This mission encourages students to stay grounded and responsible as we pursue careers after graduation. It’s one thing to teach students how to become successful businesspeo ple, but it’s another thing to transform them into quality business leaders.What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? More than anything else, studying business has taught me to believe in myself and set high goals. Through my classes and with the support of my professors and peers, I have gained confidence in my public speaking, ability to connect with others, ability to lead and motivate a team, my organization and time management. When I first started recruiting and interviewing, despite having faith in my abilities, I was often intimidated and overwhelmed by the intensity of the entire process. However, I have proved to myself throughout my time in Mendoza that I can achieve what I set my mind to, and I should always aim high. One of my favorite motivational quotes is â€Å"She thought she could and so she did,†and I believe it has really described my development as a result of studying business.What advice would you give to a student looking t o major in a business-related field? I believe that studying business can give you a very well-rounded and comprehensive education in which you gain technical, leadership, and presentation skillsets that are potentially difficult to cultivate in other fields. Use the many opportunities to build your confidence and refine your skills. Be creative, find your passions, and commit yourself to become a transformative and motivating leader.What has surprised you most about majoring in business? Business is the foundation of innovation and progress for our world! I have been surprised by the vast number of paths and different opportunities there are to pursue†¦ and if something doesn’t already exist, then it can be created! Before my time at Mendoza, I didn’t realize that there are so many doors that open when you stay connected with a strong network and have enriching conversations. â€Å"If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying†¦Forensics/Criminal Justice. I know the field is far more in-depth than my favorite TV show Criminal Minds leads us to believe, but I used to fantasize about becoming an FBI or CIA agent, using technology, psychology, and analytics to solve problems and protect our country.Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? My dad, who manages the Charter Department for Delta Air Lines, most influenced my decision to pursue business. He essentially created his niche department, in which the airline charters professional and college teams to all of their games, and he overcame many challenges to grow it from a $15 million business to a $360 million business for Delta. From childhood, I was always curious about his job: it became habit to ask what he did each day at work and to truly understand it (as well as insert my own perspective). He has always encouraged me to stay inquisitive, to connect with others, and to reach for the stars. I look up to him as a business role model and admire his perseverance, steadiness, and positivity.What academic or professional achievement are you most proud? I am proud of my drive to make a difference, especially for those who need it most. During my junior year of high school, I started a small business, Keychains 4 CURE, to raise money to support childhood cancer research. What started as an idea and a set of homemade keychains to sell at small community events turned into online national sales, participation in national childhood cancer events, and thousands of dollars donated to CURE Childhood Cancer. Since that time, my whole family has become involved with the cause, with my dad now sitting on the Board of Directors for CURE. I take any opportunity I have to speak about childhood cancer to raise awareness, and I enjoy spending time with children in our local pediatric oncology unit when I get the chance. My parents instilled in me the importance of giving back from a young age, and I am grateful to attend a b usiness school where this social responsibility is so emphasized!Which classmate do you most admire? I truly admire my dear friend, Kirsten Snook. She is an extremely smart, talented, and dedicated individual with a huge heart, and from our first ever Notre Dame Dance Company auditions to now, her support of me has been constant. However, not only does she support me†¦ I admire how much of a role model she is for my younger sister who is pursuing the same field of medicine. When I cannot provide the best advice for my sister, I know Kirsten can help. Although I typically don’t enjoy going to the doctor, I can’t wait to visit the future Dr. Snook!Who would you most want to thank for your success? There are too many people that have been instrumental in my personal, academic, and professional growth to thank just one. So, a HUGE thank you to every single family member, friend, professor, classmate, co-worker, peer, and mentor who has supported me and challenged me t o grow and succeed. I am beyond grateful, and I would not be who I am today without their unwavering support.What are the top two items on your bucket list? Complete the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage across northern Spain!Publish a children’s book. When I was younger, I had a very vivid dream that inspired me to write a picture book called If My Closet Were a Mall. I hope that one day I will fulfill 2nd grade Emma’s dream and actually write it!What are your hobbies? Dancing, traveling, running, yoga, making to-do lists, crossing things off the aforementioned lists, belting out musical theatre songs in the carWhat made Emma such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2019?â€Å"Emma was a student in my fall 2018 undergraduate Business Problem Solving course. This course is a fast-paced and intensive course where students are required to solve complex business problems in a compressed timeframe. Students receive problems from top consulting firms, and over the c ourse of the week, structure the problem, define the important considerations and present back a well-supported recommendation to the panel of consultants. Students are evaluated based on their recommendation, and their ability to present back a convincing recommendation.Throughout the class, Emma demonstrated a strong ability to work on client problems in a team environment and to deliver back solutions in a clear and concise way. Emma consistently received excellent marks from the panel of consultants throughout the semester. And beyond the firms, Emma was ranked as a top presenter by her peers in every presentation.Beyond the client projects, Emma has impressed me with her professionalism, work ethic, and positive attitude. Emma was a consistent and excellent contributor to classroom discussions. She always came prepared and frequently built off the comments of others.Her work ethic was consistently demonstrated in individual assignments. She cared about her work, and it show ed. The final semester project she decided to tackle a larger problem than was required, focused around addressing the strategic growth needs of a non-profit in her hometown, specifically around raising more awareness and funding. Emma spent time getting to understand the needs of the stakeholders and delivered a thoughtful and professional recommendation to the board of directors. I will be using Emma’s approach and work product as an example for years to come.Emma’s positive attitude is contagious. She always has a smile on her face and a warm and kind welcome for everyone. I saw this first-hand in her interactions with her team and classmates, but this was further instilled as I read the peer evaluations she completed. She took the time to provide thoughtful feedback for every member of her team on their strengths and opportunities for improvement.†Wendy Angst Associate Teaching Professor Asst. Dept. Chair, Management Page 1 of 11
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Analysis Of Frederick Douglass s Working Class...
Frederick Douglass’s speech on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Emancipation in the District of Columbia on April 16, 1888 revealed the rage that Douglass had felt upon witnessing the conditions of his fellow black men in the South, particularly in Georgia and South Carolina. In his address he defined the liberation of African Americans from slavery as a fraud as white supremacy in the South has enabled white men to continuously hold dominance over black people. This dominance was not only prevalent in the ubiquitous presence of whites in the Congress, but also in the laws that put black working class under the control over their white employers. Tara Hunter’s â€Å"Working Class Neighborhoods and Everyday Life†similarly discusses the†¦show more content†¦The power that white men possess, particularly in the South, has become so great that black people’s liberty is not guaranteed despite Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Tara Hunter offers the mass incarceration of black men and women as an example of the different methods the South had utilized in order to enslave black people. In the 1860s, public demands to end police brutality towards African-Americans arose as police officers arrested and imprisoned black folks on the basis of getting higher salaries and promotions. According to Hunter, 60% of individuals arrested in Atlanta in the 1880s were black men, despite black men only constituting 44% of the population. 80% of black women were also apprehended, 90% of them were actually sent to jail, but yet again black women only made up half of the female population. This mass incarceration of black people benefitted the state as they were sent to work in chain gangs to perform physical labour as form of â€Å"punishment†, which in reality was an alternative to slavery. Therefore, although in legal terms slavery was abolished, to believe that this was the reality being practiced is nonsensical. Furthermore, Douglass uses the condition of the black plantation workers to strengthen his claim. These plantation workers are systematically and comprehensively swindled of his earnings through the trucking system. This device allowsShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPerspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian
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